Chapter 180 Boss, Report a Cancellation
Lin Ye cheered them up.

Lin Ye understands better that after this movie, others don't know what will happen.

But this Huang Bo will definitely become popular.

And it's a very, very hot kind of fire.

Because when filming.

Huang Bo is exceptionally dedicated.

In some of the more messy scenes that need to be acted out, other people may still have concerns.

But Huang Bo has never said anything else, just do what he says.

No matter how unclean the whole body is, no matter how embarrassing the whole person is.

He has absolutely nothing to say.

"Yes, we are filming, we should stand in front of the audience, there is nothing to be afraid of, brothers."

Huang Bo also helped Lin Ye to speak: "And we finally got together once. I heard that this Hangzhou city is full of delicious food and fun. When the work is over, let's go around together!"

Lin Ye smiled: "This is fine, I will treat you when the time comes."

"Let's go to the hotel now."

Lin Ye greeted them, went to find a hotel, and settled down.

Someone suggested: "Why don't we go to the bar for a drink?"

Another person also echoed: "That's right, I haven't been to a bar for a long time, hey, director, what do you think?"

The others all looked at Lin Ye with anticipation.

"Okay, go if you want, but don't drink too much tonight, there will be a road show tomorrow afternoon, so we can't delay the business."

Lin Ye is also straightforward.

When making movies, Huang Bo and his group didn't get much actor fees.

But when shooting, I basically put my heart and soul into it.

Everyone gets along very well.

"You guys prepare first. I'll go downstairs and make a phone call. You can just come down when you're done."

Lin Ye greeted her, then went downstairs with her mobile phone, and decisively called Gu Qinglian.

"Oh? Rare guest, why did you think of calling me tonight?"

Gu Qinglian's voice on the other end of the phone was a little surprised, with a little smile: "It's been a long time since I contacted me, I thought you forgot about me."

Lin Ye laughed: "How could it be? Look at what you said, you are my investor."

"Aren't I afraid of disturbing your work if I have nothing to do?"

Listening to Lin Ye's words, Gu Qinglian felt a little weird: "Why are you speaking so politely today? Did you encounter any difficulties? Just talk about it."

"I should know some people in Hangcheng, maybe they can help."

Gu Qinglian became curious.

When Lin Ye looked for her, his attitude was quite normal.

But today, he said yours one by one, and Gu Qinglian felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Lin Ye was also very straightforward: "It's not a big deal."

"It's Huang Bo and the others who came to Hangzhou today, because they have a movie road show to attend tomorrow, and they just arrived in Hangzhou, and they want to go to the bar for a drink."

Gu Qinglian was taken aback: "Oh, this is normal, as long as you don't drink too much, I think it's okay..."

As Gu Qinglian was talking, she suddenly regained her composure.

She was a little helpless: "I see."

"No wonder you said that I was your investor just now. You are planning to ask me to reimburse you, right?"

Lin Ye laughed: "Ah, I'm not rich for the time being."

Gu Qinglian also simply said: "Okay, I will transfer 1 yuan to you first, and if it is not enough by then, you can tell me."

"But it's okay, don't drink too much. If you drink too much and delay things, it will be bad, and drinking is also very harmful to your body."

Gu Qinglian gave some instructions and hung up the phone.

She took her mobile phone and transferred 1 yuan to Lin Ye.

"What's the matter, Qinglian, who's calling? What are you looking for?"

Sister Chengcheng just came out of the shower. During this time, as Gu Qinglian became more and more popular, her workload also increased.

It's been a long time since I had a good rest.

Today, it was rare for Gu Qinglian to take a break, she was able to take the time to take a good bath just now.

Gu Qinglian smiled: "It's nothing serious, they just asked me for money."

"Want money?"

Sister Chengcheng was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression on her face: "You're so happy to be asked for money? What's wrong with you? Look at the smile on your mouth, it's like eating honey."

After she finished speaking, she also thought of something: "Oh, it's Lin Ye who asked for money, right?"

Gu Qinglian nodded: "Yes, their crew will participate in the road show tomorrow, and if they want to drink tonight, he called me, the investor, and asked me to reimburse him."

Hearing this, Sister Chengcheng also felt quite helpless: "This is a bit interesting."

After saying a few words, Sister Chengcheng couldn't help smiling when she thought of Lin Ye.

She didn't know why she was laughing, but she just felt that Lin Ye was quite funny.

Hotel downstairs.

"Director, we are ready!"

Huang Bo and a few others went downstairs, looked at the forest over there, and shouted.

"Leave when you're ready, I'll treat you tonight!"

Lin Ye patted his pocket, and then took a taxi: "Master, help us to take us to a better bar next door."


The car stopped in front of a bar named Phoebe.

Phoebe Bar.

"Hey, this bar looks very valuable."

Huang Bo smacked his lips with emotion.

Someone looked excited: "This decoration is very high-end at first glance."

Then another person said contemptuously: "Whether a bar is good or not is a matter of decoration, it must depend on whether the girls in it are good-looking or not, and whether they are hot enough or not!"

"You're right!"

"Sure enough, he is an expert!"

A few people walked in without saying a word.

Lin Ye opened a booth, and served drinks and snacks.

It's a mess.

On the dance floor in the middle, young men and women twisted their young bodies, releasing the energy in their bodies.

The DJ on the stage played discs, and the whole venue was filled with thunderous music.

From time to time, you can also see the scene in front of the deck with some special drinks such as the Royal Salute, surrounded by a group of beauties.

Enthusiasm is everywhere.

There is excitement everywhere.


Lin Ye was drunk.

Because he is not good at drinking, and he didn't drink much before.

Before coming here, Lin Ye didn't want to drink too much.

But I don't know what happened.

A cup of this, a cup of that.

There were girls from other booths in the middle who came to toast.

This time he and Huang Bo were drinking, and suddenly they drank too much.

It was already late at night when we left the door.

The night is already very deep.

They walked on the street in groups of three or four, yelling and drinking, hooking their shoulders and shoulders, as if they were idlers in society.

Someone was holding a trash can and throwing up.

Some people have to take off their clothes and run all the way.

Lin Ye felt a longing in his heart, and there was nowhere to release it.


He looked to the side of the road...

 good night.

(End of this chapter)

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