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Chapter 102 The Death of Uchiha Mo

Chapter 102 The Death of Uchiha Mo

Uchiha Mo, who was hiding in the depths, was cautiously approaching the enemy at this moment, preparing to catch Jhin by surprise.

With the help of Danzo, the pig teammate, the advantage of taking the lead just now was ruined.

His eyes, when opened, endowed him with the ability to get close to flames, and his fire escape ninjutsu was extremely powerfully enhanced.

A small C-level fire escape ninjutsu, when it was performed in his hands, it completely changed its appearance.

What was originally a fireball with a radius of a few meters turned into a behemoth with a radius of more than ten meters.

What excites him even more is that using the same technique consumes the same amount of chakra as before, but the power is vastly different.

In addition to the need to add a little pupil power to the chakra when performing the technique, the ninjutsu performed is perfect and powerful.

The metamorphosis of a pair of eyes allowed him to surpass the general artifact level masters and directly step into the ranks of shadow-level powerhouses.

Uchiha Mo finally understood why the village was afraid of their Uchiha clan, and would do everything possible to set so many shackles on the Uchiha clan.

The reason is very simple, because it is too easy for the Uchiha clan to become stronger.

As long as the pair of kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes are awakened, one can stand at the pinnacle of the ninja world and look down at the ordinary ninjas struggling in life at the bottom.

"Uchiha is the cursed blood follower."

Uchiha Mo secretly made this conclusion in his heart, in order to obtain this power.he is...

"I sense you!"

Jhin's voice suddenly appeared, interrupting the things that kept coming up in his mind.He is very confident in his concealment, thinking that Uchiha Jin is just scaring him!
But seeing Jhin approaching him constantly, when he was very close, he finally couldn't help it and moved hastily.

A flash of thunder flashed, and the position where he was standing just now was smashed into a piece of scorched black.

"I thought you really wouldn't move?"

Jhin smiled and said, although he was shocked by his concealment ability in his heart, he was still very disdainful on the surface.

The blow just now was just a guess. Who knew that he had guessed Uchiha Mo's position correctly and forced him out.

It seems that the illusion space I created unintentionally can really perceive the traces of Uchiha Momo.

Then, in the face of such a weird situation like him, he would no longer become so blind.

With a certain counterattack ability, you can predict the opponent's actions.

But if Uchiha Mo is far away from him, beyond his illusion space, then the location of Uchiha Mo cannot be obtained.

After all, Uchiha Mo's secret technique is to directly eliminate his whole breath and chakra fluctuations.

The world cannot perceive the trace of the other party.

"You were able to discover my location. I didn't expect that trash who begged me hard at the beginning to grow to such a state."

Uchiha Mo said coldly, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

At the beginning, he was looking at it for the sake of family affection, and the other party also became a waste.He will no longer get the attention of his father, and the family's focus will also be on him.

So Jhin's life was bypassed.

Let him linger on, live as an ordinary Uchiha civilian, and live with humiliation.

But at that time, this trash brother found him and made a speech that he hoped to become stronger.

The uneasiness in his heart became active again, fearing that this kid would become stronger again through his own practice, and finally remembered the truth of his murder.

So he made a decision to give his younger brother to Danzang.Using Danzo's hand to get rid of this scourge can also maintain his bright and righteous image, and he can also build a good relationship with the village's high-level, Hokage to assist Shimura Danzo.

So on the surface, Jhin was tempted to join Root, but in fact, it became the experimental material for the research institute that Root secretly established in private, violating the first-generation cell research plan banned by the Second Hokage.

But what he didn't expect was that Jhin grew vigorously from the roots, and became the person who oppressed him so much that he couldn't breathe, and the strong man he looked up to.

Just like when he was a child, he always looked up to that talented brother, who was almost four years younger than him, but his strength had already surpassed him.

The anger in Uchiha Mo's heart became more and more irritable.Now that he has betrayed all relatives, when he cut the neck of his dearest and respected father with his own hands, he could no longer turn back.

The trusted partners are far away from him, and the family high-level recognition that cannot be obtained with tyrannical strength.

After brutally beheading a few elders, he successfully took control of the Uchiha clan, but most of the clansmen treated him with indifference, and acted in the opposite direction.

Darkness ate away at his hands, and jealousy for Jhin blinded his eyes, which gave him endless power.

Suddenly, Uchiha Mo found that in front of him, Uchiha Shiemon was looking at him with a smile.Smiling at him, nodding constantly, approving what he did.

"Father... I... I will definitely kill that rebellious son Uchiha Jin and avenge you!"

Uchiha Mo looked at Suemoni, tears streaming down his face, thinking of the current situation, the only one who could support him was his father who died with a smile on his face.

In the initial shock and suspicion, and then seeing the transformation of Mo Na's pair of three-pointed jade into a kaleidoscope, the relief and understanding that arose.

Sugimon left a word.

"I don't blame you, I just hate that Nizi didn't help me ascend to the position of patriarch."

He fell into a pool of blood, smiled and closed his eyes.


Uchiha Mo suddenly heard the sound of his body being pierced, and a huge pain came from his body.

A cry of pain woke him up, and the picture of his father in his eyes was shattered and disappeared.

Looking down, the hand that had been flashing with thunder was inserted into his chest.And the pain was generated from this, pulling him out of the illusion.

"When—I have a kaleidoscope, and because of the illusion...poof"

Uchiha Mo didn't know that he fell into Jin's illusion when he was in Minato, and he didn't know anything about it.

I realized it at the moment of death, but it was too late.

"From the moment you step into this space, you have already fallen into the scene I created."

Jhin said coldly behind him, without any emotion.It seems that what died in his hands was not a person, but a livestock that was slaughtered by a person.

He analyzed Uchiha Mo's ability as soon as the opponent stepped into this space.

As two brothers, the abilities of their eyes are very similar——

Brother Uchiha Mo's left eye controls the material state of reality, and his right eye has fire attribute enhancement, fire element perception and assimilation.

The left eye of the younger brother Uchiha Jhin controls the illusory mind control, and the right eye has enhanced thunder attributes, perception and assimilation of thunder elements.

(End of this chapter)

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