Quick Transmigration: The Concubine

Chapter 732 Is everything he said true?

Chapter 732 Is everything he said true?
"Jiuyuan...don't be impulsive!" Seeing that the young man's expression became more and more ugly, the redness at the beginning has gradually turned purple, and tears rolled in her eyes.

Su Lingze's face was completely iron-blue.

"Qing'er, don't worry." The man's ferocious expression disappeared instantly, and the movements of his hands were also retracted.

"How could I really attack him? Anyway, this is my nephew." He laughed.

Yeah, how could he do it?

No matter how much he wanted him to die, he wouldn't do it in front of Feng Qinglan!
Although if this kid hadn't destroyed his primordial spirit with a ray of primordial spirit, he would have already taken his Qing'er to sleep and fly together, as for Su Lingze?
I really lost my mind a long time ago!
As much as he liked Feng Qinglan, he wished for Su Yuchen's death!
After all, if he hadn't intervened, how would he have faced the current situation?
What's more, Qing'er didn't remember anything at that time, and she won't remember it in the future. In the days to come, he was the only one!
It was such a great opportunity that was missed because of his serious injury!
How can he not hate! ?

But he didn't want to, because of this incident, Ling's woman would hate him in the future.

Therefore, he will not do anything to Su Yuchen, at least as long as Feng Qinglan is still in this world, he will not.

As for Su Lingze...

Ha ha!

"Jiuyuan, what exactly do you want to do?" Feng Qinglan tried her best to suppress the anxiety in her heart, seeing that he was already a little crazy.

Today's Jiu Yuan is really far from the former him, which inexplicably makes her feel uncertain.

Hearing this, Jiu Yuan smiled slightly, and said softly: "Qing'er, come here, I have something to tell you."

"Qing'er..." Su Lingze's whole body froze, she subconsciously wanted to reach out to pull her, but she forcibly endured it.

Although she was a little wary of Jiu Yuan, but at this moment, with her own son in his hands, she didn't hesitate at all, and walked over directly.

She was standing beside Jiu Yuan, at this moment she had already made a decision, if he really wanted to do something later, even if she died, she would save Su Yuchen!

And with her current position, she can throw Su Yuchen to a safe place immediately.

And she believed that Su Lingze could take him away safely.

At this moment, Jiu Yuan simply sat cross-legged on the ground, just one step away from the boy.

"Qing'er, do you really like him, and you must have him?" The man didn't make any other movements. Under the gaze of the woman, he opened his mouth slowly, and his eyes fell on the man not far away.

Feng Qinglan paused for a moment, did not speak, and fell silent.

Her silence made some people happy and others worried.

Su Yuchen watched Su Lingze's expression become lonely, and looked at his mother's expression, he was also very conflicted.

But Jiu Yuan next to him was staring at him. He hadn't calmed down yet, and his mood was complicated. Even if he wanted to say something, he didn't know where to start.

And Jiu Yuan naturally had a flash of joy in his eyes.

He didn't dwell on this anymore, but changed the subject.

"You probably don't know why he was taken with the love potion back then, right?" Jiu Yuan cracked his lips and smiled, with resentment in his smile and joy that couldn't be concealed.

As soon as these words came out, Feng Qinglan didn't say anything yet.

Su Lingze's expression became painful in an instant, he gritted his teeth, all he could do was close his eyes and not say a word.

Seeing the man's expression in his eyes, Jiu Yuan licked his lips, the smile on his face was inexplicably cold.

There is something absolutely provocative in the action.

"I've always been doing it for your own good. Do you know..." His voice was deliberately elongated, as expected, upon hearing his words, the man opened his eyes and looked straight over, with deep warning in his purple eyes .

That's what it feels like!

He just wants Su Lingze to feel the despair he once felt!

Not feeling well?

There was a gleam in his eyes.

"Back then he drugged himself! The love potion was drugged by himself, do you know? Qing'er, what do you think he wanted to do by doing this?" He was smiling, and his smile was so bright.

He seemed to have seen the break between the two.

Everything at the beginning was nothing but a bad fate!
And it was caused by Su Lingze!
"It was he who ruined everything about you, and he also ruined your chance to be with Lord Jinhuan, Qing'er... I killed him back then, just to avenge you!"

A sentence, like thunder, exploded in my mind.

Feng Qinglan's figure was tilted, and she staggered back a few steps, her eyes were full of disbelief!

That's right... As the young master of the Demon Realm, who else could poison him except himself?
Who dares?

The man's face was extremely pale in an instant, as if he had lost all his vitality in an instant, haggard was the only feeling he gave people now.

"Mother's empress..." Su Yuchen also turned pale with panic, subconsciously opening her mouth to say something.

But Feng Qinglan was not in the mood to care about anything else at all right now, she turned around in a daze, and set her eyes on the man.

Seeing him like this, she already believed in her heart, but she still opened her mouth to ask word by word with difficulty, "Aze... Is what Jiuyuan said true?"

"Yes..." He smiled weakly, and he didn't have any intention to hide any more. The short two words seemed to have exhausted all the strength in his body, and his voice was hoarse.

When this matter was exposed, he felt relaxed and without any guilt, but at the same time he also knew that maybe from now on, he would really lose her forever...

However, he absolutely does not want to!

What was the point of his life without her?

Don't want to give up, let alone give up!

For so many years, he has even done the most annoying thing for women. For tens of thousands of years, he has been cautious and fearful that she will know the truth. Why?
It is nothing more than the hope that we can be together forever!
His fists were clenched tightly, his nails sank into his palms, and blood flowed out from between his fingers, but he didn't feel any pain.

"Qing'er..." He breathed out deeply, almost with difficulty, "I'm sorry, it was all my fault back then."

Feng Qinglan suddenly felt that the blood in her whole body was frozen, her whole body was icy cold, her heart was cold, and the pain filled her heart instantly.

That feeling can't be put into words at all.

"Hehe, what's the use of saying I'm sorry? I knew this before, so why bother? You ruined Qing'er..." Before the woman could speak, Jiu Yuan sneered with disdain.

"Shut up!" However, before he finished speaking, Su Lingze interrupted him coldly!

Jiu Yuan shrugged his shoulders, he didn't care about his anger, and even had a happy smile on his face.

He wanted to see it, what else did he want to say?
(End of this chapter)

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