Chapter 167 The solution to the problem

Cheng Lu returned home, exhausted physically and mentally.

"That person came to pester you again?"

Lin Ye, who came from the balcony, gave her a sympathetic look.

Cheng Lu nodded, rubbed her temples, and felt a severe headache: "Do you know of any way to stop him from coming to me again?"

Lin Ye thought for a while, then nodded: "Of course."

Cheng Lu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and looked at Lin Ye expectantly.

Lin Ye said solemnly: "If you break his leg, he will have to stay in the hospital, and he won't be able to come to you."

Hearing this, Cheng Lu was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Then when he recovers, won't he still come to me?"

Lin Ye shook his head: "When he gets better, before he is discharged from the hospital, it's fine to interrupt."

"Isn't it very simple."

Cheng Lu was a little speechless by Lin Ye's words.

She sat on the sofa, a little depressed: "I mean, is there any way to stop him from coming to me again?"

Lin Ye didn't joke anymore: "Try calling the police?"

Cheng Lu shook her head: "It's useless, I tried, and..."

She was a little hesitant, and then continued: "Furthermore, Fang Cheng's people are not really bad, they're just a little bit awkward, and I don't like his type either."

"But he has liked me for many years. In high school, he was beaten up by punks because of me."

Speaking of the past, Cheng Lu was even more entangled: "But I treated him as an ordinary friend from the beginning."

Lin Ye didn't know what to say about this, and Lin Ye himself was not a good hand at dealing with things like feelings.

if not.

At the beginning, it would not be because of a Tong Zixin that the entire four years of university were wasted.

One girl in four years.

It hasn't soaked yet.

He was also issued a good person card.

If it weren't for Lin Ye's efforts to turn the tide in the last semester.

At future university reunions, maybe people will subconsciously think of Tong Zixin's special identity as a dog licking when they look at him.

Fortunately, after a while, Su Xiaofei came back.

Although she was quite busy during this period, it seemed that the content of her work was what she liked, so she was still in a good mood.

"What's the matter, Lulu, look at your listless look, who bullied you?"

After entering the door, Su Xiaofei asked curiously, and then looked vaguely at the forest over there.

"It has nothing to do with me, why are you looking at me like that?"

Lin Ye was a little helpless: "I am innocent."

Seeing Lin Ye like this, Su Xiaofei wanted to laugh.

Cheng Lu hugged Su Xiaofei's waist with an aggrieved face: "Xiaofei, how can I let Fang Cheng know that I don't like him without hurting Fang Cheng?"

"I think I'm going bald."

Su Xiaofei simply said, "It's very simple, just tell him you have a boyfriend."

Cheng Lu was taken aback: "The key is not."

Su Xiaofei pointed to Lin Ye standing there: "This, isn't this a ready-made one?"

Cheng Lu looked up at Lin Ye.

Su Xiaofei also looked at Lin Ye.

Lin Ye, who originally planned to be a passer-by, was a little scared by them: "Don't, I'm not good at this kind of thing."

Su Xiaofei begged: "Just take it as a favor."

"Lulu has been entangled by that person for a long time, and we are only a man here, you can't let me dress up as a man, can you?"

Cheng Lu also looked begging: "Can I trouble you this time."

"Just once, okay?"

"I really have no other way...he has been pestering me for many years, alas."

Hearing what they said, Lin Ye hesitated for a while, but nodded: "That's okay."

"But only once, not the next time."

Being someone else's boyfriend doesn't sound like a disadvantage.

Lin Ye is happy to help others.

"Okay, let me find a chance and make an appointment to have dinner together."

Cheng Lu nodded and thought for a while: "Wait a few days, because he asked me to go to a meeting or something, he seems to value this very much."

"I want to have a showdown with him after this matter is over."

After reaching an agreement with Cheng Lu and Su Xiaofei.

Lin Ye returned to his room.

He didn't take it too seriously.

But at night, I received a call from Eraser.

Eraser seemed a little excited: "Today, I received the sample booklet published by your entity, and it looks pretty good."

Lin Ye was also a little happy to hear his editor being so attentive: "That must be good, mainly because the story is good."

Rubber smiled: "Indeed, your book has opened up a genre. You don't know that among the submitted books received now, six or seven out of ten are books about tomb robbers."

"I'm really looking forward to it. I want to know how many copies this book will sell in the end."

"And I have a hunch that you are going to become a god with a book."

Lin Ye and Eraser chatted a lot.

Gradually it was late at night.

Lin Ye slowly fell asleep.

the following few days.

Nothing special.

Except that Liu Ya made a few phone calls during the period, and confirmed the specific process and steps of the signing meeting with Lin Ye.

There is no other more redundant time.

On the other hand, Sister Chengcheng said something, and it was the movie theater for the road show in Hangzhou that was confirmed.

Then Sister Chengcheng briefly mentioned the names of a few movie theaters.

"Jiacheng Cinema, Dadi Cinema, Imperial City Cinema..."

"These theaters have issued invitations for road shows, but which one to go to, or which ones to go to, is up to you to choose."

Sister Chengcheng's voice was very crisp. During this period of time, Gu Qinglian's career ushered in a second spring.

Sister Chengcheng's work is getting busy day by day.

Originally, she only needed to ask her assistant to notify Lin Ye of this kind of thing.

But Sister Chengcheng finally decided to call herself and tell Lin Ye to show her importance.

"Royal City Cinema?"

Lin Ye muttered, always feeling that this theater is a bit familiar.

"what happened?"

Sister Chengcheng asked curiously.

Lin Ye reacted and shook his head: "It's nothing, I just feel that the movie is about to be released, and it feels a little unreal."

Lin Ye smiled.

Sister Chengcheng over there also laughed: "After all, this is your first time, and the first impression is always quite deep."

"If you succeed this time, there will be a second time. When you get used to it, it will be fine."

"Don't be nervous and don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Sister Chengcheng comforted Lin Ye: "By the way, you remember to get your actors ready."

"At that time, I will arrange someone to help you with the specific process. If I have time, I will go there in person."

"Believe in yourself, Qinglian and I can look forward to your box office results."

Sister Chengcheng made a joke.

It was only after Lin Ye hung up the phone that he remembered that he always felt that he had missed something during this time.

Just now I suddenly remembered...


Actors are missing.

I forgot to tell them about preparing for the road show.


But fortunately, there is still time.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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