Chapter 179 You are on fire

"Who is a writer or not? I'm a little embarrassed for what you said."

Lin Ye looked at Su Xiaofei over there and laughed.

Su Xiaofei laughed: "Don't be modest, I've heard from Lulu about your signing today."

"And it's not just Lulu, you're on our radio station now, and you're completely popular."

When she was talking, she took out her mobile phone and handed it to Lin Ye. If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself.

Lin Ye walked over, took Su Xiaofei's cell phone, and glanced at it.

On Su Xiaofei's phone, the screen displayed a WeChat group chat.

It looks like it should be a small WeChat group of their radio station, all of them are insiders.

Right now, discussions are in full swing inside.

"Just the book "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", the story that our radio department broadcast before, has been published, and I heard that there are a lot of people queuing up to sign the book today!"

"Hi! At the beginning, I thought this story was very good, and it would definitely be popular, but the deputy director at that time didn't know what was wrong with his head, so he didn't take the opportunity to sign it?"

"It's not just that he didn't sign it. I heard that he seems to want to spend a small amount of money to buy all the copyrights of others and use them for his son. This is simply a joke. Now look at the popularity of signing this book. , I don’t know how much money I can make in the end!”

"I heard that the author is a handsome guy, but it's a pity I didn't go to read it back then!"

"Oh, by the way, he seems to be Xiaofei's friend, @晓菲, Xiaofei, let him have a meal with us when you have time?"

The people in the group chatted enthusiastically.

Many people also brought up and discussed how the deputy director planned to shut down the radio program and how he wanted to snatch the copyright of Lin Ye.

The atmosphere was exceptionally warm.

"How do you know, am I so famous?"

Lin Ye smiled, a little surprised.

Su Xiaofei shook her head: "You don't know yet? You've been on the local news media in Hangzhou that day!"

"That's it, you still don't want to get angry?"

While talking, she drew on the phone for a while, and then called out a news item.

This is a local blogger called Hangcheng New Things.

He posted a Weibo today.

"It's amazing! At the signing of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", the readers and the bookstore owner almost had a fight. The owner of the bookstore was beaten to death! No one thought that in this era when there are fewer and fewer people reading books, this book "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" could achieve such an impressive signing result! The queue is long! The most important thing is to write the book The author is too handsome!"

A blog post, with a few photos of the scene, and a close-up of Lin Ye.

have to say.

The person who took the photo was very conscientious. Not only did he take the photo, but he also helped Lin Ye with PS, which made his handsomeness even better.

This blog post was published in the afternoon, and now it has more than 20 views.

And there are quite a few comments below, reaching thousands, and more than 2000 reposts.

This data, compared to a local blogger, is already extremely good.

Lin Ye looked at the comments below.

"I read this book, it's super good! The owner of the bookstore is definitely an idiot!"

"I was at the scene, and I testified! The owner of the bookstore actually asked the author to sign the book at the door! At first, I was on the wrong team, and I was almost signed by someone with the surname Guo, which scared me to death!"

"One thing to say, the bookstore owner did this very dishonestly. Later, I heard that the author's father is the president of the publishing house, and he personally came to suppress the bookstore owner!"

This comment about helping Lin Ye find a father for some reason was unexpectedly popular. Netizens liked it one after another, and said they liked watching this kind of plot of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Lin Ye:?
I also have a father who is the president of a publishing house?

This is nothing.

Lin Ye was a little helpless.

But after looking at it at a glance, Lin Ye was amazed: "No wonder I was asked for contact information by many people on the way back just now."

"At first, I just thought I was handsome enough, but I didn't expect them to discover my talent?"

Lin Ye was a little emotional.

Su Xiaofei only found it funny when she heard it: "Of course, your talent is overflowing."

"But you are really amazing, best-selling author! I thought you told a good story before, but I never thought that it would be so popular!"

"You are amazing!"

Su Xiaofei had a look of admiration.

Cheng Lu, who was applying a mask in the room, also poked her head out from the room at this time, she looked at Lin Ye, and shouted: "I can testify, it is really super powerful."

"And I have to thank you very much for helping me get Fangcheng done!"

Talked briefly with Su Xiaofei and Cheng Lu for a while.

Lin Ye went back to his room, and after taking a shower, he received a call from Chen Bo.

"Hey, director, we are in Hangcheng now, where should we go?"

Huang Bo's voice still has a little local accent, and his personality is that kind of feeling that makes people feel very comfortable.

"Is it here? Then you wait, I will come to pick you up now."

Lin Ye asked where he was, then hung up the phone, changed his clothes and went out.

He took a taxi at the door and went to the high-speed rail station.

At the gate of the high-speed rail station, Lin Ye saw a group of people squatting next to the curb when he got off the car.

"Why don't you find a place to wait nearby, and come squatting outside?"

Lin Ye was a little helpless.

Huang Bo laughed: "It's the same wherever we go. When we were waiting for the characters in Hengdian, we were just like this, and we got used to it."

Huang Bo didn't put on airs at all.

The others nodded again and again: "Yes, we are used to it."

"Hey, I never thought that I would have the opportunity to have a road show in this life. Isn't this an opportunity only for celebrities?"

"Yeah, that's right, that's what's being screened. It seems that famous directors and famous actors have the opportunity. Ordinary small-budget small fragments can go to theaters, struggle for a few days, and have a 5.00% screening rate. , it would be nice to have a chance to compete.”

A few people talked to each other, and they looked at Lin Ye with kindness in their eyes.

When filming before.

Lin Ye is extremely kind.

Although the crew was very poor, in the end, Lin Ye didn't even take his own director's fee, and even included the manuscript fee, so they finally added a chicken leg to their lunch box.

So everyone is quite convinced of Lin Ye.

"Can't say that."

Lin Ye smiled and looked at them: "When our movie is released, all my brothers will be stars tomorrow."

"Besides, celebrities are human beings, and they don't have multiple noses and multiple mouths."

"During the road show tomorrow, everyone, please work hard. No matter what, talk as much as you can. Of course, don't be afraid, don't be nervous, just treat it as filming."

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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