Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 119 Song-Liao War [Chapter 9]

Chapter 119 Song-Liao War (17) [Chapter 9]

Brother Yeluxiu really wanted to win a big battle to prove himself.

Only then did Chai Jin and Dai Zong heave a sigh of relief.


With Brother Yeluxiu's order, the Liao army set out in three directions.

Huaciala and Su Lihua arrived at Shenxian without first Yeluxiu and launched an attack.

According to Wu Yong's instructions, Lu Junyi, Qin Ming, Yang Zhi, and Suo Chao just guarded the city and shot with rolling stones and bows to prevent them from approaching.

Huaciara and Su Lihua didn't boost their morale, and attacked desperately one after another, pretending to be desperate.

The fiercer the Liao army's offensive, Lu Junyi and the others knew, the smoother the implementation of Chai Jin's plan.

They ordered all the men and horses guarding the checkpoint to defend the city together.

Brother Yeluxiu and his party, with more than 30 horses, quietly entered the canyon.

There are cliffs on both sides here, and there is only a path at the bottom of the valley to walk.

Brother Yeluxiu was leading the Chinese army forward when the spies reported that the vanguard had passed through the canyon and arrived at Xiguan.

Hearing the news, Brother Yeluxiu was overjoyed and urged the central and rear troops to follow up quickly.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Chai Jin and Dai Zong sneaked into the army, looking for an opportunity, hid in the grass in the canyon, and left Brother Yeluxiu.

Lurking on the cliffs of the valley, Wu Song, Lin Chong, and Lu Zhishen, and their 5 troops, rolling stones, and artillery are all ready. As long as they are ordered, they will all fall down, and at least half of the Liao army will be killed or injured.

"Sure enough, the Liao army is here, and it's time for us to make great contributions this time."

Lu Zhi said happily.

Wu Song and Lin Chong signaled him to keep his voice down.

Lu Zhishen patted his head in embarrassment, and said in a low voice, "The Sajia is so happy. If Brother Wutian hadn't said to wait for them to withdraw before taking action, the Sajia would rush down and make a big killing right now."

Wu Song smiled, and replied in a low voice: "Master Lu, don't worry, there will be a chance. When the time comes, I will hand over Brother Yeluxiu to you, Master, and Coach Lin and I will be responsible for eliminating those fleeing Liao troops?"

Lu Zhishen listened, nodded again and again, patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, brothers, the Sa family will definitely catch Brother Yeluxiu."

Lin Chong also laughed, and said, "Since Master Lu said so, well, I will give you the credit for catching Brother Yeluxiu."

The three of them were chatting and laughing, Yeluxiu's troops had all gathered under Xiguan.

Wu Tian, ​​who was hiding on the tower, clearly saw most of the Liao army by the torches on the tower.

He smiled slightly, and said to the guard beside him: "Light up the fire, open the city gate, and then hide in the B&B to avoid accidental injury."

The guards split up, and Wu Tian flashed into the bunker above the city tower to watch all this.

Brother Yeluxiu came to the city, and when he was wondering, he was very happy to see that the city gate suddenly burst into flames.

Immediately the city gate opened with a creak.

"Brothers, Neiying has already opened the gate of the city, let's rush in and occupy Shen County! Go!"

Brother Yeluxiu shouted, and the Liao army rushed into Shenxian County like a tide.

As soon as he entered Shen County, Yeluxiu Ge Dun felt that something was wrong. How could Shen County be so quiet when their army rushed in?

Suddenly, Brother Yeluxiu felt something was wrong, and shouted to the soldiers beside him, "Bring Chai Jin and Dai Zong up!"

"Back to Marshal, Chai Jin and Dai Zong are gone!"

"What?" Brother Yeluxiu knew he had been fooled, "Retreat!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden sound of clappers on the roofs of the houses in the city, followed by a volley of arrows.

Most of the vanguard of the Liao army fell to the ground with arrows!

(End of this chapter)

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