Chapter 170 Are You On The Wrong Team?
"There are so many people."

Lin Ye was a little emotional.

Compared with the crowds over there.

Lin Ye didn't even have a fart here.

"Don't be discouraged, you can do it in the future."

Liu Ya next to her also had a slight look of disappointment in her eyes. This project is quite important to her.

The number of signings and sales of [-] copies is not too much.

She is still thinking about whether she can finish it smoothly.

But now it seems...

The difficulty is relatively large.

She could even imagine what kind of blame she would face when she went back to the agency.

But Liu Ya was looking at Lin Ye at the moment, not caring about her own sadness, instead she looked at Lin Ye over there and said a few words of comfort.

compared to myself.

He must be even more lost.

she thought so.


"Teacher Guo, there are so many people here today."

Guo Chenshen was busy signing autographs for others, and the smile on Chen Yun's face next to him could not wait to be completely overflowing.

Too much!
Too many people!

In the past, Chen Yun was also responsible for the signing of Guo Chenshen.

But in the past, Guo Chenshen's signings were very popular, but they didn't reach the level of such popularity!
There are too many people here today.

How outrageous!

The corners of Guo Chenchen's mouth curled up slightly.

Although he didn't know why so many readers came today, and it seemed that there were too many readers, which was a bit abnormal.

But Guo Chen changed his mind.

Probably, this is because of my personal charm!
Whether it is text, or in person.

There is an attractive atmosphere everywhere.

and so.

This is how to attract so many readers!
It must be so!

"It's nothing. It's probably because I'm putting more and more effort into writing books now. This book has cost me a lot of hard work."

Guo Chenshen tried his best to use a very casual posture, saying: "I always believe that when I get serious, I can pass my emotions to my readers."

"This is my realization as a writer!"

After Guo Chenshen finished speaking, he soon felt the admiring eyes from Chen Yun and the readers in front of him!

at last!

I got it!

Guo Chenchen was very satisfied with his answer.

He raised his head, glanced at the line from inside to outside of the bookstore, and then glanced at the endless line.

He could even imagine that even the manager and security guards of this shopping mall would come over to see the excitement later.

He is enjoying the moment.

This is……

A very popular moment!

The last position of the team.

"It's here!"

"New Culture Bookstore!"

Fang Cheng and Cheng Lu got off a taxi, and he looked there excitedly, beyond his expression, he was full of indescribable excitement.

"This is the autograph session you want to take me to?"

Cheng Lu was a little puzzled and confused.


Fang Cheng nodded sharply: "I just want you to take a look."

"See what a successful web writer looks like."

"Did you see that there is such a long line, they must all be waiting in line for the signing!"

Fang Cheng spoke excitedly.

Cheng Lu was also a little surprised, she did notice the very long queue here just now.

But I didn't pay much attention at first.

But after hearing what Fang Cheng said, she realized that the popularity and presence of Internet writers seemed to be much stronger than she had imagined?
"Hello, is the signing of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" here?"

Fang Cheng couldn't help but stand at the end of the line, and asked the people in front.

The one in front is a man with glasses, who was discussing the plot excitedly with a girl with glasses in front of him just now.


Hearing Fang Cheng's words, he immediately turned his head and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes."

"You are also here to wait in line for the autograph!"

"I just went to see it. The front of this line is the New Culture Bookstore, and there is only such a line. It can't be wrong!"

"Ah! I'm so excited. I never thought that the author would hold a signing event in Hangzhou!"

"After hearing the news, my whole body almost flew away, so happy!"

As soon as he said this.

Immediately attracted the resonance of the group of people in front.


"Me too!"

"I like this book so much! After reading the book, I am afraid and love it at the same time. I wish I could dig a few times with a shovel!"

"Me too, this writing is too real. Some things, I would doubt whether they really exist."


All kinds of excited voices here are connected together.

More people joined the discussion.

They looked excited, their eyes and faces full of excitement and longing.

"It's too exaggerated."

Looking at all this, Cheng Lu was a little speechless, and muttered something, even feeling like she was dreaming.

"No exaggeration!"

Fang Cheng looked at her at this time, with an irrepressible smile and joy on his face: "Lulu, did you see that, this is the popularity of a successful Internet writer!"

"I brought you here just to let you know that one day, I will become that kind of internet writer too!"

"Come on, let's line up, I'll buy you a milk tea!"


Fang Cheng was excited, excited.

He didn't even give Cheng Lu a chance to refuse.

And this time, he didn't even consider the fact that two cups of milk tea cost more than 20 yuan!
Cheng Lu felt dreamy.

But she was also a little curious about what the so-called successful internet writers over there looked like.

plus nothing.

Simply, they lined up.


The team moved forward slowly.

And behind Cheng Lu, there were still people queuing up from time to time.

Just 10 minute.

When Cheng Lu turned her head, she found that the team behind her had grown by more than ten meters.

It's too exaggerated!
She muttered and shook her head, feeling a little unbelievable.

In the bookstore.

Guo Chenshen swiped his pen, wrote his name, and then handed the autograph book to a bald, silly-looking fat man in front of him.


He handed the book over, and after the people behind picked it up, they would usually happily say thank you, and then leave happily.

Or ask to take a photo with him.


There seems to be something wrong with this fat man.

"what happened?"

Guo Chenshen looked at him and smiled. After all, although he looked a little silly, he was still his book fan: "Do you need a group photo? Come on, let's take a group photo."

"But try to hurry up, because there are still many people waiting behind."

After he finished speaking, he raised a smile, ready to satisfy the fat man in front of him.


"Did you make a mistake?"

The fat man lowered his head, glanced at the book, turned left and right, and then looked at the name on the title page: "Who is Guo Chenchen?"

"Is this a book again?"

"Boss, when did you change your name to Guo Chenchen?"

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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