Chapter 109 The theater is a kind of belief

Lin Ye followed Gu Qinglian out of the airport.

"Take this back?"

Lin Ye looked at the RV parked in front of him, and was stunned for a while.

"Yeah, what's the matter, don't you like it?"

Gu Qinglian looked at him, stretched out his hand and patted the car body: "This car is very comfortable to sit on, and if you don't want to sit, you can lie down and sleep for a while."

"There's also coffee, bread, etc., everything in it."

Lin Ye shook his head: "No, it just feels weird. Don't you rich people like to go out in RVs?"

Sister Chengcheng over there smiled and said nothing, and Gu Qinglian didn't explain.

Got into the car.

The car starts.

"Take you to the place where you live first, or meet the people from the issuing company first?"

Gu Qinglian helped Lin Ye get a can of drink and handed it over.

"Let's go to the company first. It's better to settle this matter quickly."

Lin Ye took it and took a sip.

"So anxious?"

Gu Qinglian blinked, and after she got into the car, she took off her sunglasses and mask: "And your film, how did it go?"

"Let me tell you, this time I am looking for Wansheng Entertainment, which has more than a hundred movie theaters and thousands of movie screens across the country, and is also a well-known entertainment film company in the industry, so before I go, I have to make an agreement with you , you have to do some mental construction."

Talking about this matter, Gu Qinglian became serious.

"It's because I'm afraid that my film won't be good and people will reject me, so give me a vaccination in advance?"

Lin Ye smiled.

Gu Qinglian coughed: "I didn't mean that either."

"Well, I believe in your talent, but the movie thing..."

Gu Qinglian considered his tone, not knowing what to say.

Lin Ye could also see that she was sincerely thinking about herself, so she said directly: "Don't worry, first, I am very confident in the quality of my movie."

"Secondly, I am a person with a strong psychological capacity. Even if I am rejected, I will not be too sad."

Hearing what Lin Ye said, Gu Qinglian nodded: "That would be the best."

"Oh, by the way, don't put any pressure on you. The money I gave you before is my investment, and it doesn't matter if it loses all."

Gu Qinglian also made a special mention.

Sister Chengcheng, who was driving, was a little helpless.

Lin Ye nodded.

The car passed by.

Gu Qinglian just looked at Lin Ye, looking up and down.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Lin Ye looked a little uncomfortable.

"No, I just wanted to ask you all of a sudden."

Gu Qinglian said: "When you looked at me, didn't you think of something?"

There was a narrow look in her eyes.

"Think of what?"

Lin Ye thought for a long time, then shook his head: "I remember you were my investor, and then a woman."

Listen to this.

Gu Qinglian didn't get angry.

Sister Chengcheng just thought it was a little funny.

She looked at the forest field over there through the rearview mirror, feeling emotional in her heart.

Could it be that this kid hasn't discovered that Gu Qinglian is actually a singer?

"That's it?"

Gu Qinglian frowned, dissatisfied: "Is there nothing else?"

"My name is Gu Qinglian."

Gu Qinglian pointed at her face, serious.

"Then there is one more now, your name is Gu Qinglian."

Lin Ye responded honestly.

These words almost didn't kill Gu Qinglian.

Was her once popular singer so confused?
It's really outdated. Stars are not as good as dogs.

"I'm ignoring you."

Gu Qinglian leaned back on his seat, picked up his phone, and swiped Weibo on his own. Lin Ye didn't understand what he said wrong, but he was at ease.



Sister Chengcheng stopped the car.

Gu Qinglian put on sunglasses and a mask, stood up and looked at Lin Ye: "Let's go."

Lin Ye nodded, and wrapped it up on his back. He looked at Gu Qinglian who was fully armed, and felt that this woman was really a little strange.

Three people entered the company.

"Hello, everyone, please wait in the living room for a while, our distribution director will be here soon."

After declaring his family name, the receptionist led Lin Ye and the others to the living room.


"Director Zhao."

Sister Chengcheng saw a middle-aged man coming in, and immediately stood up.

Gu Qinglian also got up and looked at him.


Director Zhao entered the door, smiled and nodded.

He glanced at Gu Qinglian over there: "When did Miss Gu change careers?"

Gu Qinglian shook her head: "No, no, it's just that I voted for a movie for a friend, it doesn't count as a career change."

Director Zhao nodded: "That's good, this is turning into an investor."

He smiled.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Director Zhao sat there, his eyes fell on Lin Ye over there, he looked up and down, and then said: "Hi, are you planning to release a first-stage movie?"

There was a little curiosity in his voice, after all, Lin Ye looked too young.

"Yes, the film has already been filmed, and now it's just a matter of announcing it and going to theaters."

Lin Ye nodded.

Hear this.

Director Zhao looked at him and asked, "May I ask, are you a graduate of the Director Department of Yanjing Film Academy?"

Lin Ye shook his head: "No."

Director Zhao hesitated: "Is that Puhai Film and Media Academy?"

Lin Ye shook his head: "No."

Director Zhao was silent for a while: "Which school is that from the director department?"

he asked.

Lin Ye still shook his head: "No."

Director Zhao adjusted his sitting posture: "Then how much did you spend on filming? How long did it take? Which stars were used?"

Lin Ye simply responded: "The shooting cost was 300 million, it took several months, and there are no stars."

Hearing this, Director Zhao was a little helpless.

He hadn't meant to come.

But Sister Chengcheng is an acquaintance after all, and when Gu Qinglian hadn't passed away for a while, her life was not bad, and she had a little friendship, so she came here.

I thought that the person brought by Sister Chengcheng might be a dark horse, which would surprise him.

But just ask.

He didn't see any sparkle.

Director Zhao pondered for a while: "Actually, you know that there is another way, which is to put the movie on a video website."

"In this way, as long as your movie is good-looking, you can also make money from netizens' clicks and advertisements on video websites."

Director Zhao said sincerely: "Because the competition is very fierce on the theater side."

He didn't speak very clearly.


What kind of movie can 300 million make?
For those good movies that sell well at the box office, the salary of an actor alone may exceed 300 million.

But considering Lin Ye's face, he didn't talk too much.

"I know, but I want to go to theaters."

Lin Ye's tone was firm: "The theater chain is a kind of belief."

His voice is crisp,
Such a statement surprised both Gu Qinglian and Sister Chengcheng over there.

"All right, have you brought your film? You can give me some, and I'll let our colleagues here watch it together and evaluate it."

Director Zhao didn't talk nonsense: "But there are some good things to say. If the quality of the movie is not up to standard, I can only do business."

Lin Ye nodded: "Yes."

He handed over the bag: "The film is in the bag."

Director Zhao took it and stood up: "Okay, you wait a moment, I will arrange someone to evaluate it now."

Director Zhao left the reception room.

Gu Qinglian turned her head and looked at Lin Ye with curiosity on her face: "What do you mean by saying that going to theaters is a kind of belief?"

"Did you ever want to be a successful director?"

She appreciates it.

Unexpectedly, this Lin Ye would have such an ambition.

Lin Ye shook his head: "No."

Sister Chengcheng was stunned: "Why is that?"

Lin Ye said honestly: "Because clicks and advertisements on video sites are worthless."

"I need to make money, and only by going to theaters can I make money."

"Faith is to make money, I am very short of money."

(End of this chapter)

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