Entertainment check-in: from being abandoned by first love

Chapter 171 3 Years Hedong, 3 Years Hexi

Chapter 171 30 Years Hedong, 30 Years Hexi

The smile on Guo Chenchen's face froze, then his brows furrowed.

He was already a little unhappy in his heart.

You don't know who I am, and you still come to line up for me to buy my autographed book?


Is your brain flooded?
But Guo Chenchen didn't say this directly.

Be calm.

In front of everyone, exercise restraint.

Anyway, he is also a well-known writer.

Anyway, there are still so many book fans looking at it.

Can't be angry.

Can't be ashamed.

Get angry and lose.

He smiled: "My friend, my name is Guo Chenshen. Didn't you come to buy my autographed book?"

He felt that his attitude was already very good.

The bald fat man scratched his head, at first he looked blank, then he looked around: "Huh?"

"No, I'm here to ask the boss of 'Yewang Hangcheng' to sign. What I want to buy is "Ghost Blowing Lantern". Isn't this the team of "Ghost Blowing Lantern"?"

"Isn't this a team?"

He was dumbfounded, he was a little confused.

Guo Chen frowned.


That kid would actually have someone come to him to sign the deal?
Kind of interesting.


Guo Chenshen didn't care either: "I'm sorry, you're in the wrong team, please don't affect the friends behind."

Guo Chen smiled deeply, he wished he could slap the fat man in front of him, and then trampled him hard.

Didn't this kid come to make trouble?
Chen Yun next to him couldn't stand it anymore: "I'm sorry, man, you're standing in the wrong place, please don't affect other people here."

She spoke as gently as possible.

But in his eyes, there was already more dissatisfaction.

"Ah, sorry, sorry."

The bald fat man came to his senses quickly, apologized, and then asked, "Then do you know where the teacher of 'Yangwang Hangcheng' is?"

"I looked at the publicity, it said it was signed at the New Culture Bookstore."

He asked sincerely.

"The corner of that person's door, you can go there and find him."

The bookstore owner came over and said something.

He was about to send this man away.

He also counted on Mr. Guo Chen and Shen Guo to make a lot of money for him.

Now isn't this a waste of time?

"Oh, yes, thank you."

The bald fat man nodded quickly, then turned around, and said to the person behind him, "Hi, we got in the wrong line."

He didn't know the people behind him either.

It's just that when I was queuing up just now, I realized that everyone was a fan of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

Then the chat was very speculative.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and ran towards the door quickly.

He was going to turn the corner and look for "Wilderness Hangcheng".

"This person is really stupid. He doesn't even know how to line up. Isn't that ridiculous?"

Chen Yun smiled softly. She looked at Guo Chenshen and comforted her: "Ms. Guo, don't affect your mood because of this person."

Guo Chen nodded: "Don't worry, I won't take such a small matter to heart."

He felt that he should be generous.


At this signing, he has already won it all.

As for that shitty internet writer.

Let him die wherever he deserves.

This kid is not on the same level as himself at all!

Thinking of this, Guo Chenshen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, in a good mood: "Next."

After he finished speaking, he shook his wrist and was about to continue signing.


"Boss, I finally found you! Ah!"

At the door, came the excited voice of the bald fat man just now.

It was loud and full of excitement and joy.

"How rude."

Guo Chenchen twitched the corner of his mouth, dismissively.


"Sorry, I'm on the wrong team."

The next beautiful woman who came forward said something very politely, and then, together with the two girlfriends behind her, immediately turned around and walked out the door.


Guo Chen was taken aback.

Chen Yun was taken aback.

The smile on the face of the bookstore owner standing next to him froze.

what's the situation?
They haven't reacted yet.


"Here! It's here!"

"I'm on the wrong team! What do I say! How can 'Yewang Hangcheng' be a middle-aged man! His temperament is wrong!"

"Hurry up! Here, line up! Don't squeeze!"

All of a sudden, the team behind was in chaos.

In front of Guo Chenshen and others, the team in front of him was decreasing in an extremely rapid manner.

The crowd rushed outside the bookstore, forming a new long queue.

And since that bald and fat man, no one came to him again!

"what happened?"

Guo Chen's body trembled, and the hand holding the pen tightened suddenly.

"I don't know, what's going on?"

Chen Yun was a little flustered, feeling strange in his heart.

"I gonna go see!"

The bookstore owner took the lead. Although he was still confused, the current situation was beyond his imagination.

Wait for him to go out.

Randomly asked a few people.

"Why don't you come to Teacher Guo's place to sign?"

The bookstore owner asked curiously.

"Who is Teacher Guo? I don't know him."

"I'm here to find the master of 'Yangwang Hangcheng'. What I want to buy is "Ghost Blowing the Lantern". Which teacher Guo are you talking about?"

Quickly asked.

The bookstore owner was shocked and completely dumbfounded.

After a short period of confusion, the new team leader is ready.

Over there, there was no one there, and the bored Lin Ye was yawning.

He began to think about what he should have for lunch to reward himself.

He also made a small apology to Liu Ya who was sitting there.

I just feel that the conversion rate of my popularity on the Internet is a bit low, probably because of this little girl.


The turnaround came too suddenly.

He just saw a bald fat man and his friend running over, and asked him if he was the "wild hope for Hangzhou" who wrote "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

After Lin Ye nodded and said yes.

The world seems to have completely changed.

The original appearance of being empty has become a complete past tense.

In an instant, there was a long line with no end in sight.

Liu Ya, who was already thinking about going back to the club and preparing to be criticized, was still in a daze until now.

"Great ambition, I am your loyal little fan girl!"

"I love your book so much!"

"Ambition is great, can you sign your name on my chest for me!"


A group of people were excited, and the book fans couldn't help shouting excitedly.

Signing begins.

Lin Ye smiled while signing, and sometimes had to take pictures together and take group photos together.

"Thank you for your love, thank you for your support."

Lin Ye signed and said polite words, but he was still a little happy in his heart.

At least, this shows that there are still many book friends who like this book.

Especially when I saw the bookstore owner's face full of astonishment and bewilderment, which finally transformed into excitement and flattery.

Lin Ye actually had the illusion that in 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor.

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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