Chapter 133

Lin Ye got up and walked to the piano over there.

Looking at Lin Ye's back.

An Ran had a look of cheering him on.

Qi Qing looked excited, he looked at Zhao Kuo and Li Nan: "Get ready, you can hear the song I said earlier later."

"You will also understand why I am willing to call him a genius!"

Qi Qing's face turned red.

Zhao Kuo smiled: "Don't be so excited."

Li Nan smiled: "Aren't we preparing to listen, Lao Qi, I think you should not give us such high expectations, otherwise, our standards will become higher and higher."

Hearing this, Qi Qing was full of confidence: "I was afraid that your standards were not high."

"Don't worry, this is a guy who can give people miracles!"

Qi Qing's voice was excited.

Sitting there, Sun Qiyue put down the milk in her hand. She tilted her head and looked at Lin Ye who was walking towards the piano. Her eyes were clear and calm, without too much emotion.

Not even a little bit of curiosity.

In this lifetime, Sun Qiyue has seen too much.

I was able to come here today purely because I couldn't save Qi Qing's face.

It's lunchtime now.

There are many people in the tea restaurant.

Someone noticed Lin Ye who was walking towards the piano, ready to play, and smiled curiously and kindly at him.

Someone gave him an encouraging look.

"Probably the guy who came here on a special trip, brought the girl he likes, and played a song for her."

A man was holding a menu, ready to order, glanced at Lin Ye over there, and said something with a smile to the woman sitting opposite.

When the woman heard this, she gave him a blank look: "You know all of this, you are so smart."

The man laughed happily: "That's not true, otherwise I wouldn't be able to marry such a good wife as you."

The two were flirting.

The atmosphere in the restaurant is relaxed and convivial.

Lin Ye sat in front of the piano, gently touching the black and white keys with one hand.

Each piano brings a different feeling to Lin Ye.

just now.

He sat in this music tea restaurant in the Imperial Capital, looking at the simple and quiet piano in front of him.

The bottom of his heart was peaceful.

Lin Ye sat there, adjusting his breathing.

1 minutes.

In the entire tea restaurant, the various discussions of other people gradually disappeared.

Even the waiter subconsciously restrained the sound of footsteps when walking.

Many people watched the forest at this moment, quietly waiting for the next performance.


Lin Ye pressed his fingertips on the keys.

The moment the first note sounded.

Everyone felt an indescribable sense of desolation from the bottom of their hearts.

That sudden musical note completely shattered the harmonious atmosphere of the last second!
Prelude to the Undead!

Lin Ye looked solemn, and his fingertips flew away.

The bursts of musical notes that hit the face made everyone subconsciously stop their movements.

Qi Qing looked excited.

Zhao Kuo, who had a smile on the corner of his mouth last second, couldn't smile this second.

Li Nan next to him was also completely stunned!
Sun Qiyue, who had already looked away and was about to continue reading, stopped what she was doing and turned her head.

Surprise and shock flashed across the pretty face of a 30-year-old girl in her 20s.

She didn't have much emotion on her face, but at this moment, she suddenly had some indescribable emotions.

An Ran's eyes were shining, looking at Lin Ye sitting in front of the piano, his eyes were filled with admiration.

Lin Ye has completely forgotten everything around him.

In his eyes, there is only this piano, and only the prehistoric battlefield constructed with music.

The flames of war burn.

Souls of the dead, lament in the music!
"What a terrifying musical control..."

"This song is simply too powerful."

"It's such a strong emotion, such a tragic feeling..."

Many people looked at the forest over there, and their hearts were so shocked that they couldn't be more shocked.

Even the waiters who had been busy serving meals stopped subconsciously.


The time in the restaurant seems to have been frozen.

All eyes were on Lin Ye who was sitting there and playing this piece of music!

Lin Ye looked solemn and his fingertips jumped.

until the last note falls.

Yu Yin disappeared.

Time seemed to return to its original state.

The battlefield constructed by musical notes, and the howls about the undead conveyed, gradually disappeared from everyone's ears.

The world is bright again.

Lin Ye let out a foul breath.

Around, strong applause sounded wave after wave.


"What a great song."

"This music is amazing. I obviously just heard him playing, but the picture involuntarily appeared in my mind!"

Someone is excited.


Some people took the initiative to walk over and wanted Lin Ye's contact information, but Lin Ye declined.

"how is it going?"

Qi Qing was excited, and his face was a little red: "That's the feeling, that's the song!"

"Tell me, how about it!"

He couldn't wait to look at Zhao Kuo and Li Nan.

Zhao Kuo's gaze was still looking at the forest field over there, and he came back to his senses at this moment, and smiled bitterly: "Before, my vision was too narrow, so I have to admit that this absolutely perfect."

"It's amazing, it's really amazing, I really didn't expect that he could make such a performance!"

When Zhao Kuo said the latter, his face was full of suspicion.

Li Nan next to him looked excited: "It's amazing, it's amazing!"

"This song is definitely a master-level existence, and it is definitely an existence comparable to some world famous songs!"

"His notes seem to be alive and full of aggression. From his first note, my whole body seems to be forcibly brought into the world of his music by him!"

Qi Qing also felt very relieved when he heard what they said: "I said it a long time ago, but you don't believe it! Believe it now!"

He grinned.

An Ran next to him also had a smile on his face, feeling happy for Lin Ye from the bottom of his heart.

"Professor Sun, what do you think?"

Qi Qing still didn't forget to look at Sun Qiyue over there.

Zhao Kuo and Li Nan also looked at Sun Qiyue.

Sun Qiyue has always had her eyes above her head, especially when it comes to music, the standards are even more stringent.

And this moment.

Sun Qiyue nodded in a rare way: "Not bad."

"This song is indeed a song with great potential and energy."

"I was really surprised by him, and I also felt that kind of surprise."

Sun Qiyue sighed, his voice was slow and sincere.

The way she speaks.

Lin Ye got up, left from the piano, and walked over, just in time to meet Sun Qiyue's gaze.

"You really don't have a teacher to teach you?"

Sun Qiyue spoke suddenly and looked at Lin Ye with burning eyes.

 Every day is hovering between cutting and not cutting.

  Today is another day.

  good night.

(End of this chapter)

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