Chapter 106 Song and Liao Wars (4)

Wu Tian smiled.

"Brother can promise you this matter, but you should go wash up first, have a full meal and sleep.

Wait for you to rest well before killing the Liao army. "

Seeing that Wu Tian agreed, Li Kui left happily.

In Yanmen Guanshuai's mansion, Brother Yeluxiu was greatly surprised when he received the news that Shen County had been taken back by the Song army and that Liu Feng and Ye Lixiong had been killed.

"Who did the Emperor Song send to lead the army?"

The spy said: "If you go back to the Generalissimo, the leader is called Wu Tian."

"Wu Tian?"

Brother Yeluxiu frowned slightly, "Is that Wu Tian from Liangshan?"

"It's him!"

"Didn't he be assassinated by the secret guards we sent?"

"The dark guard failed, and all died for the country."


Brother Yeluxiu punched the table, causing the spy to kneel down in fright.

Military Adviser Yang Lingnan got up at this moment, and bowed his hands to Brother Yeluxiu: "Marshal calm down for the time being, the matter is over, let's discuss how to fight."

Brother Yeluxiu calmed down and nodded: "The military advisor's words are reasonable, what's the military advisor's plan?"

Yang Lingnan said: "As far as I know, the Song Dynasty dispatched no more than 30 troops this time, of which only over [-] were able to recruit and fight well.

In addition to the 5 troops lost by Liu Feng and Ye Liqun, our army still has 35 elite troops, all of whom are battle-tested warriors.

So I suggest that the Marshal set out immediately and lead the army to attack Shenxian County, crushing Wutian with the superiority of troops! "

Brother Yeluxiu listened to Yang Lingnan's words, pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "This is the only way now."

Immediately pass down the order to pull out the stronghold and set off.

After receiving the news, the Song army spies lurking in Yanmen Pass immediately passed it to Shen County.

Wu Tian learned that Brother Yeluxiu led an army of 35 to fight him, so he immediately called Wu Yong and others to discuss.

Wu Yongdao: "Brother, although our army killed Liu Feng and Ye Lixiong and occupied Shen County, the main force of the Liao army did not suffer heavy losses at all.

Brother Yeluxiu is coming in menacingly now, if we confront him head-on, we will not have an advantage in terms of strength or morale.

For the present plan, the younger brother thinks that we should avoid his edge for the time being, according to Shen County, hold Yeluxiu brother, and wait until his vigor is exhausted before making any plans. "

Wu Tian nodded.

At this time, Dai Zong came in and bowed his hands to Wutian: "Brother, the Holy One sent the supervising army Wang Yi to escort 100 million catties of grain, and he is now outside the county."

Wu Tian was pleasantly surprised, with food, he could spend it with Brother Yeluxiu.

"Dai Zong, invite Wang Jianjun to come in immediately."

Dai Zong faltered and stood there motionless.

Wu Tian frowned slightly: "Brother Dai Zong, did something happen?"

Dai Zong cupped his hands and said: "Brother Wutian, Wang Jianjun said that he came here to supervise the army on behalf of the saint, and wants you to lead the leaders out to meet him."

As soon as this was said, Wu Song couldn't sit still, stood up and said: "His grandma, what is a small supervisor like him!

You want my elder brother to go out to meet him in person?
The eldest brother is not only the lord of Liangshan, but also a great general appointed by the emperor himself. He is recruited by the whole world, and all the troops who go out to fight must obey his restraint.

Even if this supervising army is sent by the emperor, he is still within the control of the eldest brother. "

"Brother Dai Zong, go out and tell him to come in by himself. If he doesn't come in, let him go!"


Lu Zhishen also stood up at this moment.

"Son of a son of a bitch, holding chicken feathers as arrows, even the emperor would treat us with respect, what is this birdman supervising the army!"

(End of this chapter)

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