Entertainment check-in: from being abandoned by first love

Chapter 114 Teacher Kobayashi is a bit stupid

Chapter 114 Teacher Kobayashi is a bit stupid

"What's in it."

Lin Ye took the bag, opened it, and took a look.

"Toothbrush, towel, and some other things, you can see for yourself. I don't know what it is, but there should be everything you need."

Gu Qinglian shouted.

Lin Ye looked over one by one, and what surprised him the most was that there were brand new close-fitting underwear inside.

"Thank you, you are really thoughtful."

"You're welcome."

Gu Qinglian originally wanted to ask Lin Ye if he wanted something to drink, some juice or something else, but thinking that he should still be angry at this moment, he immediately sullenly, tilted his head, and didn't bother to talk to Lin Ye over there.

"Women are amazing."

Lin Ye shook his head, he could feel a little anger in Gu Qinglian's words, but he didn't know why.

Since I don't know.

Just don't think about it.

Anyway, it's useless to think about it.

Lin Ye took his things and went to take a shower.

"When did you prepare?"

Sister Chengcheng waited for Lin Ye to leave, then turned her head and looked at Gu Qinglian with a strange expression.

"Last time I went to the supermarket to buy it by the way."

Gu Qinglian pretended to be very casual.

"Oh, that's quite casual indeed."

Sister Chengcheng shook her head and didn't say much.

Gu Qinglian always felt that there was something wrong with her words, but she couldn't say anything more.

Lin Ye came out after taking a shower, and Sister Chengcheng had already prepared some fruit.

"Take out your film for us to see?"

Sister Chengcheng suggested.

Lin Ye took out the film and handed it over.

Gu Qinglian didn't intend to talk to Lin Ye, so she rushed to get some big bags of snacks.

From chips to french fries to all kinds of nuts.

Healthy and a whole lot of unhealthy.

Lin Ye was preparing to show a movie there, and Gu Qinglian spread out on the sofa. Sister Chengcheng was a little better, and her sitting posture was quite elegant.

After adjusting.

The movie starts playing.

Just as Lin Ye was about to sit down, the phone rang.

He glanced at the caller ID, it was An Ran who was calling.

Lin Ye took the mobile phone, walked to the room, and closed the door.

"Who called this, and ran back to the room specially."

Gu Qinglian took a bite of potato chips, glanced at Lin Ye who entered the door, and did not forget to mutter.

Sister Chengcheng next to her opened a bag of French fries: "I bet it's a girl."

Gu Qinglian didn't pick up the words, too lazy to talk nonsense, took a bite of potato chips, and watched the movie that was playing.

in the room.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Lin Ye took the phone and sat down.


On the other end of the phone, An Ran's voice came from a puzzled voice: "You haven't called me for so long, it should be me asking you what's wrong, Comrade Xiao Lin."

Comrade Kobayashi?

Lin Ye was a little helpless: "You called me Mr. Xiao Lin in class, but after only a few days, you started calling me Comrade Xiao Lin."

A burst of laughter came from An Ran's side: "Oh, I won't tease you anymore."

"what are you doing?"

Lin Ye: "I just took a shower and am going to watch a movie."

An Ran: "Oh, I have started to learn piano from Professor Qi Qing now, and I feel that I have made great progress."

Lin Ye looked at the sky outside the window: "It's good to make a lot of progress, but you are so smart, you have problems if you don't make a lot of progress."

Listening to Lin Ye's words, An Ran hummed: "It's just that after coming to the Imperial Capital, I feel a little homesick."

"Although the teachers and classmates are very good, there is still a little discomfort."

On the other end of the phone, she narrated all kinds of trivial things that she encountered during the period after she came to the Imperial Capital.

The voice is gentle.

Like the last cool breeze of this summer.

Lin Ye listened quietly on the other end, and occasionally in the gaps of silence, he could also hear An Ran's breathing on the phone.

"Why do you always listen to me and not talk about you?"

An Ran talked for a long time, and took a sip of water with a gulp, and then she looked a little dissatisfied, with a delicate tone.

Lin Ye thought for a moment: "I have nothing to say."

"Graduated, unemployed, and then made a small movie, and now is a new generation of vagrants who want money but no money, careers but no career, wives and no wives."

Lin Ye joked.

After he finished speaking, he found that An Ran over there stopped talking.

Lin Ye was stunned for a moment: "Hello? Are you still there?"

An Ran seemed to be silent for a long time, and then continued: "It's still there."

"I just sent a WeChat message to my mother and asked about it."

"My mother's company still has some positions suitable for you. Otherwise, Comrade Xiao Lin, you can go to my mother's company to report."

"My mother also likes you very much, at least you take care of Anping very well."

Listen to An Ran's words.

Lin Ye was startled, then laughed dumbly: "No need, I was just joking with you."

"I'm going to make a movie now, and I'll talk about what to do later."

An Ran hummed: "Comrade Xiao Lin, I know this society is more difficult than I thought, but if it really doesn't work, then go to my mother."

Lin Ye: ...

Lin Ye: "I heard that you were comforting me in the first half, but why is it weird after that?"

An Ran listened to the words and smiled: "You can think whatever you want."

An Ran was about to talk to Lin Ye.

Beside her, a pretty well-dressed girl came over: "An Ran, who are you calling?"

"Zhao Ziang's treat tonight, will you go to the nursery rhyme?"

An Ran turned to look at her, and did not shy away from Lin Ye on the other end of the phone: "Where is it in the nursery rhyme?"

Girl: "Let's clear it up, there are often people singing there."

An Ran thought for a while: "I won't go, I don't know him very well either."

The girl came over and took An Ran's hand: "Oh, just treat it as being with me, and we all get to know each other after we get to know each other."

Listen to this.

An Ran hesitated for a moment: "Alright then."

The girl was overjoyed when she heard the words: "Okay, then it's settled."

"Hey, you may not know that Zhao Ziang sings very well."

"Then let's go together later."

The girl left after speaking.

An Ran said to Lin Ye: "It's a bald human relationship."

Lin Ye smiled: "In the nursery rhymes, this place sounds good. It's also good for you to go out and play with your classmates."

"If you're always alone, no matter what, you'll feel homesick."

An Ran hummed: "You don't want to know who that Zhao Ziang is?"

Lin Ye: "Why do you know who he is? He loves who he is."

An Ran was a little dissatisfied: "Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore."

She hung up the phone.

"Mr. Xiaolin is a bit stupid."

An Ran looked at the phone, stared blankly for a while, and sighed.

She felt a little inexplicably lost.

After Lin Ye made the phone call, he searched the nursery rhymes on his mobile phone.

The distance is 10.5km.


Not very far.

(End of this chapter)

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