Naruto grey area

Chapter 103 Harvest the spoils

Chapter 103 Harvest the spoils

"I won't let you get what you want!"

Uchiha Mo was about to do a dying struggle, and at the last moment, he inserted one hand into his face.

The two fingers showed great courage. They wanted to poke out their eyes, preparing to destroy their own eyes, so that Uchiha Jin could not get them.

But his reaction was already under Jin's control.

His hand, which was still in Uchiha Mo's body, suddenly exerted strength, violent thunder attribute chakra gushed out, and flashes of lightning emerged from his body.

In just an instant, Uchiha Mo's whole body was scorched black from the electricity.

His hair formed an explosive shape, and even the hand that was ready to die became wobbly under the click, without a trace of strength.

But the conscious Uchiha Mo still refused to give up, shaking his hand, ready to continue the act of self-mutilation.

How could this please him, Jhin stretched out his other hand first, and inserted it into Uchiha Mo's eyes.Then he buckled hard, and took out the pair of eyes that he had been thinking about for a long time!
"Ahhh!? My eyes."

Uchiha Mo, who was tortured so badly by Jhin, cried out in pain the moment he lost his eyes.

The kaleidoscope, which was obtained after a lot of hard work, was poached away like this.

It was more painful than killing him directly, and the person who poached him was the jealous Uchiha Jin, which made him even more unacceptable.

When he was dying, he condensed all the chakras in his body, gathered them inside his body, and combined them with the chakras with the remaining pupil power of his eyes.

A burst of red light emerged from Uchiha Momo's body, and emitted terrifying heat, turning half of the sky red.

It was as if a new sun had appeared on the ground, shining on the surrounding earth.

Jhin felt something was wrong, and before Uchiha Mo's body warmed up, he quickly pulled out his right hand, and moved away from Uchiha Mo in an instant.

He could see that Uchiha Mo was going to use his last bit of strength and wanted to die with him.

Danzo on the side also felt this unusual chakra fluctuation, and when he was dealing with Jhin's Mutun clone, he took the time to take a look at the situation there.

It happened that Jhin had already killed Uchiha Mo, and captured the scene of the opponent's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Mo was about to explode himself, and this lunatic was going to let everyone around him die with him.

"It seems that we need to retreat, I didn't expect Uchiha Jin to be unable to deal with even the kaleidoscope.

The layout of the country of water needs to be more perfect to be successful. "

Danzang said silently in his heart, and swept away a clone of Jhin with his hands and feet.Following the kick of another Jhin's clone, his body used his strength to escape to the outside.

He didn't know how powerful Uchiha Mo's temporary counterattack was, but he didn't want to put himself in the center of the explosion to test the strength of the opponent's attack.

This is an idiot's behavior, a waste of chakra.So he immediately retreated, preparing to escape from the scene as soon as possible due to minor injuries caused by Jhin's avatar.

If he is caught up by Jhin's body, then Uchiha Mo's fate may be his example.


A huge mushroom cloud exploded beside Uchiha Momo, and the impact of the sparks knocked the running Danzo over.

When the air wave swept over him, Jhin immediately turned into lightning, and all the shocks passed through his body.

Relying on the air waves, he kept approaching the periphery with his body of thunder and lightning.

He knew that the explosion caused by Uchiha Mo, who possessed such a powerful fire escape ability, was definitely not that simple when he committed suicide.

After the violent combustion, all the oxygen in the vicinity is evacuated, making the vicinity a restricted area for life.

If you don't reach the periphery with oxygen in the first time.I'm afraid Jhin was not killed by the blast, but was suffocated by himself first, becoming the first strong man to drown on land.

After getting Uchiha Mo's eyes, he no longer worries about blindness.

The idea of ​​finding Uchiha Madara has become more and more determined.

To be on the safe side, Jhin is preparing for the next journey, which is to find Uchiha Madara, ask the secret of Sharingan transplantation, and obtain the eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

If Uchiha Madara doesn't want to make a deal with him, then he can only find a way to get the light by himself.

Holding two pairs of kaleidoscope Sharingans in his hands, Jhin didn't panic at all.

Now even if his eyes are blind, he relies on his own spiritual perception ability and the wood escape of the immortal body.With sufficient self-protection ability, the demand for this pair of kaleidoscopes is no longer as strong as it was at the beginning.

But for the so-called most powerful pupil technique in the world - reincarnation eye.

Jhin is still not ready to give up these eyes, and will not exchange for a pair of ordinary eyes just to obtain light.


An explosion dissipated, and gunpowder smoke filled the battlefield.

Hatake Sakuri, who had fled to a mountain just now, wanted to scold his mother very much.

He thought that the fighting power of those perverts was strong enough, but he didn't expect that there would be an even more violent explosion.He has already left the battlefield several thousand meters away.

It may even affect him, so he can only evacuate again.

On the way to evacuate, he also encountered Namikaze Minato who was entangled with Anbu.That blond hair was too conspicuous, allowing him to know who the other party was at a glance.

Just like his white hair, but anyway, the Hatake family is also a big ninja clan, and there are still many ninja clansmen, so most ninjas can only recognize him as the Hatake clan, and do not know him. who is it.

But Minato is different. Except for the mountain clan who can control the mind, there is no such hair color in Konoha.And he doesn't know the secret technique of the mountain clan at all, so his identity can be easily seen through.

"Shining, it seems that you are not sorry for your name at all! These few rookies have been entangled for so long."

"Ah, Senior Sharp Blade!"

Minato was in a hurry, when he heard someone calling him, he turned his head and saw Hatake Sakuhi standing on a branch.

"Flash, don't be distracted!"

Hatake Sakuhito reminded Minato that he was still in battle.

At the moment when he was distracted, the opponent seized the opportunity, and countless shurikens were released from his hands.At the same time seal, do not give him a way out.

Ninjutsu * Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu
The shurikens all over the sky shot at Minato's position. He was not slow to react, his body was fixed, and his hands were concealed, and he used the ninjutsu of the ninja school.


A piece of wood replaced Minato's body, was pierced into a hornet's nest by the shuriken, and turned into pieces of wood chips floating in the air.

"Not bad, basic ninjutsu is very proficient."

Hatake Sakuhi, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, praised.The moment he set off at the water gate, he found his trace, and at the same time as the substitute technique, he performed the clone technique.

The avatar is behind a tree on the flat ground, but the main body is hidden in the airtight leaves above the big tree.

(End of this chapter)

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