Chapter 108 Song and Liao Wars (6)

Wu Tian pondered for a while, and said: "Let's go up to the tower to see what's going on before making a decision."

The generals followed Wu Tian to the tower, followed by Wang Yi.

Under the city tower, hundreds of miles away, there are densely packed figures of the Liao army everywhere.

They are divided into five banners: red, yellow, blue, green, and purple, and each banner has a general to manage its own banner.

In the middle is the yellow flag, and standing under the flag is Yeluxiu, Generalissimo of the Liao Kingdom. He is wearing a golden armor and holding a long-handled machete.

The remaining four banners were divided into four directions: southeast, northwest, and one of them was the vanguard of the Blue Banner, and Meng Zhan, its general, called the formation under the city of Shen County.

Wu Tian carefully observed the position of the Liao army and recognized that it was the formation of the Nine Obsidian Stars.

This formation is arranged according to the situation of the astrological nine-star official. The five flags represent gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the blue flag represents fire, which is the gate of death.

Entering through the gate of death is the most dangerous, if you are not careful, you will be trapped in the formation.

The Shengmen is the formation, the only way out is at the red flag, but the red flag is behind the Liao army, guarded by purple and green flags in the middle, and guarded by a yellow flag at the end, it is very difficult to kill from here to break the formation.

Wang Yi saw that the Liao army was in such a big situation, his whole face turned pale, and he couldn't help shaking violently.

He was originally just a small transfer envoy in Tokyo City, but because he once bribed the right minister, he was able to become the left servant of the Ministry of War.

Since the Minister of the Ministry of War was dismissed by the new emperor, he became the de facto highest officer of the Ministry of War.

Wu Tian led the army, successfully crossed the Yellow River, killed Liu Feng and Ye Lixiong, and captured Shen County. After the news of the great success reached Tokyo, the new emperor was very happy.

In order to support Wutian to achieve greater victories, the new emperor ordered people to escort food to Shen County to ensure the logistics of the army.

Wang Yi thought that this was a good opportunity, so he recommended himself, willing to escort grain to Shen County, and serve under Wutian's command, in order to have a share of the credit for Wutian's establishment in the future, so that he can be promoted and make a fortune.

But he didn't expect that the Liao army was so powerful, far beyond his imagination. With this posture, he was afraid that his life would come and he would not return.

Wang Yi felt no regrets now.

I saw many people wearing armor gathered on the city tower, guessed that they should be generals, pointed their spears at them and shouted: "The generals of the Song Dynasty are all cowards, dare to look on the city, but dare not come down If so, get out as soon as possible, and stop embarrassing yourself here!"

When Guan Sheng heard this, his face turned pale, and he cupped his hands towards Wu Tian: "Brother Wu Tian, ​​this is too arrogant, little brother, I am here to invite you to fight!"

Wu Tian waved his hand, pointed to the Liao army outside the city and said: "Brother Yeluxiu came here this time, he arranged an formation. This formation is extremely dangerous. We are short of troops at the moment, so we can't rush to fight. Wait for Brother Lu Junyi to train skilled soldiers." Horse, it's not too late for us to move."

"Big brother..."

Guan Sheng still wants to ask for a fight.

At this time, there were sudden killing sounds under the city gate.

Wu Tian was surprised. Looking down, Li Kui led three thousand knives and axes out of the city, and fought with Meng Zhan.

Although Li Kui's martial arts is not as good as Meng Zhan, he is more flexible under the horse.

Meng Zhan was so tired that he was sweating profusely, so he jumped off his horse to fight Li Kui.

Three rounds later, Li Kui was stabbed in the shoulder by Meng Zhan's long spear, and the ax fell.

Three thousand knives and axes wanted to come forward to rescue, but were killed by Meng Zhan's subordinates.

When the situation was reversed, Wu Tian had no time to think about it, and ordered Lin Chong, Qin Ming, Dong Ping, and Zhang Qing to lead 1 horses out of the city on the spot and snatch Li Kui back.

(End of this chapter)

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