Chapter 132

"Come on, sit down."

Sun Qiyue looked at An Ran with soft eyes.

Her attitude towards girls is obviously much better than that towards other men.

"An Ran, where is your so-and-so?"

As soon as An Ran sat down, Qi Qing who was next to him hurriedly asked, "Will he let us go?"

An Ran shook her head: "I called him just now, he's on his way, he'll be there soon."

Hearing this, Qi Qing breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good."

Zhao Kuo who was next to him laughed, "Old Qi, looking at you like this, you are really a little too nervous."

"Isn't it just a simple meal? When you come here, why do you feel that you are carrying a lot of burden in your heart?"

"Don't worry, when he arrives, even if he doesn't play the piano very well, I will take it for your sake and save him some face."

Li Nan nodded after hearing the words: "I agree."

Qi Qing was in a hurry: "Hey, don't think too much, I tell you, his talent is beyond doubt, and you don't need to look at me for my sake, I tell you, later you You will know my Qi Qing's eyes."

Both Zhao Kuo and Li Nan shook their heads, and didn't take Qi Qing's words to heart.

Sun Qiyue over there didn't intend to look at Qi Qing at this time, she closed the book in her hand, looked at An Ran who was sitting there, and said with a smile: "Little classmate, how do you feel learning piano from Teacher Qi Qing? "

"If you are free in the future, you can also come to me, and I will help you practice."

Sun Qiyue's voice was soft.

An Ran was a little flattered: "It's pretty good."

Qi Qing was stunned for a moment, he had the feeling that Sun Qiyue wanted to poach his students.

Sun Qiyue nodded: "Then it's a deal."

"My favorite is a student like you who looks very good."

Sun Qiyue smiled, when talking to An Ran, she was extraordinarily approachable.

Several people sat for a while.

Zhao Kuo raised his hand and looked at the time: "Is this person here yet?"

Li Nan sat there and took a sip of coffee: "It's probably a traffic jam. It's difficult to order on time in this place."

Several people are talking.

The door of the tea restaurant was pushed open.


Seeing Lin Ye coming in, An Ran quickly stood up, smiled and waved at Lin Ye.

Qi Qing shivered, looking at Lin Ye who was approaching with excitement, stepped forward, and grabbed Lin Ye's hand: "Hello, hello, little brother, long time no see, you really miss me! "

Qi Qing spoke excitedly.

Lin Ye shook hands with him: "Professor Qi Qing, you are serious."

Seeing Lin Ye coming over, Qi Qing looked very happy: "It's not serious, I'm not joking, I'm telling the truth!"

"You really make me want to die!"

"I still remember the piece you played that day, and I can't forget it."

Qi Qing sighed.

An Ran looked at Lin Ye who came in, with crooked eyebrows, and she was also very happy.

"Old Qi, don't just shake hands, can you introduce the piano genius you are talking about?"

Zhao Kuo shouted.

Li Nan next to him nodded and echoed: "Yes, aren't you always afraid that we may not recognize Mount Tai? Now that Mount Tai is here, it's time to introduce him."

Sun Qiyue on the side glanced at Lin Ye, compared to seeing An Ran's enthusiasm, she looked at Lin Ye in a much calmer way.

"Yes, yes, come on, let me introduce to you, this is the piano genius I met when I was in Hangzhou, Lin Ye."

Qi Qing introduced, and he looked at Lin Ye again: "This is Zhao Kuo, Professor Zhao, and this is Li Nan, Professor Li."

"This is Professor Sun."

"They are all my colleagues in the piano department of the Imperial Conservatory of Music, and they are all well-known pianists in the circle."

Hear Qi Qing's introduction.

Lin Ye looked at them and said hello: "Hello."

Qi Qing pulls Lin Ye to sit down.

An Ran sat beside Lin Ye.

Zhao Kuo looked at Lin Ye, looked up and down, and smiled: "I have known Lao Qi for quite a long time, and this is the first time I have seen him respect someone so much, so I am a little curious, who did you learn the piano from? Is it convenient to reveal it?"

Li Nan also nodded: "Yes, I'm also curious about this, I thought, if you are really as talented as Lao Qi said, then your teacher must not be an unknown person."

"Maybe we'll still get to know each other."

They asked questions and looked at Lin Ye.

Sun Qiyue also looked at Lin Ye indifferently, waiting for Lin Ye's response.

Lin Ye coughed and said, "On the piano... I don't have a teacher."

"No teacher?"

Zhao Kuo was taken aback.

Li Nan laughed: "Then you are not going to tell us that you are self-taught?"

"This... well, it is indeed quite a genius."

He said so, but his face was obviously a little disbelieving.

Sun Qiyue shook her head slightly, but didn't intend to speak.

Lin Ye thought for a while: "It can't be said that I am self-taught, it's just a more mysterious feeling. When I play the piano, I rely on my feeling."

Lin Ye didn't lie either.

The system gave the tune, and immediately integrated the various skills and emotions required by the tune into Lin Ye's body.

So when Lin Ye played, he relied on the instinctive feeling given by the system.

As for learning the piano?

I haven't learned it at all.

Piano teacher?

What is that, can I eat it?

When Zhao Kuo heard Lin Ye's words, he felt that the kid in front of him was talking big, and he couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

of course.

It may also be because his teacher is not well-known, so he is ashamed to speak.

But no matter what it is, Zhao Kuo feels that Lin Ye is not a sincere person.

Seeing this, Qi Qing hurriedly smoothed things over: "I've already said, he's a genius."

"A real genius cannot be inferred by common sense. If genius can be understood, wouldn't there be geniuses everywhere?"

Qi Qing tried to smooth things over.

Li Nan and Zhao Kuo smiled and didn't speak any more.

Sun Qiyue also lacks interest in Lin Ye.

Lin Ye sensed their attitude towards him, and didn't pay much attention.

It's just a bunch of irrelevant people anyway.

An Ran was a little annoyed, she turned her head to look at Lin Ye: "Comrade Xiao Lin, can you play the piece you played before again."

"I want to hear it."

She looked eagerly at Lin Ye.

Hear this.

Qi Qing was stunned for a moment, originally he planned to trouble Lin Ye to play a song in public.

But unexpectedly, An Ran was the first to be unable to sit still.

Zhao Kuo smiled: "Yes, how about a song."

Li Nan nodded: "Yes, I am also quite curious about what Lao Qi heard."

Sun Qiyue didn't go to see Lin Ye, but took a sip of milk by herself.

Lin Ye met An Ran's eyes, hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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