Divine Book Era

Chapter 199 Asking for advice

Chapter 199 Asking for advice (asking for subscription, asking for monthly pass!)
If a man has a solar destiny, he will be rich and honored; if a woman has a lunar destiny, she will be white, rich and beautiful.

It's a pity, God always likes disgusting people.

Yin and Yang are reversed, so some men have Taiyin fate, and some women have Sun fate.

If a man has a Taiyin fate, he is mostly a hypocrite, Yue Buqun, who restrains his mother, wife, daughter, and all the female creatures around him, their fates are all restrained, and most of them die early; and if a woman has a Sun fate , Kefu, Kefu, Kezi, the male creatures around him, all their fates were restrained, and most of them died young.

That day, the Lunar Star Soul fell on Liu Xiu, and Liu Xiu felt like a dog was kicked.

A big man actually has a yin fate, sad reminder is not sad reminder.

Liu Xiu felt very unlucky, but fortunately, now, he met someone even more unlucky.

This Dong Xue turned out to be Sun Fate, even more unlucky than him.

Looking at this even more unlucky woman, Liu Xiu couldn't help but secretly chuckled in her heart. The happiest thing in the world is to see someone who is more tragic and unlucky than herself.

"I don't have a father, so I can't control my father; I don't have a son, I only have a daughter, so I can't control a child!" Seemingly angered, Dong Xue said, "As for my husband, the big deal is that I don't marry. There are billions of men in the world. Hundreds of millions, the great emperors of ancient times, the sages of the middle ages, the gods in the sky, and the immortals on the ground are not enough for me, and they are not worthy of me!"

"In the world, anyone who is worthy of me has not yet been born!"

Dong Xue said arrogantly.

"Cut, it's just that you can't get married!" Liu Xiu shook her head, as if I understood.

"Hmph!" Dong Xue said angrily, "The world always says that a girl who takes the sun's fate has always been called "restraining her father, husband, and son"... Whoever marries you will be unlucky, and whoever will be restrained to death! It’s just a rumor. Why was he restrained? It’s just because his fate is not strong enough!”

"It's as if God bestowed blessings and opportunities, but they couldn't bear it, and died in the end. Those men who were killed by Sun Mingge just because those men's fates were strong enough, they couldn't die at all. Now, my cultivation base is weak, and it is difficult to control my fate. The power of fate will naturally affect some men; but if my cultivation base is strong enough to perfectly control the power of fate, I will not kill those men at all!"

Liu Xiu's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly understood the principles of the Dao of Fate.

Any fate has its advantages and must have its disadvantages.

When the cultivation base is weak, the power of fate cannot be perfectly controlled, and it will naturally affect some people nearby; but when the cultivation base is strong, the power of fate can be perfectly controlled, and the people around will not be affected.

In addition, fate can affect some people, but because these people's fate is not hard enough, they are suppressed to death.

If the fate is strong enough, it will not be restrained at all!
Thinking of this, Liu Xiu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Ever since the Taiyin Star Soul hit his head, his heart felt as if he had been bitten by a dog, and he felt extremely uncomfortable; thinking that he had become a hypocrite, Yue Buqun was extremely uncomfortable. ;Thinking about the continuous luck, but there is no good ending, every woman is killed by himself, so she has the urge to commit suicide.

Taiyin fate has too many disadvantages for men, it's just a shit!
Fortunately, these disadvantages can still be overcome!

It's simple, if some women have strong cultivation bases and strong fates, they will naturally not be restrained by him, nor will they be restrained to death. Instead, they will promote each other.And this doomed him to eat soft food, and if he wanted to marry a wife in the future, he could only marry someone who was stronger than him in cultivation and fate.

If he marries some women whose cultivation level is not as good as his, those women are destined to be killed by him.

It seems that he is destined to want to eat soft food, and wanting to eat hard food seems to kill people.

It's just that it's hard to eat soft food. The more advanced people are in the cultivation world, the more pure-hearted and ascetic they are. It's very difficult to get involved with these fairies and saintesses; besides, these women are all of bad character , character is not reliable, it is easy to be betrayed.

It seems that there is only one way, the power to perfectly control the road of fate.

"At what level can you perfectly control the power of fate?" Liu Xiu asked again.

"If you are in martial arts, you can enter the realm of the Great Emperor; in the way of immortality, you can enter the realm of immortals and gods; in the way of literature, you can enter the realm of saints!" Dong Xue said: "Only when you reach this level, can you perfectly control the power of fate without affecting people around you !"

Liu Xiu immediately shut his mouth, those realms were far away from him.

Dong Xue said: "You are the star of Wenqu, the five elements belong to ****, the fourth star of the Big Dipper, you turn your energy into tongue debate, and you are one of the six auspicious stars. There are very few disadvantages. As for the disadvantages..."

As she said that, Dong Xue's eyes were a bit strange, "Wenquxing belongs to Yin*water, which contains the nature of peach blossoms. Most of them are fascinated and fascinated constantly. If you meet Lianzhen, Huo, and Lingxing, be careful that it will delay the opportunity. Hongyan, Tianxi, Xianchi, Tianyao and other peach blossom stars are even more unfavorable to Tian's feelings, so be careful to prevent sad things from happening."

"In short, Wen Quxing has too many emotions, and is easy to get sad, hurt others, and hurt himself!"

Liu Xiu was dumbfounded immediately, he was indeed full of emotions, and he was always very sad when he saw the injustice in the world.

In fact, there are many such things, and it will come naturally after you get used to it.

Dong Xue continued: "From the name, we can know the root of Wenquxing. The advantage is the elegance of literature, and the disadvantage is the twists and turns in life!"

"I'm not talking about Wenquxing, the disadvantage of Wenquxing is not a big deal at all..." Liu Xiu gritted her teeth and said, "Do you want to keep it a secret?"

"Secret?" Dong Xue seemed to think of something from the words, "Could it be that you are the master of the twin stars?"

"Wenqu star, Zhongzheng is peaceful, and it is difficult to cause trouble; but the other fate star is a little troublesome?" Liu Xiu said: "The second fate star is the lunar star..."

Saying that, exuded a breath of the lunar star.

Refining the soul of the stars, as long as the aura of the stars is restrained, it is difficult for outsiders to detect or deduce it; only by taking the initiative to take action can a trace be leaked.

"You are Taiyin fate!"

Dong Xue immediately said in amazement, the Lord of Two Stars has never been simple, as long as he is not dead, he is extremely powerful.

"You are a high-ranking goddess. You look down on immortals, saints, emperors, gods, even if you are a lifetime old..." Liu Xiu wanted to say the word "old woman", but seeing Seeing Dong Xue's cannibalistic eyes, she immediately changed her tune: "Even if you're single for the rest of your life, it's nothing serious!"

"I'm a lecherous person. I want three wives and four concubines to live a happy life. Even if it's not as good as the emperor's three thousand beauties, at least it's as good as Lord Wei! But the fate of a Taiyin is terrible. In this life, it is better to let me die than to kill my wife in this life and beat a bachelor in this life!"

"May I ask how to solve the disadvantages of Taiyin's fate?"

Liu Xiu humbly asked for advice.

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(End of this chapter)

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