Chapter 165 Sudden Request

The big conference room in front of me is much bigger than the one in Lin Ye.

The room is big.

The table is also big.

Guo Chenchen, who was sitting there, was surrounded by piles of books.

At a glance, there are at least a few thousand volumes.

In contrast.

Lin Ye's five hundred volumes will seem pitifully small.

"So much?"

Lin Ye was a little surprised. Guo Chenshen, who was scribbling over there, felt Lin Ye's gaze and raised his head slightly.

His eyes penetrated from the table and landed on Lin Ye.

He looked up and down for a while, then turned his mouth, didn't say anything, and didn't even bother to waste a little time on Lin Ye, turned his head and continued to sign.

He signs very quickly.

He opened the title page of the book with one hand, signed it with the other, closed it with the other, and threw it aside.

The action is smooth and smooth, in one go.

Really simply can't do it.

Obviously an old world.

Lin Ye looked at it for a while, then remembered his business, hurried to the toilet, and let go.

After washing your hands, go back to your meeting room.

Lin Ye looked at the more than 100 books he had not yet signed, and suddenly felt that this number did not seem particularly unacceptable.


Liu Ya specially brought a glass of water and placed it by Lin Ye's table.

"How many copies does the guy next door have to sign?"

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Ye asked curiously.

Liu Ya put down the water: "Ms. Guo's books are selling very well, this time it should be around [-] copies."

"In addition, there are thousands of volumes, which were arranged to be sent to his home for him to sign at home."

Liu Ya responded.

Lin Ye nodded.

She smiled: "Why, are you particularly envious?"

"But after all, people eat physical books. They have published a lot of books before, and they have a lot of fans."

"Therefore, there is no need to pay too much attention to him. After all, this is his achievement. Don't let him affect your mood."

As Liu Ya was talking, she was afraid that Lin Ye would be a little dissatisfied because he had prepared few books for signing, so she continued: "Mr. Guo didn't seem to have [-] books when he signed for the first time. Now you can have so many copies for the first time signing, which is already a very good result."

"Besides. The most important thing is that you are younger, and there are infinite possibilities in the future, so don't be discouraged, don't be discouraged."

Liu Ya comforted Lin Ye.

Lin Ye shook his head: "No, you misunderstood, I'm not sad, I'm just a little lucky."


Liu Ya was a little puzzled, she froze for a moment, blinked her eyes, and hadn't caught up with Lin Ye's brain circuit.

Lin Ye coughed and said, "I just saw how hard it was for him to sign."

"Guo Chenshen, that's three words. If there are three thousand volumes over there, that's nine thousand words."

"Combined with those from his family, it's not worth tens of thousands of words."

"He is also really not afraid of being tired."

"I'm fine, just five hundred volumes, at most two thousand words."

Liu Ya was startled, as if she didn't react all of a sudden.

Other writers are eager to sign more books, but now in front of Lin Ye, he seems to be very lucky that he doesn't have too many books to sign?
Liu Ya shook her head, she simply didn't think about it, most likely she just felt that this forest was a bit special.

When Lin Ye finished signing the book and walked out of this meeting room.

Just as Chen Yun came over from the outside, she looked at Lin Ye and smiled: "The signing is fast enough, but it's no wonder why you have fewer books."

She smiled, and didn't give Lin Ye a chance to speak, so she hummed to herself and went to the big meeting room where Guo Chenchen was.

"Why is this woman so annoying?"

Lin Ye shook his head and was about to leave.

Liu Ya came over, looking a bit embarrassed: "Well, I'll keep you up for a while, I have something I want to tell you."

She hesitated.

"Speak directly."

Lin Ye looked at her, but didn't pay much attention.

Liu Ya sighed: "The president came to me just now, saying that it was because Mr. Guo didn't like other people signing books with him in a bookstore,"

Speaking of the latter, Liu Ya seemed a little aggrieved.

"So what?"

Lin Ye looked at her, and could see Liu Ya's embarrassment: "Editor Liu, just tell me, it's fine."

"Could it be that the signing was canceled this time?"

"If it's really a cancellation, I have no problem, but no matter what, I won't refund the money anyway."

Lin Ye spoke seriously.


Liu Ya froze for a moment, then shook her head: "No, will the book signing be cancelled, but you may need to sign the book at a place a little outside the bookstore."

"Just now the president came to me for this purpose, and Mr. Guo has been cooperating with our agency for quite a long time..."

Speaking of the latter, Liu Ya's eyes were flushed. Although she tried her best to restrain her emotions, she still couldn't help showing her wronged side at this time.

She just wanted to do a good job on a project.

But from the beginning to the present, it has hit a wall everywhere.

No need to think about it, it was Chen Yun who ran to find the president just now.

But at the publishing house, Liu Yaren spoke lightly. She just argued with the president, but it was of no avail.

"sorry Sorry!"

Liu Ya bowed to Lin Ye, full of apologies.

She felt aggrieved and anxious.

When Lin Ye heard her words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Will that affect the income such as the royalties of the books sold at that time?"

Liu Ya raised her head and looked at him: "This is not possible..."

Lin Ye nodded: "Then it's fine, I can do it."

Lin Ye smiled: "Anyway, the signing is mainly to sell books to my book friends. As for the others, where and how to sign, these are all formal issues."

"I don't care."

Lin Ye looked very angry.


Lin Ye really didn't care about these superficial things.

Just like when many people have a dinner, in order to show their heroism, they pick up the wine and start fighting.

Lin Ye didn't care about such superficial things at all.

He cares about the most fundamental things.

It's just that the book lovers are not satisfied with this story.

Can this story make money?


It's all bullshit.

"Thank you for your understanding!"

Liu Ya's already red eyes turned even redder.

She was even a little moved.

She has suffered a lot of grievances during this period. When she first came to find Lin Ye, she was ready to be scolded by Lin Ye.

But did not expect.

The forest in front of him is actually so easy to talk to.

He looks like a nice guy!
"If there is nothing else, I will go back first, and then if there is anything else, please call me."

Lin Ye didn't stay in this place too long, he waved his hand and left, after turning around, he remembered something, turned around again: "That's right."

Liu Ya was startled, a little nervous: "What's wrong?"

Lin Ye took out his pocket, took out a pack of toilet paper and handed it over: "Wipe."

"Girl, it doesn't look good when you cry."

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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