Chapter 164 Signature
In the past, the signing sessions of several online literature writers were not even successfully held.

It is because there are too few people who come that day.

Although those online writers' performance online is not bad, but the conversion rate to offline is too low to bear to look directly at.

In contrast.

Those traditional writers who have already gone the publishing route and have gone all the way, often wait for a lot of fans when they sign the book.

It is precisely because of this.

This time the signing project.

Everyone was scrambling to get the project of a physical book writer, but they all deliberately avoided Lin Ye, a guy who was born as an online literature writer.

after all.

If a project is done well, it is a result, and you can also get a performance bonus.

But if it is not done well, the harm will be too great.

Not to mention affecting performance, the most important thing is that it may also affect future promotions.

In the eyes of many people in the publishing house, Linye's project is a hot potato.

Even if "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" has achieved very good results on the Yuan Chinese website.

But if it is really published, if there is a signing event, God knows if a dozen people can come to support it.

Liu Ya looked at Lin Ye: "Let's talk about the specific process first."

"If you sign a sale here, there will usually be an autographed book."

"There are two situations here. One is that you go over when the time comes, and after someone buys the book, sign it in front of him."

"The other is to sign it in advance, and then put it there for sale when the time comes."

"We have prepared five hundred books here, and you may need to stay later and sign those books with your name."

Liu Ya said this.

Lin Ye nodded: "No problem."

Signature only.

This is not too difficult.

It's just that Lin Ye is a bit regretful at this time. If he knew it earlier, he would not be able to afford the pen name of the four characters "野望杭城".

Fortunately, there are not many volumes.

"Well, other things, it's about some publicity matters. We have jointly made a publicity column with Yuanyuan, officially doing pre-heating and publicity work for the "Ghost Blowing Lantern" signing event. "

Liu Ya said something casually.

Lin Ye nodded: "Then, is there anything else I need to do?"

Liu Ya thought for a while: "There seems to be nothing else, it's your first signing, so don't be too nervous."

"Then if you have any questions in the future, just contact me again."

"Oh, by the way, the bookstore for the signing this time is at the New Culture Bookstore. I will send you the specific address on your mobile phone later. If there are no accidents, the signing date should be three days later."

After Liu Ya finished speaking, she looked at Lin Ye: "Are there any other questions?"

Lin Ye shook his head: "Not anymore."

Liu Ya nodded: "Okay, then you can go with me now, the books are all ready, and they are placed in the meeting room on the other side."

"You can go over there now and sign the five hundred volumes over there first."

Lin Ye followed Liu Ya out of the reception room.

Five hundred volumes.

Lin Ye muttered about the number. He didn't have a specific idea of ​​the number of books sold at the signing, and he didn't know whether five hundred books was too many or not.

Just went out.

"Teacher Guo, then this time I have to trouble you."

The door of another reception room was pushed open, and two people came out.

One male and one female.

The man looked to be in his 30s, with a string of Buddhist beads on his wrist, and a silk jacket that made him look like a cultured man at first glance. He looked a little arrogant, with a hint of arrogance in his eyes: "Don't worry Yes, I will definitely sign all those autograph books before the autograph session starts."

"This time, I have to trouble you."

The woman is 1.6m [-] in height and wearing a professional OL outfit. She looked at the man and smiled happily: "Mr. Guo, you are serious. It is my honor to serve you."

"And I'm just doing some of my duties now, so there's nothing troublesome about it."

Chen Yun smiled happily. This time, getting Guo Chenshen's signing project was enough to double her bonus for this month.

Guo Chen Shen nodded: "By the way, in addition, there is also the matter I told you. I hope you can talk to your president again."

"As you know, I have a lot of book clubs, and I never like to hold signing parties with other people."

"There are two reasons for this. The first is that I am worried that it will affect other people's mood. After all, I still think that I am relatively popular. The second is that I hope that my book friends and readers can have a better communication environment. It’s not good if there are other people talking about other inexplicable books when we arrive at the scene that day.”

Chen Yun nodded: "Teacher Guo, don't worry, I'm going to talk to our president about your request right now."

"When I have news, I will tell you."

"Let me take you to the big conference room over there now. Your books are all there now, and I have sent a batch to your home, so that you can sign them when you are at home."

While talking, Chen Yun squinted at Liu Ya who was standing beside him, and then smiled: "Liu Ya, you just finished talking too?"

After she finished speaking, her eyes fell on Lin Ye, looked him up and down, and her eyes were full of sarcasm: "Could this be the online literature writer who is going to hold an offline signing event?"

"It looks very handsome. I heard that your book has a good score on the Internet, but I still want to say that young people should not be too ambitious."

"Lest the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

She smiled, with the pride of a winner on her face.

Guo Chenchen next to him heard Chen Yun's words at this time, and guessed a little bit. He turned his head and glanced at Liu Ya, then at Lin Ye, raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything, turned around and walked over there. large conference room.

"This man looks a little arrogant."

Lin Ye looked at the back of them leaving and said something.

Liu Ya was a little helpless: "I'm sorry, please don't take what she just said to heart, she is like this, alas."

Lin Ye shook his head: "It's okay, I never argue with such insignificant people."

Liu Ya hummed: "That's good, then you, this way please."

"We are here."

Liu Ya led Lin Ye to a conference room, and when he entered, Lin Ye saw five hundred books piled up in the conference room.

Lin Ye sat down to sign, signed for a long time, stretched his waist, and when he went out to use the toilet, when he passed by the large meeting room next door, he squinted inside.

Then I was stunned.

Among the mountains of books.

Guo Chenshen is furiously writing.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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