Entertainment check-in: from being abandoned by first love

Chapter 120 He's Nice, But Not as Handsome as Me

Chapter 120 He's Nice, But Not as Handsome as Me


Lin Ye was taken aback by his question, but quickly recovered: "Of course, a little bit."

Xiaojun smiled, and said casually: "Then you can go up and read a song later."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Ziang over there. He didn't seem to care about Lin Ye, but patted Zhao Ziang's shoulder eagerly: "Or else make a decision today, as long as you nod, we will The band is formed."

"We can also go to various bars to sing at that time, and then go to a variety show and release our own album, maybe it will become popular."

"You also know that there are many songs on the market now, which are simply rubbish!"

"But I still have great confidence in you, brother!"

Xiaojun looked eager.

After he finished talking with Lin Ye, he didn't go to see Lin Ye again.

Just that word.

It's nothing more than a courtesy.

Xiaojun didn't take it to heart, and the others didn't take Lin Ye's answer to heart either.

He said so.

The people next to him also immediately agreed, and they all looked at Zhao Ziang: "Ziang, why don't you go and see singing? None of us have heard you sing before!"

"Yes, yes, I am very curious about your singing voice!"

"Come on, haha, if you are really popular and become a celebrity, then I can brag to my classmates in the future, saying that I have a celebrity friend!"

A few people talked endlessly there.

Zhao Zi'ang himself is not bad, and he has attracted much attention in school.

"I'm a little embarrassed by what you said."

Zhao Ziang smiled. Although he was embarrassed in his words, his face was full of pride and pride, and there was no sign of embarrassment at all.

But when Zhao Ziang looked at An Ran over there.

It was discovered that An Ran didn't intend to look at him at all, instead, she lowered her head and leaned beside Lin Ye, whispering what she was talking about.

This made Zhao Ziang feel a little unspeakable in his heart.

The desire for expression in his body instantly expanded countless times.

"Cough cough."

Zhao Ziang coughed, and looked at An Ran over there: "An Ran, do you have any favorite songs?"

An Ran heard his question and raised her eyes to look at him: "I can't remember it for now."

Zhao Ziang nodded: "That's fine, then I'll just sing a song."

He smiled: "Then you have to listen carefully later."

An Ran was noncommittal, too lazy to respond.

Seeing this, Zhao Ziang got up immediately.

He felt at this moment that he was like a prince who was about to go to the battlefield, and wanted to start this round of battle for the princess he guarded.

He looked at Xiaojun: "Come one."

Xiaojun laughed when he heard the words: "Just wait for your words, I'll call Mingzi and the others over!"

"Go straight to the stage later!"

"I've already thought up the name of the band, it's like a warrior in the world! This name is mighty and domineering."

Xiaojun and Zhao Ziang left and went to get ready to go on stage.

"Do you really have a friend named Xiao Ming?"

Lin Ye muttered.

An Ran turned her head and looked at him curiously: "What did you say?"

Lin Ye shook his head: "It's nothing, I didn't say anything."

When Zhao Ziang introduced Xiaojun just now, Lin Ye wondered in his heart if he still had a friend named Xiaoming, but he did not expect to.

When I was in school, Xiao Ming, Xiao Gang, Xiao Jun, Xiao Hong and Li Hua appeared most often in the textbooks.

Lin Ye was thinking in a mess in his mind.

At this time, An Ran became interested: "Comrade Xiao Lin, do you want to go up and sing a song later?"

"It's all here anyway."

"And you saw him acting like he wanted to sing for me, don't you have any sense of crisis?"

An Ran's eyes were full of cunning.

Lin Ye was helpless: "I have no sense of crisis, I'm just a salted fish."

"By the way, why do you always call me Comrade Xiaolin now?"

Lin Ye felt a little weird about this title.

An Ran tossed her hair, took a sip of ice water, and snorted: "Temporary secret."

Lin Ye didn't intend to continue asking.

A girl over there came over and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, you just agreed to give me the contact information, but you haven't given it yet."

"Yeah, yeah, I want that too."

"Ah, yes, I don't seem to get it either."

They looked at the forest.

They were interrupted by An Ran just now, which almost made them forget about it.

"It's very simple."

Lin Ye opened his mouth when he was about to speak.

"Drink a Coke."

An Ran had already slapped Coke on his face.

Watch this scene.

The few people over there couldn't help laughing: "Oh, An Ran, you are a bit stingy."

"Yes, yes, we just want his contact information, but we don't think about why."

An Ran looked innocent: "I told him not to give it to you again."

She turned to look at Lin Ye: "Comrade Xiao Lin, will you give it?"

Lin Ye finally took a sip of Coke, recovered his breath, glanced at the girl over there, then at An Ran with a smile on his face and crooked eyebrows, and instinctively shook his head: "Forget it, forget it. "

An Ran nodded in satisfaction.

The other girls were not angry, they were laughing and joking, they just thought it was funny.


Below the stage.

"How are the preparations?"

Zhao Ziang looked at Xiaojun, Xiaojun hung up the phone: "Mingzi is on his way here, he called Gangzi too."

"We'll do our best to help you later."

"I also agreed with the boss, just wait for the stage to be OK."

Zhao Ziang nodded: "Thank you."

Xiaojun smiled: "Thank you so much, isn't it just to help you pick up a girl."

"By the way, who is that man next to that woman just now?"

"Looking at him, they seem to have an unusual relationship?"

Zhao Ziang thought for a moment: "I didn't figure it out either, maybe it's her brother."

Xiaojun nodded: "It doesn't matter if it's not her brother, wait for you to go up, sing a good song, after the job is done, relying on your conditions, what girl can't get down?"

is talking.


Not far away, Mingzai, the keyboard player, and Gangzi, the drummer, walked over.

"It's all here, then wait for the person above to finish singing, and then we will go up."

Several people waited for a while.

Zhao Ziang is ambitious and full of enthusiasm.


Now the singer who has finished singing the song on the stage is over.

Zhao Ziang walked towards the stage together with Xiaojun and the others.

They walked under the neon lights of the bar, in high spirits.

"It's on stage, it's on stage, they're on stage."

"Hey, Zhao Ziang is still quite handsome."

"The smell is also good."

The girls here are talking.

An Ran and Lin Ye also looked at the stage over there at this time.

An Ran stretched out her hand and poked Lin Ye's arm: "What do you think of him?"

Lin Ye pretended to think about it, and then said something solemnly.

"He's fine."

"Just not as handsome as me."

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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