Entertainment check-in: from being abandoned by first love

Chapter 115 I Already Have Someone I Like

Chapter 115 I Already Have Someone I Like

Since it is not very far.

Then go and have a look.

Lin Ye didn't have anything special to do for the time being, so he simply changed his clothes.

Open the door.

"It's a good shot, and it still looks good."

Sister Chengcheng praised, although she only watched the beginning, this movie gave her a very good feeling.

Gu Qinglian was eating potato chips there, and glanced at Lin Ye who came out: "Come and watch together?"

Lin Ye shook his head: "No, I have to go out."

Gu Qinglian was startled: "Where are you going?"

"Shall I drive you?"

Lin Ye waved his hand: "No need, I can still get there by checking my phone."

"If you can't find your way back after going out, I'll contact you again."

"You watch your movies."

Finish talking.

Lin Ye went out.

Watching Lin Ye leave.

"Does he know anyone in the imperial capital?"

Gu Qinglian couldn't help being curious.

Sister Chengcheng shook her head: "Who knows, judging by his hurried appearance, he might be out on a date."


Gu Qinglian pouted, continued to eat potato chips, and refused to comment.

It's the quality of the movie.

It was really beyond the expectations of Gu Qinglian and Sister Chengcheng.

I thought it was 300 million, and it took just over a month to shoot the movie. It is very likely that it is a shoddy short film for business.

did not expect.

The quality is surprisingly good.

It's no wonder that you can get the chance to go to theaters.

Is this genius?
This doubt popped up in Gu Qinglian's mind.

Lin Ye went out, opened the map on his phone, and left the community.

Then follow the route on the map to the subway station.

The reason why I choose to go out so early now.

Mainly to save money on taxis.

10.5KM distance.

If you take a taxi, you can’t afford a few tens of yuan, and if you encounter a traffic jam, you may have to pay hundreds of dollars.

In nursery rhymes.

This is a simple clean up.

Located in a university town in Imperial Capital.

This place is two streets away from the Imperial Conservatory of Music.

On weekdays, there are always resident singers singing here.

Occasionally, students from the Imperial Conservatory of Music would come over to grab a mic, play and sing a guitar, and so on.

The boss welcomes this very much.

It's getting late.

A group of people are walking towards this side from not far away.

"An Ran, how do you feel following Teacher Qi Qing? He is notoriously strict in our school."

In the crowd, a handsome young man with a good look looked at An Ran with a smile on his face.

An Ran held another girl's arm, and when she heard his question, she said in a neutral tone: "Teacher Qi Qing is quite nice, and she's not as strict as she imagined."

Zhao Ziang smiled: "It may be that you are not too strict with you, or it may be that you are talented and intelligent, so Professor Qi Qing can't find fault with you."

He said so.

The girl next to her immediately laughed: "Zhao Ziang, you are not as boastful as you are."

"Yes, yes, Zhao Ziang, just tell me the truth, are you interested in An Ran?"

A few people next to him booed and talked.

Zhao Ziang smiled and did not intend to refute, his eyes fell on An Ran.

Before he could speak.

An Ran was the first to speak: "I'm sorry, I already have someone I like, so please don't waste your time on me."

An Ran's straightforward words made Zhao Ziang's face slightly stiff.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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