Chapter 733 My Pride
Just relying on this one thing he did, it was enough for Qing'er to send him to the [-]th floor of hell without hesitation!

Never forgive!
He has been waiting for this day, and finally let him wait, how can he not be happy?
"Feng Qinglan." The man ignored Jiu Yuan's provocation, and walked over with difficult steps.

Standing beside the woman, he fixedly looked at her without blinking his eyes.

Three words spit out from the mouth.

He hadn't called her name for a long time, and it was the first time he called her so solemnly.

Feng Qinglan held back her tears and didn't fall, and didn't make a sound.

"I like you." The man suddenly raised the corners of his lips and smiled, and there seemed to be a gleam of light in his purple eyes, which was amazing.

His voice is so gentle and watery, as if all the gentleness in this life has been used in these few words.

"I know, you won't forgive me for anything I say.

But Qing'er, I have liked you for almost 30 years.From the first sight, it's up to you. "

"So I often went to heaven, at most, to meet you and become friends with you, which made me happy for many days, many days, tossing and turning every day, for fear that when I woke up, I would find that everything was the same. a dream..."

He stretched out his hand to gently caress her cheek, tenderly, but what was even more touching was that his fingers trembled slightly, and immediately after, his eye sockets turned red.

"I used to think that as long as I can be together all the time and travel all over the world, I don't want anything."

He finally shed tears, "But ever since I knew that you liked Mrs. Jinhuan... I was really scared, so scared that I would lose you. Qing'er..."

His voice was trembling, choked with sobs, regardless of the woman's expression, he suddenly reached out and hugged her tightly in his arms, buried his face deeply on her neck, sobbing softly, "I know what I did is wrong, But at that time, apart from this method, I had nowhere to go..."

"But do you know? When you agreed to marry me, I really felt that I would have no regrets in this life. Even if I would die in the next second, I would be happy."

"I can still get to this point now, and I am very satisfied."

He didn't give the woman a chance to speak at all. After raising his head, he took two steps back with a relieved smile on his face, "I know I ruined your wish, but if I want to see you marry someone else with my own eyes, You might as well just kill me."

His voice was very calm, and apart from the tear stains on his face, his true emotions could not be seen, but Feng Qinglan was very clear about the decisive meaning in his words.

Unconsciously, she reached out and touched her neck, and there were tears left by the man.

Her fingertips trembled slightly, she looked at him, her expression trying to be calm, not to let herself show any other expressions.

"What's the use of talking so much? Some things, if you do it, you do it, and it's irreparable!" Jiu Yuan despised these the most, and at the same time, he was afraid that Qing'er would soften his heart, so he said coldly.

Su Lingze was not in the mood to talk to him at all, "Being able to go through so many worlds with you, and to have another obedient Xuan'er, probably really exhausted all my luck."

"I know you must hate me very much now. All I can do is pay it back with this life." He was still smiling. No matter whether he was a young prince or a demon king later, he never showed such a bitter yet gentle expression. Smile too.

How similar is this scene?

Back then, he was begging to marry her, but now he was begging to die!
As soon as he finished speaking, his palms were reversed, and in an instant, there was a purple long sword in his hand. He handed the hilt to Feng Qinglan, "It is my honor to die in your hands."

The woman grasped the long sword, still a little dazed, her expression finally changed, surprised, puzzled, sad, painful, and finally turned into complicated.

The palm of her hand trembled unconsciously, and the hand she raised the long sword fell down weakly, and finally her heart froze, and when she was about to throw the sword, suddenly a big hand tightly held her hand!

Before she could react, there was a "chi" sound, and the sound of the sword piercing into the flesh came...

Feng Qinglan's eyes widened immediately, and she lowered her head in disbelief.

I saw Su Lingze holding her hand with one hand, and the long sword had already sunk into her body.

"Father!" Su Yuchen roared hoarsely, he wanted to rush over, but his body was covered in bloodstains, but he couldn't break free no matter what!

"You..." The blood slid down the long sword, staining his robe red in an instant, and the blood fell on the ground drop by drop.

Feng Qinglan's voice trembled, and she wanted to let go subconsciously, but the man's strength made her unable to hold back at all!
Su Lingze smiled, grabbed her hand a little more forcefully, the long sword was still two inches away, but he stabbed it all down again abruptly!
"Cough..." The man coughed lightly, and bright red blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Don't..." Feng Qinglan cried out in pain, but her strength couldn't stop it at all, so she could only watch helplessly as the long sword sank, leaving only the hilt exposed.

"Aze..." She choked up and staggered back a few steps. This time the man let go of his hand, allowing her to let go of the grip on the hilt of the sword.

But the woman couldn't help but shed tears, she looked up at the pale-faced man almost uncontrollably, and the blood fell down like it didn't cost money.

But he didn't feel any pain. He raised his hand to wipe her tears, and said softly and weakly: "I'm sorry for making you... suffer so much."

I'm really sorry...

He in every world is such a bastard, and made her suffer a lot.

After learning about all the memories before, his first thought was to hope that both of them would stay in the small world.

The second is to owe her an apology.

One sentence instantly made the woman burst into tears. She cried and shook her head, ""

Su Lingze didn't take it seriously, he raised his hand and grabbed the hilt of the sword.

Seeing his actions like this, Feng Qinglan was startled, and quickly grabbed his arm, panicked, "What are you going to do!?"

"This sword is my apology to you..." He murmured, and the next moment he was about to pull out the long sword forcefully.

"No! I don't accept it! I don't need it!" The woman grabbed his arm vigorously, preventing him from moving, her voice was cold and ruthless!
Su Yuchen was still struggling, but with his strength, he couldn't break free at all.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiuyuan always felt that things were beyond expectations, and Qing'er was clearly reluctant to let him die...

Anger arose from the bottom of his heart, and more

Jealousy, now he doesn't care about Su Yuchen who is covered in injuries, and walks over directly, "Qing'er, he deserves to die for doing something like that, why do you want to stop him?"

"Jiuyuan, shut up!" Feng Qinglan interrupted him coldly, almost crying, "It's my business to let him die, what's your business!?"

(End of this chapter)

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