Chapter 177 Dinner
The way the president looks at Lin Ye now is as kind as possible.

"Whatever, I can do it."

Lin Ye smiled, pulled a chair and sat down on his own.

The president nodded: "Then I will order a little at will."

The president was ordering food, and Liu Ya was sitting beside Lin Ye.

In the box, the few remaining people were also employees of the publishing company, and they looked at Lin Ye with a lot of kindness in their eyes at the moment.

It's completely different from Lin Ye's feeling when he went to the publishing house before.

A man wearing glasses looked at Lin Ye with a smile on his face: "I didn't expect that Mr. Lin Ye is young and promising, and he can write such a popular book at a young age."

A young woman in black suspenders looked at Lin Ye and smiled: "Actually, from the moment Mr. Lin Ye entered our publishing house, I knew that Mr. Lin Ye's performance in this signing will definitely not be bad."

"It's the "Ghost Blowing the Lantern". I've read it too. It's very, very wonderfully written, and there are many wonderful passages in it that I really like."

She smiled as she spoke.

Then Lin Ye glanced at her: "Which part do you like?"

The woman was taken aback and blinked: "Huh?"

Lin Ye looked at her: "Didn't you just say that you like a section of my "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" very much, so I just want to ask, which section do you really like?"


The woman was taken aback.

Including the president, everyone else looked at her in unison.

She panicked in her heart, and then quickly stabilized, pretending to be calm: "It's the entry point at the beginning, I think it's very good."

"Oh, Mr. Lin Ye, I actually think that your writing is very good, and every paragraph is unique."

Lin Ye smiled, and knew that she was just talking politely, so he didn't ask the bottom line, just nodded: "Thank you."

Seeing this, the man next to him quickly said, "By the way, what about that Chen Yun and Mr. Guo, why didn't they come?"

"Should they be invited too?"

He looked at the woman and asked.

Only then did the woman speak: "Teacher Guo said he has something to do at night, so he won't come."

"Chen Yun...Chen Yun is going to pick up people, and to pick up Director Wu. If there are no accidents, he should be here soon."

They were talking there.

The president looked at Lin Ye at this time, and smiled: "Mr. Lin Ye, today your auto-signing event was a great success, and the news has already spread on the Internet."

"I believe that in the near future, the popularity of your "Ghost Blowing Lantern" will be further enhanced."

"Then Director Wu is also an old friend of mine. He is well-known in the director circle, and he also knows quite a few investors."

"It just so happens that he's also looking for a suitable script and story recently, and he's in Hangzhou again, so I took the initiative and invited him over. When the time comes, Mr. Lin Ye, you can communicate more with Director Wu. Maybe some kind of spark of thought can be collided with.”

The president smiled.

Lin Ye nodded and said nothing.

In the circle of directors, Lin Ye has almost no connections.

That is to say, I have known director Zhang Momou before, but this friendship is just a relationship that ends at the end of the day.

They helped to introduce Gu Qinglian as an investor. In theory, it was already the best of benevolence, and Lin Ye didn't have a shy face and wanted to cling to any relationship in the past.

Liu Ya suppressed her voice and looked at Lin Ye: "It's best to sell the copyright of your book to that director. In this way, when your book is made into a movie, it will become even more popular."

"Once it becomes popular, you don't need to worry about the popularity of your next book at all. The most important thing is that I heard that the copyright fees for movie copyrights are quite high."

Liu Ya smiled, it was out of concern for Lin Ye, and she was really thinking about Lin Ye.

"Thank you, let's see later."

Lin Ye smiled.


"Director Wu, this way."

The door of the box was pushed open by Chen Yun. Tonight, Chen Yun put on light makeup and dressed cooler. Compared to the slumped look at the signing ceremony, the current Chen Yun has obviously recovered a lot.

She entered the door, followed by a middle-aged man with a big belly.

The man held a string of Buddhist beads in his hands, and twisted them from time to time, looking very educated.

"Thank you."

He spoke with an accent, nodded slightly to Chen Yun, turned to look at the president over there, and laughed: "Long time no see!"

The president also stood up, and greeted him with a smile on his face. The two of them hugged each other: "It's been a long time. Who told you to be a busy person? It's still hard to see you."

Director Wu shook his head: "Hey, don't mention it. During this period of time, I was looking for inspiration and stories everywhere. My head was getting bigger, but I just couldn't find a good book."

The president also smiled: "That's really just finished. Come on, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Lin Ye. The book "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" written by him has a very good reputation both online and offline."

"The online results are good, and this time the offline book signing event is full of people who came to the entire bookstore. I believe this is enough to show how good this story is!"

While the president was talking, Director Wu turned his head to look at Lin Ye, looked him up and down, walked forward, and stretched out his hand: "Hello, hello."


Lin Ye shook hands with him.

Director Wu was quite emotional: "Unexpectedly, you look young, but you can write a best-selling book, not bad, very good."

"I've heard about your on-site signing today, but I haven't had time to read the book you wrote. Just in time, let's get to know each other first, and there may be opportunities to cooperate in the future."

Director Wu nodded slightly at Lin Ye, with a kind attitude, although he looked at Lin Ye with a little arrogance as a director.

after all.

In this era, in a movie, the employer, director, and producer have the highest voice, and a role like Lin Ye is at best a screenwriter.

The status of screenwriters in the industry is still relatively low, unless they are famous screenwriters, their status will be higher, ordinary and unknown small screenwriters have no right to speak at all.

"We hope to have the opportunity to cooperate."

Lin Ye shook hands and sat down.

Chen Yun over there looked at Lin Ye with a somewhat complicated look on his face, but he didn't say anything at this time.

The dinner table.

The president chatted a lot, but he still apologized to Lin Ye for what happened today: "Mr. Lin Ye, this time the signing event was not thoughtful enough on our side, but I promise, there will be no Next time."

"Come on, I'll finish this glass of wine, you can do whatever you want!"

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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