Naruto grey area

Chapter 194 Meeting Mother

Chapter 194 Meeting Mother
In the Uchiha tribe, there are few people, and there are only two or three figures on a street, most of them are dressed in civilian clothes, and some tribesmen in ninja vests are walking back and forth.The look was very hurried, and the strange thing was that Uchiha Jin was walking on the road, and the people who came and went left as if they hadn't seen him, and left from his side.

Through the use of his eyes, Jhin can stably control the size of the illusion space around him. He condenses the space into the appearance of a person, and forms a reflection to the outside world by changing the appearance of this small space.So his figure is all contained in it, and what others see is the opposite scene. In the eyes of these passers-by, there is no Uchiha Jhin at all, and unless Jhin takes the initiative to bump into them, these people will not notice.

This is similar to invisibility, which looks very powerful, but has a disadvantage, that is, when using ninjutsu, due to chakra fluctuations, it will cause the ninjutsu to fail, or the body shape will be exposed, so there is no way to do it during the battle. use.And the restraint is very strong, you can't avoid the detection of ninjutsu detection, and you will be noticed by those special blood succession boundaries, such as white eyes.

According to the route of impression, Jhin came to the side of a hut first, and learned from Uchiha Naimoto's words that his mother lived here, but after he came, he did not find Uchiha Tomomi.

"Is anyone home?" Jhin knocked on the door and asked inside.Observing the structure of the whole hut, a few wooden boards are connected together, and then a few large pillars are used to stabilize the house. The structure of the whole house is very rough, and the small wooden door is just enough to pass a person through.

From the outside, if there is no extension at the back, the house will be about thirty to forty square meters at most, which is enough for one person, and there are at most two rooms.Perhaps there is not even a bathroom, and Jhin was not sure what was going on inside the house before he entered it.

"Here it is, who is it!" A familiar female voice came out, and Jhin's heart suddenly became excited when he heard this voice.Although there was no such thought in his mind, his body began to tremble involuntarily, this strange yet familiar person.Now to see him again.He can still remember the feeling of caring when he was taken care of by her.

Suddenly, before Jhin was ready, his heart was in a mess, and he didn't know how to recognize the people inside.The door swung open.A person appeared inside, and when Jhin saw it, he couldn't help shouting: "Mother."

Tomomi Uchiha at this time is very different from five years ago. She is only in her 30s, her hair is starting to turn gray, her face has no color, her body has lost most of her weight, and she has lost so many relatives in a row.Although she withstood the blow, her body immediately exaggerated.

"You are?" Uchiha Tomomi asked suddenly, she felt that the person in front of her was very familiar, but after eight years of changes, she was a little fat doll, and now she has grown into a tall and handsome young man.Although Uchiha Jhin still has some original appearance, but it has changed too much.

Furthermore, Uchiha Tomomi thought that her two sons were dead, and even her husband was sacrificed because of a mission.She was the only one left in the family now, and she didn't even think about her youngest son, Uchiha Jin.

"Mother." Two words blurted out, and before the other party could react, Jhin revealed his identity.Hearing this address, Tomomi Uchiha was stunned for a moment, and raised her right hand slightly tremblingly, wanting to touch Jhin's face.But she was also a little scared. She was afraid that this was a dream, and she would wake up when she touched it.

"Are you... Jhin'er?" Uchiha Tomomi murmured, when Uchiha Jhin called out those two words, the figure in front of him slowly merged with the figure in his memory, and gradually overlapped , and then became a new image, which is what Jhin looks like now.

"Well, mother. I'm here to take you away this time. If you're not happy here, I'll pick you up!" Jhin directly stated his reason for coming.He thought that his mother would definitely leave with him, but what happened next caught him off guard.

"Leaving? Have you left the village? It turns out that you haven't been in the village for so many years, that's the reason." Tomomi Uchiha said with a smile, and there were tears in her eyes, which seemed to be because of happiness.She finally put her hand on Jin's face, stroked it slowly, and looked at Jin's face with a smile on her face.

Although his mouth was full of doubts, he didn't doubt Jhin's words.

"It's not good to go out of the village now. Hokage-sama just issued an order that people of the Uchiha clan can't leave the village at will. Two days ago, the patriarch came over and told me." Uchiha Tomomi said, in order not to embarrass his son , she can only say so.I don't want my son to offend Muye Village because of his own affairs.

In her eyes, her son must have a new home or organization outside the village, but no force can defeat Muye Village. Not long ago, he heard that Muye Village had defeated the three major ninja villages, and established a solid foundation at once. Gained the overlord strength of Konoha Village.Most villages are not as powerful as theirs.

"Okay, don't talk about it at the door, you come in first. Have you eaten yet? It's so late, you rushed to the village in a hurry, you must be hungry, I'll go and make something delicious for you." Tomomi Uchiha pulled Jhin He walked into the house with his hands, worried that his son was hungry, poured a glass of water, then turned and went to the kitchen.

The room is not much different from Jhin's guess. There are really only two rooms, a kitchen, a living room and a bedroom.It's so different from his family's mansion back then, it can't be compared at all.

There is a bed in the living room. From Uchiha Jin's point of view, this hut is not as big as the one he bought on the outskirts of the village.

Watching his mother's back leave, Uchiha Jin was full of anger at this time, Uchiha Fugaku dared to treat his mother like this.

"Fuyue, feel my anger well!" Jhin was full of anger and couldn't release it, he never thought that his mother would live in such a miserable life these years.At the beginning, I thought that Uchiha Fugaku became the patriarch of the Uchiha clan with his own support, and he would definitely take care of his mother a little bit, but he didn't expect that guy to turn his face and refuse to recognize anyone.

Because of the mission, he did not return to the village for a long time.Now that he just found out about his mother's situation, Jhin decided to seek justice for his mother, and Konoha's order that all Uchiha tribesmen are prohibited from leaving the village made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

It seriously affected his taking his mother away. Although he hasn't heard his mother's consent yet, he thinks that his mother will definitely not object.

(End of this chapter)

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