Divine Book Era

Chapter 198 Terrible Fate of the Sun

Chapter 198 Terrible Fate of the Sun (please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass!)
In the blood-changing realm, the original blood of the body is replaced and it becomes new blood.

The stronger the existence, the stronger the blood. Starting from the realm of exchanging blood, warriors continue to temper their bodies, constantly replace the blood of their bodies, and strengthen their own blood.

And the more vigorous the qi and blood, the thicker the true qi, the more astonishing the power, the more astonishing the explosive power.

In the past, the blood on Liu Xiu's body was only fresh blood, without much power, it belonged to mortal blood; but at this moment, the five holy blood in Liu Xiu's hands has a trace of spirituality, which is already Turned into spiritual blood.

Water some spiritual grass with blood, and the spiritual grass grows vigorously.

A drop of blood fell into the water, it would not melt in water, and it was extremely sticky;

The blood was extremely heavy, like amalgam.

The whole body is full of energy and blood, like a burning stove.

"However, at this moment, only a small amount of blood has turned into five-party holy blood. If you want to transform all the blood in your body into new blood, you still need a lot of time to polish it!"

As Liu Xiu thought about it, she became more and more clear about the future path.

To exchange blood, you need to replace the blood all over your body and turn it into brand new blood. This process is extremely long, like water polishing.


Liu Xiu is retreating, and Dong Xue is also retreating, repairing her injuries.

After merging with the Sun Star Soul, Dong Xue could only feel the power of the sun coming down from time to time, melting into her body, and all the injuries on her body were healed in a short period of time.So what if it's just a recovery, the powerful cultivation base in the past has been completely abolished.

"Break and then stand, the world is invincible!"

As Dong Xue thought about it, her mood calmed down. All her formerly powerful cultivation bases were abolished. It can be said that she started from scratch, but it also gave her a brand new opportunity. A new start may not fail to surpass the peak moment.


Dong Xue looked at Liu Xiu and said with a smile: "Your cultivation level has improved, and you have entered the blood-changing realm!"

Liu Xiudao: "That can't compare to you. In a short period of time, the cultivation of martial arts is like a fish and dragon; the cultivation of immortality is already a catastrophe of the primordial spirit!"

A few days ago, Dong Xuexiu's powers were completely abolished, he was dying, and seemed to die at any time; but now, he has become so powerful, even if Liu Xiu fights with him at this moment, the chances of winning are not great.

Seeing Dong Xue's progress, Liu Xiu was envious and jealous.

Wen Dao cultivation, martial arts cultivation, Liu Xiu all need arduous exploration, groping, constant scrutiny, and repeated pondering. Every step forward is a threshold, and it is hard work;

But Dong Xue's cultivation base is like eating and drinking water, recovering quickly, maybe after a while, she will surpass him.

"All my cultivation bases have been abolished. Now that I have recovered to this point, it is already the ultimate. The road ahead will be very difficult!" Dong Xue said.

"Now, let's separate!" Liu Xiu said with a smile: "You go on one side, I go on the other side, you go on your Yangguan Road, and I go on my single-plank bridge!"

"Are you driving me away?"

All of a sudden, Dong Xue was extremely angry as if she had been blasted.

It seems that the refinement of the sun star soul has caused Dong Xue's temper to become tough, and gradually she has the tendency of a female man and a tigress.

"What a beautiful girl, she turns out to be a tigress..." Liu Xiu felt very regretful in her heart, "I don't know which male tiger can subdue him. No! When a tigress collides with a male tiger, it must be the male tiger who is resting and killed by the female tiger." The tiger is riding under me!"

Thinking of this, Liu Xiu lost interest.

"Didn't you tell the story about the farmer and the snake? Now, I will become a poisonous snake and bite you. Don't worry! I won't kill you, but I will turn you into a pig's head..."

As she said that, Dong Xue was gearing up, eager to try.

Suddenly, Liu Xiu felt like he was going to be beaten!

"Stop, you can't be ungrateful!"

"If I hurt you, I'll heal your injury; if I hurt you again, I'll heal your injury!" Dong Xue said with a smile.

"Stop, you tigress, can you be gentle!" Liu Xiu said, "A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands!"

"I'm not a gentleman, I'm a woman!" Dong Xue said.

"Then let's fight!" At this moment, Liu Xiu didn't evade any more, at worst, he would fight to the death.


The two sides fought together, just broke through, just in time to hone their martial skills.

Liu Xiu was full of fighting spirit, and while waving his hands, he urged the Wufang fist to attack Dong Xue.

"Five Fangs Divine Fist!"

Dong Xue's whole body exuded scorching light, and everywhere, the power of flame surged and turned into a majestic attack.

"Sun God Fist!"

Liu Xiu seemed to have turned into a holy beast from five directions, like a blue dragon pounce, like a white tiger biting, like a red bird fighting, like a basalt rolling, like a flying snake biting, each change is mysterious and unpredictable, between offense and defense, it works perfectly.

And Dong Xue is like a god of war, like the reincarnation of the Golden Crow, there are no complicated, mysterious and outstanding attacks, some are simple, direct, and domineering.

But it is precisely because it is too simple, simple and invulnerable; too direct, it is difficult to avoid the direct;

After hundreds of rounds of fierce fighting, there was still no winner.

"Kowloon Divine Fire Transformation!"

Dong Xue suddenly tapped her finger, and saw the vitality of the heavens and the earth changing, and the countless powers of the sun condensed and turned into a divine dragon, pounced towards Liu Xiu.

At this moment, Dong Xue used a fairy attack.

Martial arts, good at melee attacks; Xianshu, good at long-range attacks.

From a distance, Liu Xiu felt the scorching heat, as if he was going to be burnt.

"Wenqi attack!"

At this moment, Liu Xiu used his literary qi to mobilize the will of heaven and earth, condensed the Xuanwu holy beast, and rushed towards him.

Xuanwu belongs to water, which just restrains fire dragons.

It's just whether it can be restrained or not, it all depends on who is stronger, the fire dragon is strong, the fire dragon restrains the basalt; the basalt is strong, the basalt restrains the fire dragon.

Immediately, Xuanwu and Huolong collided, and the two sides began to bite.

After a long time, Xuanwu and Huolong died together and disappeared.

"Damn it, you're only at the realm of exchanging blood, and I can't take you down!" Dong Xue said angrily.

She still has some trump cards and some tricks, if she uses them, she can gain the upper hand, but at that time, she can't control the rhythm of the battle at all, and there will be casualties.After all, it was a sparring session, just to beat Liu Xiu up, not to kill the enemy, some tricks couldn't be used.

"Cut!" Liu Xiu said, "It's so-so!"

In her heart, she was extremely vigilant, Dong Xue still had her trump cards, and she had a lot of tricks, but she couldn't use them, so the battle ended in a draw.

If it is a bloody battle, the outcome is unknown!

"Now that you have the power to protect yourself, let's separate!" Liu Xiu said.

"You want to separate, but I want to follow!" Dong Xue said angrily.

"You pester me, don't you want to make a promise with your body!" Liu Xiu said in amazement: "I have saved your life, if an ordinary woman promises with her body, then I will reluctantly accept it, but You……"

As he spoke, Liu Xiu shook his head, as if disgusted.

"What's wrong with me, am I not beautiful?" Dong Xue said immediately.

"You look beautiful, but...you are born with the sun!" Liu Xiu said: "If the boy is born with the sun, he is "a man and a woman", "restricting the mother, restraining the wife, restraining the daughter"; Girls who take fate are called "wife seizing husband stars", and since ancient times they have been called "restraining father, restraining husband, restraining son"...It's terrible! Whoever marries you will be unlucky, and whoever will be restrained to death!"

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(End of this chapter)

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