Chapter 107 Song and Liao Wars (5)

Li Kui came out with an ax in hand, with a fierce look on his face.

"Brothers, don't be angry about this bird man, I, Li Kui, will just go out and finish him off with an axe.

I don't believe that the emperor Lao Tzu will have a hard time with us Liangshan heroes for the sake of a small supervising army.

If he dares, we will leave and let the Liao Kingdom seize the country of the bird emperor! "

With that said, Li Kui left.

Wu Yong stood up and stopped Li Kui: "Li Kui, don't act recklessly, the eldest brother hasn't issued orders yet."

Li Kui stopped.

Wu Yong turned around and cupped his hands towards Wu Tian: "Brother, although this supervisor is arrogant, he was sent by the imperial court after all. Now we are already on an expedition, and all food and quilts have to be provided by the imperial court. Unless it is absolutely necessary, we still don't want to fight with you." This king supervised the army to clash."

Wu Tian nodded.

"Brother Wu Yong is right, all of us are going out this time for the sake of the people of the Great Song Dynasty, so we can endure the fire for a while.

If there is anything wrong with this army supervisor in the future, it will not be too late to deal with it.

Brothers, who among you is willing to go out to meet this Wang Jianjun instead of me? "

Wu Tian glanced at everyone, most of them lowered their heads and were unwilling to meet the Wang Jianjun who was posing with authority.

In the end, Wu Yong stood up and said, "Brother, this matter should be done by the younger brother. The younger brother can't do anything else, so he will use this lip service."

Wu Tian waved his hand to signal Wu Yong to do it.

Wu Yong went out and brought in a fat man with a fat head and ears after a while.

Wu Tian stood up and greeted him.

The fat man's expression was very displeased, he pointed at Wu Tian and said: "You are the Commander Wu Tian?"

"Wang Jianjun, this is our brother Wutian."

Wu Yong introduced.

Wang Yi's face was displeased, and he shouted: "Since the commander is here, why don't you come out to meet the supervising army in person.

You must know that according to the practice of this dynasty, the power of supervising the army is above the commanding general. When necessary, the commanding general can be executed on the spot without going through the court. "

Wang Yi is full of posture and doesn't take Wu Tian seriously.

Wu Tian's face darkened, if it was normal, he would have been slashed with a knife.

For the sake of the country and the people, please be patient for the time being.

"Wang Jianjun has worked hard all the way, let's go down and rest first."

Wu Tian waved his hand coldly.

Wang Yi glanced at Wu Tian, ​​and snorted coldly: "Today, I will temporarily forgive your dog's head. Next time, if you dare to be so disrespectful to this supervising army, be careful that this supervising army will play the emperor, and you will kill your dog."

As soon as these words came out, even the most temperamental Guan Sheng couldn't sit still. He stood up, took the Qinglong Yanyue Saber from his hand, pointed at Wang Yi and shouted: "You bitch, Brother Wutian has been patient with you, you will Really put your tail up to the sky, if Guan Sheng doesn't kill you today, it will be hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

Guan Sheng wanted to do something, and spies outside came to report.

"Report to General, Yeluxiu's vanguard army from the Liao Kingdom has arrived at the city and is calling for battle there."

Wang Yi took the opportunity to subdue: "General, now that the enemy has been killed, we should not fight internally when the enemy is in front of us. Before that, our supervising army was too arrogant. Please make amends, General."

Seeing that Wang Yi was subdued, Wu Yong took advantage of the situation to persuade Guan Sheng: "My brother Guan Sheng, you also heard that Wang Jianjun has admitted his mistake to Brother Wu Tian, ​​so you can put away the knife. It is important for us to deal with the Liao army now."

Only then did Guan Sheng put away his saber, and cupped his hands towards Wutian: "Brother, since the Liao army has already called for battle in the city, Guan Sheng requests to fight, and behead the general to establish his prestige."

(End of this chapter)

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