Entertainment check-in: from being abandoned by first love

Chapter 126 Don't You Have Any Ideas?

Chapter 126 Don't You Have Any Ideas?
"This is the first time, it scares me."

Lin Ye smiled.

An Ran glanced at him: "Then why are you thinking about the first time?"

Lin Ye didn't speak anymore, and this was not easy to answer.

Fortunately, An Ran didn't continue talking about this topic. After leaving the movie theater, Lin Ye sent An Ran back to school.

On the road.

An Ran bought two more ice creams.

"How long have you been staying in the Imperial Capital?"

Arriving at the school gate, An Ran looked at Lin Ye and asked a question.

A breeze blows.

The wind in the north is cooler than that in the south.

Lin Ye thought for a moment: "Not sure yet."

An Ran nodded: "If you are free after that, let's have dinner together again."

"It's too late today, otherwise I would like to eat a hot pot. I heard that the mutton boiled in Dijing is very good."

Lin Ye nodded: "There will be a chance."

An Ran hummed, and then each of them was silent for a moment, she waved at Lin Ye: "Then I'll go in first."

"In addition, your song today is very good, very good."

"Thank you very much Comrade Kobayashi for your company tonight, goodbye!"

She waved her hand, then turned and entered the school.

Lin Ye didn't start thinking about how to go back until she disappeared.

Fortunately, it's not too late now.

Lin Ye checked the route, then found the subway, and took the subway back.

while on the road.

He received a call from Gu Qinglian.

"Where is it? When will you be back?"

Gu Qinglian seemed a little dissatisfied on the other end of the phone.

Lin Ye yawned: "I'm about to go back."

"Don't worry, I'm such a big person, I won't lose it."

Lin Ye was still a little heartwarming.

This Gu Qinglian called, obviously because he was worried that he would get lost.

However, Gu Qinglian said simply: "I'm not worried about your safety, you are not a girl, so where is the danger?"

"But on the way back, help me bring me a whole chicken and burger, as well as French fries, and more ketchup, please."

After Gu Qinglian finished speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap.

Lin Ye was a little helpless: "I thought it was because of concern, but it took me a long time to buy supper."

Lin Ye shook his head, just as the subway was coming, he got on the subway.


Sister Cheng Cheng glanced at Gu Qinglian who was sitting there, and said with a smile: "Why don't you just say that you are worried about him? You have to ask him to bring you some supper, isn't it superfluous."

Gu Qinglian lay there, watching TV instead of Miss Cheng Cheng, and said absently: "Who is worried about him, why am I worried about him, I just want to eat supper suddenly, so I asked him to help bring it one time."

"I'm also his investor, okay? It shouldn't be too much to ask him to bring a supper along the way."

She said so.

But Sister Chengcheng didn't speak, and looked at Gu Qinglian with a half-smile.

Gu Qinglian collapsed for a while, then sighed: "It's okay, okay, just treat it as a worry."

"I voted several million for him, and only then did I realize that he not only writes songs well, but also makes very good movies."

"This is definitely a talent!"

"I'm concerned about what's going on, okay?"

Gu Qinglian was not in a good mood.

Sister Chengcheng laughed: "You can do it, but no one says you can't."

"But you care about him, and he doesn't know, so what's the point?"

Gu Qinglian rolled his eyes: "Why do you want him to know? This is the concern among friends, how can there be so many things that you don't have? Besides, he is unfamiliar with the place when he came to Dijing this time. What happened to him, isn't it me who is in trouble?"

"Okay, I'll take a shower first, and then I'll wait for his supper."

"Sister Chengcheng, help me find another movie, watch it during supper."

She got up and went to the bathroom.

Sister Chengcheng helplessly shook her head and didn't say anything more.

after an hour.

Lin Ye just returned home, and he knocked on the door.

Sister Chengcheng went to open the door, looked at Lin Ye with a lot of things in her hands, and was a little surprised: "Why do you buy so much?"

Lin Ye smiled: "I'm afraid there won't be enough food."

Sister Chengcheng nodded, stretched out her hand, and took something for her.

to the living room.

Gu Qinglian glanced at Lin Ye who came in, and didn't intend to stand up to greet him, but said casually: "I've been out for so long, why did I go?"

"Could it be that you just came to the Imperial Capital and hooked up with a little girl?"

She talks like this.

Lin Ye took the things over and put them on the table in front of Gu Qinglian. While sitting on the ground, he unwrapped the package: "No, I met a student who was a tutor before."

"She just came to the Imperial Capital to go to school, and she happened to be free, so she went to the Qing bar to sit for a while, and then watched a movie."

Hearing Lin Ye's words, Gu Qinglian let out a groan, and while he was busy eating, he looked at Lin Ye: "By the way, if the contract here has been finalized, what are you going to do later?"

"If it's okay, write a few more songs for me?"

She blinked and looked at Lin Ye with a bit of cunning in her eyes.

"Okay, this is very simple."

Lin Ye nodded without refusing, and simply agreed.

In his music library, there are many songs that can only be sung by women, and it is useless for Lin Ye to keep them.

Gu Qinglian was overjoyed when he heard the words: "Well, it's settled like this, and don't worry, I will give you a higher price than the market price."

Lin Ye waved his hand: "It doesn't matter."

Although Lin Ye loves money very much, in his opinion, the value of a good song is huge, but the selling price depends on the person who sells the song.

Now Lin Ye is not well-known, even if he sells a song, he can't get much money.

So be generous, it doesn't matter.

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he also looked at Gu Qinglian curiously: "Why do you want so many songs?"

Then, Lin Ye thought of something: "Let's talk about it first, if you resell the song I gave you, then I will get a point, and everyone who sees it will have a share."

Listening to Lin Ye's words, Gu Qinglian, who was a little moved one second, lost his temper the next second: "Don't worry, I won't take your song and sell it to others."

"And, look at me, look at me carefully and seriously."

Gu Qinglian pointed to her face with one hand, while looking at Lin Ye.

Lin Ye also looked at her with a serious and serious expression.

Gu Qinglian waited for a while, seeing that Lin Ye didn't speak, she couldn't help asking: "What did you see?"

Lin Ye looked at her like a fool: "I saw you."

Gu Qinglian rolled her eyes: "Is there no other idea?"

Lin Ye thought for a moment, then shook his head: "No."

Gu Qinglian still didn't give up: "You really didn't think of anything?"

Lin Ye thought about it...

Still shaking his head.

Gu Qinglian's heart ached.

Outdated stars are not as good as dogs.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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