Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 120 Song-Liao War [Chapter 10]

Chapter 120 Song-Liao War (18) [Chapter 10]

"Get out!"

Brother Yeluxiu shouted, but the Liao army had too many horses and the checkpoints were small, all of them were blocked for a while.

After a shower of arrows, the shouts of killing sounded first from the east.

"Where is Fangou going, your grandpa Guan Sheng is here!"

Guan Sheng's 2 horsemen came out first.

Brother Yeluxiu hurriedly ordered Meng Zhan to face Guan Sheng.

As soon as the order was issued, Li Kui from the west led 2 horses and rushed out.

"Fangou, your grandfather Li Kui is here!"

Li Kui was very excited. He hadn't killed anyone for a month, and he was already hungry and thirsty.

Rushed into the Liao army, wielding an ax, like a lunatic, slashing and killing frantically.

The Liao army was killed in such a burst, and the morale of the army was slackened.

"Fangou, you, Master Hu Yanzhuo, are here!"

Hu Yanzhuo slashed out from the south, waving his double whips. When he swung his two whips, he was like two dragons, overwhelming the river and the sea.

2 horses blocked the southern road of the Liao army.

At this time, Xu Ning from the north rushed out with a hook and sickle spear.

His marksmanship is best against cavalry.Even though the cavalry could dodge a shot, the sickle on the gun would cut the opponent's throat with lightning speed when the gun was pulled back.

Relying on this marksmanship, the cavalry of the Liao army suffered heavy losses and were unable to use the kidnappers' serial horses.

Seeing that all sides were sealed, Yeluxiu was blown away.

Holding the machete, he looked around, looking for a way out.

"Fangou, Shi came in!"

Shi Jin's 2 troops entered from the southeast corner.

The Liao army was terrified by the Song army on all sides, and barely coped with it. At this time, another group of troops entered the southeast corner, and they were even more frightened.

"Hurry up!"

Yeluxiu shouted hysterically.

"Marshal, be careful!"

At this time, a general rushed out from the northeast direction, armed with a simple knife, and led 2 horses to kill.

That general rushed the horse into the siege, and slashed at Brother Yeluxiu with a knife.

Brother Yeluxiu used a machete to hold him back, pushed the enemy general away, and shouted: "Who are you, tell me your name!"

"I am the great general, Yang Xiong, the leader of Wu Tian, ​​the lord of Liangshan!
Brother Yeluxiu, you have been surrounded by us, there is no way out!
Be sensible, get off your horse and surrender now, or you will be wiped out! "

Yang Xiong shouted.

Brother Yeluxiu raised his machete and slashed at Yang Xiong, shouting: "I, brother Yeluxiu, am the grand marshal of the Liao Kingdom. If you want me to surrender, unless I die!"

Brother Yeluxiu was murderous everywhere, and the more he fought, the more fierce he became.

Yang Xiong knew he was not Yeluxiu's opponent, so he left him and left.

Brother Yeluxiu wanted to chase him, but a female general rushed in from the southwest, blocking his way.

"Yizhangqing, Hu Sanniang is here, where is Yeluxiu?"

Brother Yeluxiu saw that Sanniang Hu was pretty, and Heng Dao immediately smiled and said: "Little lady, you are so handsome, a certain family really doesn't want to kill you.

As long as you are willing to surrender to a certain family, a certain family can assure you that you will never be able to enjoy the glory and wealth in this life. "

Hu Sanniang turned cold, snorted, raised her spear and stabbed.

Brother Yeluxiu used his saber to parry him, and took advantage of the momentum to slash at Hu Sanniang.

Hu Sanniang avoided, turned around and left.

Brother Yeluxiu chased after him, and when he was about to catch up, Hu Sanniang took a red silk from her waist, turned around and threw it at Brother Yeluxiu who was approaching.

Hong Ling entangled Brother Yeluxiu, making him unable to move.

Hu Sanniang patted her horse back and was about to stab her with her gun.

When Meng Zhan arrived, he forced Hu Sanniang away and rescued Brother Yeluxiu.

"Marshal, we have been heavily surrounded, and now there is only one left in the northwest direction. Now we will break out from the northwest immediately. We will discuss other matters after we escape from here."

(End of this chapter)

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