Chapter 121 The Stage
Seeing Lin Ye's solemn appearance.

An Ran nodded solemnly: "Comrade Xiao Lin is right!"

When the boys and girls over there heard what they said, they couldn't help expressing sympathy for Zhao Ziang who was on stage.


It's really a bit miserable.

It's like when I went on stage with great enthusiasm and wanted to prepare a performance for the girl I like.

As everyone knows, this girl is still there, just like other men complaining about you.


No amount of chatting here can stop Zhao Ziang, who has already stepped onto the stage and started to shine.

Zhao Ziang was very excited and happy.

On the stage, he picked up the microphone, and under the illumination of countless neon lights, he looked in An Ran's direction with a smile on his face.

"Hi everyone, my name is Zhao Ziang."

Zhao Ziang's voice spread through the bar through the microphone: "Today, I want to sing a song here for a special person."

He was eloquent.

Sound out.

It soon attracted the sound of booing from many people below.

"Support you!"

"It's nice to be young."

The people below shouted and shouted.

The atmosphere quickly became heated.

Zhao Ziang was very satisfied with this scene.

He wanted to say something else.



A man who just lost his love touched his face, stood up suddenly, and yelled at Zhao Ziang who was on the stage: "If you use a hammer, sing if you want to sing, and get out of here if you don't sing!"

The man's voice was hoarse, he shouted, his eyes were red, and then he took another sip of his wine.

Zhao Ziang was interrupted and looked at him a little unhappily: "This friend..."

He wants to be reasonable.

The man spit and stared wildly: "Who is your friend, do I know you, you just call me friend?"

"Whether you sing or not! If you don't sing, get out!"

That guy was obviously a slut.

Zhao Ziang was a little embarrassed, coughed, and finally had to compromise: "I don't have much to say, then please listen to me singing "My Woman"!"

"This song, give it to her!"

Zhao Ziang adjusted his emotions, and resisted the urge to step down and go to a real PK with that guy.

At this time, you have to be steady.

Singing is the most important thing.

If you sing well, maybe you can leave a strong mark in An Ran's heart!
Girls of this age.

Who doesn't like romance?

Zhao Ziang is full of ambition.

Lin Ye looked at him, then at An Ran: "It seems to be sung for you."

An Ran leaned back on the chair and took a sip of water: "It's not me, it can't be me."

"I'm not a woman, I'm a girl, okay?"

"And I'm not his."

An Ran said this with a natural face, and glanced at Lin Ye who was sitting beside her.

on the stage.

Xiaogang and the others soon began to accompany.

The music is ringing.

Zhao Ziang sang emotionally.

The song "My Woman" is a popular love song in this world.

Also won many awards.

The original singer of this song also relied on this song to successfully advance to an existence that relies on singles for retirement.

The melody is good.

The singing is also good.

Theoretically speaking, Zhao Ziang's timbre is acceptable, plus the accompaniment of the band behind him.

The visual effects are a bit unexpected.

An Ran sat there, glanced at her phone from time to time, and then drank water.

On the stage, Zhao Ziang tried his best to show himself, singing loud and clear.

Below, cheers erupted one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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