Chapter 195
After having dinner at the place where his mother lived last night, Jhin took his mother to the home where he used to live.After tidying up hastily, he left.

When she confessed to her mother yesterday, she didn't agree to leave with her because she didn't want him to leave the village.This made Jhin feel a little disappointed, and she also ordered herself not to be restrained because of her.The village has nothing to do with her, and from what her mother said, Jhin can tell that she doesn't want to be bound by her son.

Although the mother didn't say anything, Jhin knew that she definitely didn't want to conflict with Konoha, and it was difficult to choose between the village and her son.She is not a member of the Uchiha clan. She has changed her surname to Uchiha since she married Uchiha Shanemon.

She doesn't have that much nostalgia for the Uchiha family, but she has a very deep affection for Konoha Village. Under any circumstances, she doesn't want her children to conflict with the village.

Jhin's arrival, under the attention of caring people, noticed some traces.Among the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku saw a mysterious figure while watching Uchiha Naimoto's home.Although Jhin used illusion to confuse those spies, but after speculation, the only ones who can use illusion on the Sangouyu Sharingan are the Uchiha people of a higher level.

The spearhead is directed at Uchiha Jhin. In Fugaku's eyes, only he can achieve this strength. Out of confidence in the family blood succession limit, no one in this world can surpass the Uchiha clan in terms of illusion.


The next morning, I met Uchiha Fugaku under the supervision of Uchiha Naomoto.

"Uchiha Jin is back. The Third Hokage just secretly announced the news of Uchiha Jin's defection. This is interesting!" After hearing the report from his subordinates, Fu Yue immediately suspected Uchiha Jin, and he didn't have to go. Just ask Uchiha Naimoto and you will be able to judge.

Thinking about the purpose of Uchiha Jin's return in his mind, he became more and more vigilant about Uchiha Jin in his heart. Everyone in Konoha could not control his whereabouts. He used illusion to confuse his subordinates before killing him, so he let him reveal his identity.

He continued to order his subordinates to monitor Uchiha Naimoto's family. In order to prevent Uchiha Jin from becoming suspicious, he did not do anything strange.

"Go out first! I know about this."


After his subordinates left, Fuyue thought for a while, and was still planning to contact the village senior management, because in the Uchiha family, there was no strength to compete with the other party.The Uchiha clan's Kaleidoscope Sharingan is very clear except for the Senju clan, so only they know it.

Not to mention the suppression of bloodline levels, Kaleidoscope Sharingan Tianke Sangouyu Sharingan.There is no comparison between the two. The evolution of Sangouyu into a kaleidoscope is a process of qualitative change. The mental power surges and the illusion ability is further strengthened. Even a ninja without illusion talent can become an illusion master in a short time.

Fuyue is very aware of Uchiha Jin's strength, so he doesn't intend to fight hard. Except for a few members of the Uchiha clan, no one is sorry for Uchiha Jin, so Fuyue is not worried about Uchiha Jin's revenge on the family.

"Fuyue, you seem to be very calm! After Uchiha Mo died, did you become the patriarch and go to me, a former trustee. At the beginning, your uncle asked me..."

Jhin suddenly appeared in his room, and the guards outside the door did not respond at all, sneaking into his side without knowing it.Since he entered the village privately, Jhin didn't want to be too ostentatious.Most of the time, they will not make a move, just use some small illusions to confuse some ninjas' sight, hide their breath and walk in.

"You are finally here, I know you will come to me!" Fuyue replied, he knew the reason for Uchiha Jin's trip, if he guessed correctly, he must want to share a share of the pie and become the patriarch himself.This guy must be jealous, and he also helped himself a little bit back then.

"Oh? It's so powerful, then guess what I'm here for." Jhin glanced at him curiously, and the other party knew it before he said it.It's really amazing. Could it be that Uchiha Fugaku is very confident in his own strength?
A breath of thunder spread out, and traces of electric light kept flickering on Jhin's fingertips. The atmosphere in the scene suddenly became a little dignified. The movement of the electrons made Uchiha Fugaku's whole body stand up, as if something terrible was about to happen.Pressed by Jin's aura, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

After seeing Jhin's figure, he was still a little surprised. After thinking for a while, the only thing he came to Uchiha was to benefit from himself.It was just a small favor to help Uchiha Fugaku ascend to the position of Uchiha patriarch.Fuyue knew that Uchiha Jin was very powerful, but he didn't expect that he would let him be the patriarch of Uchiha after beheading Uchiha Mo.

"Don't tell came here to ask me for benefits? The family has gone through the trouble you made last time, and there is nothing left, even if there is not much money left."

"Benefits? You reminded me. I haven't received the favor fee for killing Uchiha Mo for you. Now I just ask you for it. You guessed wrong! I am indeed here to trouble you today." Jhin heard For the word benefit, I was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly remembered that I had killed Uchiha Momo back then, and indeed helped him to clean up a big trouble for an heir, and now I just happened to collect the benefit fee together.

"My mother's address was arranged by you!" Jin said coldly, putting away the smiling face just now.The tone suddenly became cold, and a murderous aura filled with cold gushed out, and the temperature in the whole room suddenly dropped several degrees.

"Your mother? I don't know! Is your mother still in the family? I really don't know about your mother, what's wrong with her?" Uchiha Fugaku said loudly, he didn't know what Uchiha Jin was talking about, becoming the patriarch For so long, he didn't know that Uchiha Jin had a mother in the family.He has never cared about such a thing, but there are too many struggles in the Uchiha family. During the power replacement period, he has been inserting his own people into important parts of the family.

Four elders withdrew, including the new elder Uchiha Sanemon, but he withdrew from the elders group due to death in a short period of time.

Thinking of this, Fu Yue suddenly remembered that Uchiha Jin is Uchiha Mo's younger brother, then Uchiha Mo's father, Uchiha Suemon, was once an elder, then that elder's wife...

"That's not what I did! That's what the person who succeeded your father did. After Uchiha Uchiha Suemoni died, his position was vacated, and another upper ninja succeeded him occupy your house." Uchiha Fugaku said eagerly, he didn't want to take the blame for this!
(End of this chapter)

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