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Chapter 193 Jhin's Return

Chapter 193 Jhin's Return

"Shisui, you must become a genius in the future. The revival of the Uchiha clan is in your hands. For the revival of the family, for the peace of the village."

Holding the baby bottle in his little hand, Uchiha Shisui is only a few months old now, and he can't even learn to speak.Uchiha Naimoto held a rattle and shook it gently beside Shisui, without paying attention to his son, muttering a few words in his mouth.They were all talking about family matters, with a very calm tone.

"Hmm... Nah..." Uchiha Shisui looked at his father, with a smile on his face, as if he had understood his father's meaning, he waved his hands and danced to show his attitude to Uchiha Naimoto.

"Shisui, the future Uchiha will belong to you, and the family is the source of our glory. You will definitely become an outstanding ninja."


"It is the family that abandoned the village, not the village that abandoned the family." Uchiha Naimoto said silently. After devoting himself to the roots, his strength has grown tremendously over the past few years. He was originally 16 years old and now Also 21 years old.From a small character close to Chunin, step by step to become an elite Jonin.

Uchiha Naimoto has experienced too much, he traded his freedom for the strength of this body.For a while, Nai Yuan didn't want his son to experience this kind of thing.Only absolute power can control freedom.To be able to do what you want without having to watch other people do it.Just like the person who used to be - Uchiha Jin.

"I don't know how Uchiha Jin is doing now."

The guy who was able to lead the family to the top and obtain the position of patriarch without any effort has not returned to the village after World War II.The Uchiha family, which has no source of information, did not know that Uchiha Jin had defected at this time.Konoha's high-level executives have not yet issued a reward order, and have not issued a hunting mission for Uchiha Jin, a traitorous ninja.

"Hi, long time no see Nai Yuan."

"Who?" Uchiha Naimoto turned around suddenly, and immediately found the source of the voice.A mysterious figure shrouded in a windbreaker with black background and blue clouds appeared in his home. In the evening, the sky was rather dark, and if you didn't look carefully, you could hardly see the appearance of the person.

"Uchiha Jin!!! It's you." Uchiha Naimoto exclaimed, suddenly making such a loud voice, Uchiha Shisui was frightened and cried.The crying sounded, Uchiha Naimoto suddenly felt a burst of embarrassment.

"Is this your child? What's his name?" Jhin said with a smile, since he withdrew from Konoha and killed Night Crow, his mask was put away by him.It has never been taken out so far, and if it is not necessary, he may never have the act of putting on a mask.

After defecting to Konoha, he began to prepare to return to Konoha to do some things. What he did back to Konoha two years ago has not been finished yet.

"What are you doing back?" Uchiha Naimoto ignored Uchiha Jin's words and asked in a deep voice.In his impression, there must be nothing good for Uchiha Jin to come to his door. What impressed him most was the battle at the beginning, when the Uchiha clan's clan land was bulldozed and rebuilt.

The previous old patriarch also died in that battle, and the Uchiha clan was seriously injured, and more than half of the middle and senior leaders died in the battle.The limit of the family's strength has declined, which has caused the Uchiha family to have to be a man with their tails tucked over the years.No matter how the three generations of Hokage aimed at Uchiha, the family chose to be patient.

"Don't be nervous, I came back to take a look at this family. After all, I am also a person who left this family. Come back and take a look now, there is no problem at all, right? You haven't answered me yet, what is his name?" Jhin There was a gentle expression on his face. After practicing the Wood Dungeon Immortal Mode for a long time, he felt his temper became more and more kind.

Of the people who have been killed in the past two or three years, think about it, there are only a few people who seem bored, including the third generation of Shuiying and Yeya Yueguang Yewen.

"Uchiha Shisui, you are also a member of the family, and now the people who Uchiha has wronged you are almost dead. You don't need to continue to take revenge on the family!" Uchiha Naomoto said coldly, he dared not think about Uchiha Jin This is the time to ask for trouble.Basically no one in the current family can deal with him. If Uchiha Jin wants to do something, he has no way to stop it.The current approach can only be to stare at the other party, not hoping that the other party will do any other tricks.

Jhin saw him looking like he was facing a great enemy, and a smile flashed in his heart. Where did the guy who dared to frame him with schemes go? With the passage of time, he became more and more hesitant now.

"Where does my mother live?" Jhin asked bluntly.Seeing that Uchiha Naimoto was suddenly so cautious, he suddenly stopped joking and asked directly.

The Uchiha Shisui in front of him looks a bit interesting, maybe in a short while, he will be able to become another rookie of the Uchiha clan.However, after experiencing the incident between Uchiha Madara and himself, the senior management of Konoha Village will never allow Uchiha to have new geniuses, because these geniuses will bring a devastating blow to the village. Uchiha and Konoha follow this situation Go on, there is no way to coexist.

Both sides are full of calculations, and everyone does not trust each other. The status of the current Uchiha clan in the village has plummeted. If they are not still in control of the village's police work, basically the Uchihas will be isolated from the village.

"She is..." After hearing Uchiha Jin's words, Uchiha Naimoto suddenly relaxed, and directly told Jin where his mother lives now.Since the death of Uchiha Mo and Uchiha Shanemon, his mother moved to another residence. Although his house was not destroyed, he still moved.

The hierarchy among the Uchiha clan is strict, and the places where the elders with power generally live have certain specifications and requirements, which are very different from ordinary clansmen.

After Uchiha Tomomi lost her husband and son, she moved to a corner of the family land to live.Because she didn't become a ninja a long time ago, she now lives with a little subsidy from her family and the savings from her previous family.

Uchiha Naimoto just said the place name, and before he explained the route carefully, the figure in front of him disappeared, and Uchiha Jin left without stopping.The purpose of coming this time is for my mother. The last time I came back was for the sealed book. It was not convenient to take my mother away at that time, and my own strength was not as good as it is now.

Now that his strength has improved, after turning on the fairy mode, Jhin has absolute confidence that he can defeat Sarutobi Hiruzen, protect his mother out of Konoha, and take her to live with him.

When he came last time, Whirlpool Mito was still alive, and he didn't even have a chance to take a look at Hitomi. He didn't know what the little girl looked like now after such a long time, and whether he had forgotten himself.

(End of this chapter)

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