Chapter 168 You Came A Little Early
Lin Ye called Huang Bo.

"Hey, director, why did you think of calling me?"

Huang Bo on the other end of the phone was in a good mood, from the sound of his voice, he felt quite happy.

"Let me tell you something. Are you free in a few days? Come to Hangzhou to give a road show for the movie."

Lin Ye's voice is also crisp.

"Roadshow? All right, all right, send me your location, I'll definitely be there!"

Huang Bo over there looked extremely excited.

He was originally a walk-on in Hengdian, and he didn't know if he could play a supporting role with a few lines in his life, but unexpectedly, Lin Ye let him be the protagonist.

Although the movie hasn't been released yet, Huang Bo expressed his gratitude to Lin Ye from the bottom of his heart.

Especially because during the filming, Lin Ye taught him a lot of experience and skills as an actor, which made his career in the role going smoothly.

He successfully picked up a few extras with lines.

This made Huang Bo feel like his life was thriving.

After finishing one, Lin Ye called the other leading actors.

Of course, everyone agreed very simply, and there was no nonsense or hypocrisy.

But Lin Ye also knew.

Now everyone is still an ordinary actor, but after the movie is released, most of these individuals will have a few stars.

Especially that Huang Bo.

After a few simple phone calls and all the things that should be communicated, Lin Ye put down the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

As the time for the movie's release is getting closer, Lin Ye's heart is getting more and more excited.

Money is about to be seen.

"Crazy Stone" in the last world seems to have earned tens of millions at the box office.

Lin Ye thought it was a few hundred million before, but after thinking about it, it seems to be tens of millions.

But no matter what, this movie, which costs only a few million, can definitely make Lin Ye a good profit.

At least.

Mom's house can definitely be done.

When I think about it, my mother can live in a new, big house and leave the dilapidated house.

Lin Ye's mood was extraordinarily comfortable.

"We must build a house with a garden for my mother, so that my mother can plant a lot of flowers."

after all.

My mother likes to take care of green plants.

A few days passed quickly.

these days.

Lin Ye didn't surf the Internet much.

However, on the website of Origin and some blog posts on Weibo, you can see the news about the upcoming signing of "Ghost Blowing Lantern".

The intensity of publicity is not great.

after all.

This actually belongs to a relatively small circle.

Although the publishing house also gave some publicity resources, more publicity resources were actually given to Guo Chenchen and his book.


Lin Ye didn't care too much, nor did he care too much.

On the day of the signing, at 06:30 in the morning.

Lin Ye got up early, washed his face and brushed his teeth, then went out for a quick run, and ate a meal of steamed buns and a bowl of porridge at the gate of the community.

The signing place is at the New Culture Bookstore.

When Lin Ye got there, it was around 45:[-].

Book signings start at 09:30.

just now.

There is still some time until signings start.

Even the bookstore is not open yet.

But not far from the bookstore, there are already many people waiting there, they are either holding their mobile phones or eating breakfast.


I was also waiting for the bookstore to open and the autograph session to start.

"You came so early?"

When Liu Ya arrived in front of the bookstore, she was a little surprised to see Lin Ye sitting on the bench at the door of the bookstore.

"Isn't there nothing wrong with it, so I just came here."

Lin Ye got up and smiled.

Liu Ya nodded: "The bookstore will not open until 08:30 for us to go in and prepare."

After she finished speaking, she sat down beside Lin Ye's bench.

Liu Ya looked at Lin Ye: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself, just treat it as an experience."

"Everyone grows up step by step. In the past, Mr. Guo had few fans, but now there are more and more. Look, so many people are waiting for his arrival."

She glanced at the crowd waiting there not far away, and did not forget to cheer up Lin Ye: "One day, you will have so many book fans!"

She said this because she was worried that the people who came to the signing meeting today would not meet Lin Ye's expectations, and that she would disappoint him and give him a blow.

after all.

In Liu Ya's opinion, Lin Ye is still a very nice person who is easy to get along with.

"I know, it's okay, just take it as a place to play."

Lin Ye smiled, his expression was very relaxed.


The money still depends on the box office of the movie, not the signing event this time.

come here.

Lin Ye felt that it was novel, so he came here specially to experience it.

"Well, that's the best you can think of."

Liu Ya nodded, and when she was about to say something more, she saw a group of people walking not far away.

"Teacher Guo, can you sign my name?"

"Ms. Guo! I like your books very much. I grew up reading your books!"

"Teacher Guo! I love your writing so much!"

Today, he specially wore a white Tang suit. The extraordinarily energetic Guo Chenchen came from not far away, surrounded by a group of book fans.

"Haha, thank you for your likes, I also like to communicate with you very much."

Guo Chenshen's face was full of smiles.

When he came to the door of the bookstore, he glanced at a group of people waiting not far from the bookstore, and was a little surprised.

In the past, there were many people who came to the signing meeting, but today it seems that there are extraordinarily many people.

And it's still waiting here when there's no opening.

"It seems that everyone is very enthusiastic."

Chen Yun, who was walking beside Guo Chenshen, smiled and said, she looked a little excited. Now it seems that this time, the signing event for Mr. Guo will definitely be a success!
Guo Chen nodded, and then saw Lin Ye and Liu Ya sitting on the bench at the door of the bookstore.

When he saw Lin Ye, he frowned, and without saying anything, he turned his head and completely ignored Lin Ye.

Of course he recognized that this guy was the internet writer who signed next door to him in the publishing house.

Although they are all writing books.

But Guo Chenshen thinks that he is several ranks higher than any internet writer.

His words have been printed in books and periodicals all the time.

And what the hell is that internet writer?

A guy who typed on the computer, wrote something, and published less than a thousand words, is also worthy of a bookstore signing with him?
Simply ridiculous.

Fortunately, in the end, he arranged for this guy to set up a table in the corner of the bookstore, which made Guo Chenshen reluctantly accept this reality.

"Yaya, you came early enough."

Chen Yun was in a good mood, looked at Liu Ya, smiled, his eyes were full of complacency.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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