Divine Book Era

Chapter 194 Sun Star Soul

Chapter 194 Sun Star Soul (please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass!)
"This is... Sun Star Soul!"

Liu Xiu thought, but couldn't speak.

When the earth sends out murderous intent, the earth dragon rolls; when the sky sends murderous intent, the stars descend.

The stars descended, and the souls of the stars descended into the world one by one, falling on the predestined people.Liu Xiu was very lucky, five consecutive star souls were hit on the head and became the five-star lord.Along the way, the soul of the star was refined without any twists and turns, and it was not sniped or killed.

It's just that some people have very bad luck.

"You are really unlucky. You got the Sun Star Soul, but you didn't have time to refine it, and you were besieged by powerful enemies, and all your cultivation bases were destroyed. You are not far from death!" Liu Xiu sighed in his heart.

"To save or not to save!"

Thinking about it, Liu Xiu couldn't help hesitating.

If this woman is saved, cause and effect will be formed invisibly. This woman's identity is not simple, and it will bring him endless troubles, even death.

"This girl has the sun star soul, which has not yet been refined. I can take it forcibly and refine it into the soul. At that time, I will be the master of the six stars..." Another thought flashed in Liu Xiu's mind. Full of meaning.

The sun star is the second-ranked star among the stars in the sky, second only to the Emperor Taiziwei star.

If the sun star is refined, Liu Xiu's own fate will be improved again, and she will get good luck.

No one would dislike the renminbi in their hands, which is too much; and no one would dislike the soul of the stars, which is too much.

At this moment, the Sun Star Soul has not yet been refined, so Liu Xiu can easily snatch it; the woman in front of her is seriously injured, her breath is as thin as a thread, and she has only one breath left, Liu Xiu can easily kill her, murder her for money, kill her There is no risk in winning the treasure, and the great opportunity is right in front of you.

All of a sudden, the eight words "seek money and kill, kill to seize treasure" flashed in her mind, and Liu Xiu woke up with a start, covered in sweat, and her greed dissipated.

There is greed in people's hearts, but because of greed, they ruin their virtues and lose money to the extreme.

On the earth, murder for money is a derogatory term;
In this world, killing and seizing treasure is a neutral term.

"For the sake of a mere sun star soul, it is to seek money and kill. What is the difference between me and those criminals on earth? Doctors have a parental heart, and doctors should love patients like parents. On earth, some doctors , harming the patients, curing a minor illness into a serious illness, curing a serious illness into death, ruining medical ethics!"

"Now, I am capturing the Sun Star Soul, killing patients, and what is the difference between me and those bad doctors!"

In a moment, Liu Xiu strengthened her Dao heart and began to heal.

The silver needles flew out one by one and landed on some of the woman's acupuncture points. Liu Xiu stimulated the green dragon wood energy to nourish some injuries, but the injuries still did not improve.

"The Qi of the Beginning!"

"Nine Spirits Immortal Qi!"

At this moment, Liu Xiu no longer kept it, activated the three major divine veins, and immediately absorbed two supreme auras from the void, and then infused them into the woman's body. Immediately, the injuries on the woman's body began to be contained, and gradually It got better.

About half an hour later, the woman's injuries had stopped, and she began to recover.

Liu Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, and the villagers on the side stepped forward and wiped the sweat off Liu Xiu's body.

Liu Xiu hurriedly said, "Thank you!"

"Young Master, you have worked hard!"

Liu Xiu stood up, turned and left.

The moment Liu Xiu left, the woman opened her eyes.

There was gratitude, hesitation, killing intent, and a hint of hesitation in the eyes;

Liu Xiu was very busy, and after a short rest, she continued to rescue.

But very soon, Liu Xiu realized that her personal efforts seemed extremely slim and weak.The best way at this moment is to seek help from some courts of the Yan Kingdom. After thinking for a while, Liu Xiu just gave up. Since he didn't trust the court in his bones, he might as well rely on himself instead of asking a group of bureaucrats for help.

In the eyes of the bureaucrats, grass people are just a bunch of grass after hundreds of millions of deaths.

There may be disaster relief, but it's just a face project, a word of mouth war.

And he is a citizen of Dachu, but now he is helping the people of Dayan, some dogs are meddling with mice.But the dog meddles with the mouse, the end result is that the dog is killed, the mouse continues to run amok, and the cat is unknown, as the saying goes, it is better to be empty than to let others take away the job.

"It's really weak. If I run and break my leg, I can't save people. If I were the emperor, I would establish a strong mobilization system, and I could save countless people with a wave of my hand!"

In a trance, Liu Xiu thought of her previous life.

This world seems to be extremely advanced, with many demons, ghosts, gods and immortals, monks and warriors, but it is essentially a feudal society, and everything has a backward atmosphere.

Three days later, Liu Xiu left.

Within a thousand miles nearby, those who should be rescued are still rescued, and those who died have already been buried.

It's useless to stay, it's time to leave.

"Young master, wait for me!"

At this time, a woman shouted, it was the woman who was treated not long ago.

Liu Xiu ignored it and continued to move forward.

Suddenly, the woman tripped and fell to the ground, and there was a cry of pain!

Liu Xiu stopped involuntarily, turned around and walked forward.

The woman only felt a strong support, and she stood up automatically.

"Thank you, sir!" said the woman.

"Why did you follow me?" Liu Xiu asked.

"My lord, my parents are both dead in this earth-dragon turnaround, and now I am the only one left. I am willing to follow my lord and serve as my slave to repay my graciousness for saving my life!" the woman said, her voice soft and pitiful. , making people feel a sense of pity.

"Restrain your tricks. Your cultivation base is abolished, and your charm skills are no longer available. You can make up lies, and you can make them reasonable, and you can deceive people. Your lies are alike!" Liu Xiu suddenly sighed. , "Being a slave is just an excuse. You just want to lean on me and use me as a shield!"

"My lord..." The woman blushed suddenly.

"It's actually not your fault. In the past, your cultivation base was strong. Big fists made sense. Everything can be done with fists. You don't need to please people, and you don't need to lie!" Liu Xiudao: "But now, people are under the eaves. Shenlong is poor, but wants to please me and lie to me, it's hard for you!"

"I can't hide anything from you!" The woman suddenly smiled, "You are right, I will not lie, just because I don't need it; Chicken, everything depends on your protection. As long as you protect me for a period of time, my father will give you some treasures, pills, and secret books of exercises!"

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(End of this chapter)

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