Chapter 125 The first time

"oh~ the brightest star in the night sky,
Please guide me close to you,
the brightest star in the night sky,
do you know

The figure that once walked with me,

Where is it now. "


The forest singing on the stage is slow.

Everyone under the stage looked up at the young man over there, their eyes full of indescribable emotions.

There are already many people humming along.

Stage lights shrouded.

At this moment, the world belongs to Lin Ye on the stage alone.

Wait for a song to end.

The music faded away.

Inside the bar, it was quiet at first, and then there was thunderous applause.


"Cow batch!"

"This song is really fresh and refined, and one sentence of excellence is not enough to describe it!"

"Great, do it again!"

The people below cheered, screamed excitedly, and clapped hard.

The atmosphere in the audience was ignited.

Lin Ye smiled and waved to the people below, and then walked off the stage without any nostalgia.

along the way.

"Hi, this is my WeChat."

"Is it convenient to leave a contact information?"

"Handsome, I think you look like my boyfriend!"

"Have we met somewhere?"

Many girls rushed over and boldly asked Lin Ye for contact information.

"Hello, I'm from a media company. I think you have great potential. Do you want to be a singer?"

"I'm a scout here, and I think you are suitable to be an actor."

There were also some people who came over to stuff their business cards.

Lin Ye declined one by one, and finally returned to his seat, seeing An Ran looking at him eagerly, he smiled: "What's the matter, why are you looking at me like that?"

An Ran shook her head, smiling like a flower: "It's nothing."

"I just feel, um, like a dream."

"I didn't expect you to play the piano well and sing so well!"

"And this song, I've never heard of it."

She felt sincerely, looking at Lin Ye, her eyes were shining, as if she was looking at a treasure boy who had just been discovered.

"I haven't released this song, of course you haven't heard it."

Lin Ye smiled.

Now he still has a lot of songs, scripts, and novels in his hand, but he has no time to organize and release them.

The main reason is that he doesn't have the energy yet, and the current Lin Ye just wants to wait for the movie to be released.

Wait for the movie to be released, and then you can get a large box office dividend.

Listening to Lin Ye's words, An Ran sighed again: "Comrade Xiao Lin can always bring surprises to people."

An Ran was like getting to know Lin Ye again.

The eyes of the people next to him looking at Lin Ye at this moment are also full of special meaning.

"I didn't expect you to not only sing, but also sing so beautifully?"

"It's hidden deep enough."

"Haha, that's awesome, I thought I was at a concert when you were on stage."

All the boys and girls smiled kindly at Lin Ye.

The complexion of Zhao Ziang over there changed several times, and now it was extraordinarily complicated, he was sitting there drinking alone.

The expression on Xiaojun's face next to him was also embarrassing. He looked at Lin Ye and sighed: "No need to say, brother, your singing is really great."

"I'm done."

"Come on, take this glass of wine as my apology for you."

He spoke, picked up a glass of wine, and drank it down.

Xiaojun had a bitter smile on his face, and looked at Zhao Ziang who was sitting there apologetically.

Originally, he still wanted to see this Lin Ye come to power and be ashamed, but he didn't expect that he was a king-level existence through and through.

This is relying on absolute strength to crush them all.

At this time, it is completely meaningless to say who sings well and who sings badly.

Even Zhao Ziang didn't make a sound, and took the initiative to admit defeat.

The other Mingzai and Gangzi were also straightforward, each poured a glass of wine, toasted Lin Ye, and drank it all in one gulp.

Drank for a while.

A man came by.

"Hello, I am the owner of this Qing bar. I heard you sing very well just now. If you want to come to our Qing bar to sing in the future, you can contact me."

The man's face was full of smiles, and he looked at Lin Ye with appreciation: "Also, the drinks at your table tonight will be charged to me."

"Think of it as my thank you for the song you just came on stage."

The boss came and left quickly. Before leaving, he glanced at An Ran beside Lin Ye and smiled, "Your girlfriend is very beautiful."

Before Lin Ye could explain, the boss had already left.

An Ran sat there with her head down, drank some water, and didn't make a sound.

Zhao Ziang's ugly face over there became even uglier.

Xiaojun and the others looked at Zhao Ziang with sympathy, and patted him on the shoulder helplessly.


People are indeed very good.

The singing level is top-notch.

Sit in the bar for a while.

An Ran took out her mobile phone, looked at the time, and then at Lin Ye: "What are you going to do later?"

Lin Ye thought for a while: "There should be nothing tonight, what's wrong?"

An Ran got up: "If you have nothing to do, go watch a movie, let's go, I'll treat you to a movie, and you treat me to a milk tea."

After she finished speaking, she greeted the others without looking at Zhao Ziang, and then pulled Lin Ye out the door.

"See a movie?"

Zhao Ziang sat there, feeling like a knife was twisting his heart.

He clearly said he didn't like watching movies.

Why are you still taking the initiative to go to the movies?

Even if you watch a movie, you still want to drink milk tea?

Zhao Ziang was distraught.

An Ran was too lazy to think too much, she and Lin Ye went out to the nearby movie theater, and ordered two cups of milk tea at the milk tea shop next to the movie theater.

"It's all me."

When buying milk tea, Lin Ye paid the bill, but when buying movie tickets, An Ran refused to let Lin Ye take the money, but took the initiative to pay the money on the mobile phone.

In her words, this one is called AA.

But actually.

Two cups of milk tea add up to 26 yuan.

But two movie tickets cost 80 yuan.

Probably because An Ran felt that Lin Ye's economy was not well off, so she used this method to take care of Lin Ye's self-esteem.

Lin Ye saw through and didn't say anything, and there was only an indescribable feeling in his heart.

The movie is a literary romance.

The plot doesn't have too many ups and downs.

In the end, it was probably the director who, in order to sublimate the theme, forced the heroine to die, to earn a wave of tears.

Lin Ye didn't feel anything, glanced at An Ran beside her, An Ran didn't mean to cry, but just looked at her, she was quite happy.

After watching the movie, I left the cinema.

An Ran hummed, threw the empty milk tea cup into the trash can, then turned to look at Lin Ye: "This is my first time."


Lin Ye was startled, and then he was taken aback: "Huh?"

An Ran blinked her eyes: "It's the first time I watched a movie at Dijing Heren."

"It's cheaper for you!"

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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