Chapter 178 You Say Yours, I Say Mine

The president drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Lin Ye also drank a little, and Director Wu also talked to Lin Ye a lot.

But more of it is business blowing each other.

He said that Lin Ye's writing is good, and he is young and promising.

Lin Ye said that he made good movies with superb technique.

But Lin Ye also discovered that this is actually nothing substantive at all.

The president made a point out of it, and asked him if he would consider buying the copyright of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern".

"Well, if we want to buy copyright here, we still need to go through the process."

Director Wu smiled and said, he looked at Lin Ye and patted Lin Ye on the shoulder: "I can see that this teacher Lin Ye, although young, can write best-selling books, and he is still very good, which shows that he has great potential! "

"Oh, yes, this bestseller is not counted for now, because the sales data does not seem to be available yet."

He asked and answered by himself, laughing, and then continued: "But the film market is different from your book market."

"Movies pay more attention to the feeling of the picture, but books pay more attention to the text. The twists and turns in it are all professional things, so I won't talk about them."

"Because I'm afraid that what I said is too profound, and you won't be able to understand it for the time being."

He smiled cheerfully.

The president is a bit unwilling to give up, because once the copyright of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" can be sold, and then made into a movie and TV series, it will definitely boost the sales of the book.

This is a very good thing for the publishing house.

"Well, Director Wu, you can really think about it. I've also read a bit of the book "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". Whether it's the story, the plot, or the character design, it's all extremely outstanding. "

"Otherwise, why don't you go talk to the people in your company and ask the people in the copyright department to think about this book?"

The president wholeheartedly wanted to help Lin Ye push this book out, after all, he felt a little guilty towards Lin Ye.

Now, it's just hoping to leave a good impression on Lin Ye.

Director Wu nodded: "Don't worry, I will discuss this matter with the copyright department."

"But, this, we need a process to purchase copyrights, and it's not a book, it's all suitable for making movies."

Director Wu spoke as if he was practicing Tai Chi. He turned to look at Lin Ye: "This young man is very good. I am very optimistic about you. If you continue to work hard, you may be able to sell the copyright of your book in the future."

Lin Ye nodded and said nothing.

This Director Wu kept saying things, and it seemed that his attitude towards Lin Ye was okay, but in fact, he didn't talk about anything substantive at all.

This meal is over.

The president drove the car himself to see Director Wu off, and at the same time arranged for Liu Ya to see Lin Ye off.

"When Director Wu goes back, he may recommend this book to the people on their copyright side. It would be great if your book can be sold. In that case, it will definitely be worth a lot of money."

Liu Ya is still a little excited at this time, she is really happy for Lin Ye.


Lin Ye saw that she didn't see it, didn't point it out, and smiled casually.

Director Wu obviously just came over to have a meal and catch up with the president of the publishing house.

He didn't really want to buy this "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" to make a movie.

Lin Ye was noncommittal about this, but he didn't feel much sense of loss.

After leaving, Lin Ye didn't ask Liu Ya to see him off again, after all, it wasn't too early, so he let her go home by herself.

On the other hand, when Chen Yun was leaving, he glanced at Lin Ye's direction, hesitant to speak, but he didn't say anything in the end.

In the car.

The president, who had already drank a lot, glanced at Director Wu, and said again: "Old Wu, really, I really think the story of that book is very good."

"And you also saw the author just now. It looks like he has great potential. The future is limitless. You can think about it."

Director Wu in the car shook his head, lit a cigarette, opened the car window, and exhaled a puff of smoke ring: "Oh, you said this story is good, but the sales results are not yet available."

"Many books are high and low. In this market, 90.00% of the books are not suitable for making movies."

He was talking, glanced at the president, and smiled: "I saw the author just now, well, maybe the potential is really great, but we make movies, and we don't pay attention to the potential of others."

"I only want to see if it is suitable to make a movie, and whether the audience will pay for it."

The president hurriedly said: "The story of this book has been verified by the market, it is really good, and there are many fans."

"And, really, if you buy it now, the copyright fee should not be too high, because he is still a newcomer author, and it will be very beneficial to you and him."

Director Wu still shook his head: "No matter how little the copyright fee is, it's still money."

"And I really don't like this book very much, but I don't want to hurt that young man just now."

"That's all for this matter. If he can really write a book suitable for filming in the future, come and talk to me again, okay?"

Director Wu still looked a little unwilling when he saw the president, and then thought for a while: "Okay, I can't give you face like this."

"In this way, I will ask the people in the copyright department to report this book for preparation first. In case this book really shows the potential to be made into a movie, I will buy it again. That's okay for the head office."

While talking, Director Wu took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Is it the copyright department?"

"Help report a book called "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"."

"It's not for you to buy it now, it's for you to remember this book first, yes, remember it first, it's not for you to buy it now."

"Okay, it's all right."

Director Wu hung up the phone and looked at the president: "Is this okay?"

Seeing this, the president could only sigh and nodded: "I'm sorry for your trouble."

He also knew that Director Wu was a little bit contemptuous of this book, so in the end, he didn't force it, but felt a little pity, and at the same time felt a little bit more embarrassed towards Lin Ye.

If he had known that Director Wu was not interested, he would have invited Lin Ye to dinner alone tonight. Now that the matchmaking failed, maybe Lin Ye would complain about him.

Thinking of this, the president felt a little helpless.

But Lin Ye obviously didn't think too much about it. When he returned home, he found that Su Xiaofei had already returned.

Su Xiaofei was wearing a white pajamas and glasses, lying in front of the computer, browsing the news.

When she saw Lin Ye coming back, she suddenly became excited: "Great writer! Sign me up?"

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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