Chapter 110
Lin Ye's words were straightforward and straightforward.

Sister Chengcheng and Gu Qinglian over there were both stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but roll their eyes.

Gu Qinglian looked at him: "You are quite straightforward. Others will talk about dreams at this time, so you can directly talk about money."

Lin Ye smiled: "My name is honesty. I don't have so many twisted intestines. This is a model of a good man."

Listen to what he said.

Gu Qinglian shook her head, not knowing what to say.

Sister Chengcheng over there admired Lin Ye's words: "It's not a bad thing at all."

"It's just that their review process is relatively strict. You have to be mentally prepared."

Hear this.

Lin Ye nodded: "Don't worry, I'm still very confident in my movies."

Several people are sitting in a conference room.

Director Zhao over there took the film out of the reception room and went to the office area: "Call for Manager Chen and the others, and all the film reviewers will come here."

After Director Zhao finished speaking, he brought the film into the screening room.

This is a small theater.

It is used to review the films of directors and company gates who bring films and want to cooperate.

"What's the matter, Director Zhao, are you in such a hurry?"

Manager Chen entered the door, looked at this side, and laughed: "I remember that the review of the films that should be reviewed has not been completed."

"Why are you here again?"

Director Zhao shook his head: "This is recommended by a friend, please take a look."

Behind, three more people came in one after another.

They are all people who have read countless films and are also important members of the review team.

"Related households, should the review standards be relaxed?"

Manager Chen looked at Director Zhao.

Director Zhao thought for a while: "No, just judge according to the company's standards."

Manager Chen nodded: "Which company is this film from, and how much did it cost?"

Director Zhao was preparing for the screening, and then replied, "300 million."

"The company... well, I haven't asked yet."

Manager Chen and the others were taken aback: "300 million?"

Someone next to him sat there and shook his head: "What kind of movie can be made with 300 million yuan? The cost is too low."

Another person smiled: "I guess he thinks the film industry is too simple, thinking that he can make money by filming anything, finding a relationship, and going to theaters?"

"It's so naive. Movies made in theaters are all done with real knives and guns. As long as the box office is slightly lower than other movies, the number of movies will be squeezed."

"What's more, with such a small cost, what can he use to compete with those big stars and big-budget movies?"

The man rambled on and on.

The last person yawned: "Just take a look."

"What if there is a surprise."

When he said the word surprise, he couldn't help laughing himself.

Their conversation fell into Director Zhao's ears, but Director Zhao didn't say much.

This is also true after all.

He didn't think that 300 million yuan could make any good movies.

This time, if it wasn't for Sister Cheng Cheng and Gu Qinglian's face, if Lin Ye came here alone with a liar, he might not even be able to enter the office door.

"Okay, don't say a few words."

After finishing everything, Director Zhao stood up: "The person who made this film still looks a little ambitious."

"He also said that his belief is going to theaters."

"Except that he is a little younger, the investment in this movie is a little less, and there are not many stars involved, there is nothing wrong with him."

No other problems?
Others couldn't help but slander inwardly.

All the faults have been picked out, but there is nothing wrong with Jean.

"Okay, you guys read it first, read it as much as you can, and then rate it."

"It's still the old rule, four of you, if three agree, sign it, if two agree, come to me, and I'll make a decision."

Director Zhao had no intention of staying here and went out alone.

Originally, he also wanted to participate in watching this kind of movie.

But Director Zhao has a lot of things to do, this time meeting with Lin Ye and the others is considered to be some free time, and now he has to busy himself with his own affairs.

Director Zhao left.

Inside the theater.

"How to say?"

"What else can I say, let's see."

"Hey, if it's not good, just watch the opening credits and give them an answer after the movie is over."

Manager Chen didn't say anything, they sat down and the screening started.


The movie begins.

"300 million...what good movie can you make?"

Manager Chen didn't hold out hope either.

The four of them, with a perfunctory attitude at first, prepared to take a look.

But soon.


"It feels... seems a bit good?"

"Unexpectedly, this group of extras can perform well."

After watching the opening credits, several people were stunned for a moment, a little surprised, and finally found a little feeling of watching a movie.

"You can watch it for a few more minutes."

Manager Chen, who was planning to withdraw after watching the opening credits, thought silently in his heart.


10 minutes.

Two 10 minutes.

Three and ten minutes passed.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The four of them sat there, staring at the screen intently.

From time to time issued a lying trough.

Is this also possible?

Cow batch.

Sounds like hahaha.

The one hour four 10 minute movie is coming to an end very quickly.

Wait for a movie to end.

"This is the end?"

"I can't finish it..."

"Is this really shot at 300 million yuan?"

"In terms of acting skills, although this group of people is a bit lacking, the camera sense and the editing of the whole film are simply amazing, and the plot... This is simply amazing."

Manager Chen sat there and waited for a long time.


Unexpectedly wonderful.

Especially the many plot twists in it made them burst into laughter.

"It's a good movie."

"I pass."

"I passed too."

Manager Chen nodded: "Then my side also passed."

Outside the auditorium.

"It's almost time."

Director Zhao glanced at the time, he just happened to be at the end of the movie, and then left the office.

He planned to go directly to Lin Ye and Sister Chengcheng over there, tell them that the movie failed the review, and express his regret a little bit.

Although he hasn't seen the movie yet.

But until now, Manager Chen has not given him any feedback.

So probably.

It was killed.

no way.

A movie with a cost of 300 million yuan, if this figure is said, it will make people very uninterested.

With a small cost, it is impossible to make a big production.

This is the inherent thinking of many people.

Director Zhao pushed open the door of the reception room: "Sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time."

I saw Director Zhao coming in.

Lin Ye and the others stood up together and looked at him.

"How about it?"

Sister Chengcheng asked.

Director Zhao smiled helplessly: "I'm very sorry..."

Hear this.

Lin Ye frowned, Gu Qinglian sighed, stretched out his hand, and patted Lin Ye lightly, worried that he would not be able to accept the reality.

"It's okay, Director Zhao."

Gu Qinglian looked at him: "I'm sorry to bother you."

Director Zhao waved his hand: "No trouble, no trouble."

"Well, I think his filmmaking is very spiritual, young man, persevere, persevere, and you will surely succeed in the future!"

Director Zhao encouraged.

He just finished.

"Director Zhao, so you are here."

Outside the door, Manager Chen rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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