Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 122 Song-Liao War [Chapter 12]

Chapter 122 Song-Liao War (20) [Chapter 12]

"It's not what we want to do, it's what you want to do?
Colluding with the Liao army and betraying the imperial court, what do you think will happen to you? "

Wang Yi's face suddenly turned pale.

At dawn, Lu Zhishen detains Meng Zhan, and Wu Song and Lin Chong detain the surrendered soldiers back to Shen County, where they return to Wu Tian.

When Wu Tian heard that brother Yeluxiu had been captured, he was full of joy and ordered Lu Zhishen to take him to the handsome camp.

Meng Zhan followed Lu Zhishen into the camp, and stood in the hall with an arrogant look on his face.

Guan Sheng stood up, pointed at Meng Zhan and said, "Brother, this person is not Brother Yeluxiu!"

Lu Zhi was deeply surprised, and stared at Guan Sheng: "Brother Guan Sheng, you read it right, right?"

Guan Sheng said: "Master Lu, Guan has fought with him, but he is just one of Yeluxiu's generals, named Meng Zhan."

Lu Zhi was deeply annoyed, grabbed Meng Zhan's collar, and shouted: "You bird man, since you're not brother Yeluxiu, why are you wearing his clothes, causing the Sa family to fall short!"

As he said that, Lu Zhishen was about to fight, but was stopped by Lin Chong and Wu Song.

"Master Lu calm down, this matter should be handed over to Brother Wu Tian."

Only then did Lu Zhishen be persuaded.

Wu Tian stared at Meng Zhan, and waved his hand to signal him to untie him.

Meng Zhan was slightly surprised, moved his numb muscles, stared at Wu Tian and said, "You are Wu Tian?"

"Below is Wu Tian."

"Meng has always thought that the village owner of Liangshan should be at least a middle-aged man in his 50s or [-]s, but he didn't expect to be so young. Judging by your appearance, you are only in your early twenties. It seems that Da Song is really talented."

Although Meng Zhan was very unwilling in his heart, they lost after all, and they lost to a young man who was more than ten years younger than them!

Wu Tian smiled and said: "General Meng praised me absurdly, Wu is just a common man, I can achieve what I am today, it is all thanks to my brothers.

Without them, it would be impossible to achieve great things by relying on a single person.

In addition, Da Song sent troops this time to defend the country and defend the country, and it was a just battle.Your Liao Kingdom is treacherous, even if you win a little for a while, you will lose miserably in the end.Because evil cannot prevail over good after all! "

Meng Zhan was silent.

"It's up to each other, and I won't make it difficult for you. As long as you promise not to help the Liao Kingdom invade our Great Song Dynasty in the future, Wu can let you leave here safely."

Meng Zhan frowned slightly, staring at Wu Tian.

"Wu Tian, ​​are you kidding me?"

"It's definitely not a joke, as long as you can do what I just said, you can leave at any time."

Wu Tian's attitude is very clear.

Meng Zhan pondered for a while.

The Song Dynasty can have Wutian and Liangshan heroes, and the Liao Kingdom wants to invade the country of the Song Dynasty, so difficult!

"Okay, I, Meng Zhan, promise you that I will never help the Liao Kingdom invade the Great Song Dynasty from now on!"

Wu Tian nodded in satisfaction, and pointed to the gate of the camp: "You can go now, don't worry, no one will sneak up on you from behind."

Meng Zhanchao cupped his hands and turned to leave.

As soon as he left, Lu Zhishen was dissatisfied, and stepped forward to hand over to Wu Tian: "Brother, I don't know anything about this younger brother, why don't you ask why you didn't kill Meng Zhan?"

Wu Tiandao: "It's easy to kill Meng Zhan. For us, it's just one more military achievement in our credit book. But if we don't kill Meng Zhan, we can gain greater benefits."

Lu Zhi frowned deeply, pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "Zhi Shen doesn't understand, please speak clearly."

Wu Tiandao: "Meng Zhan is a brave general of the Liao Kingdom. If I let him go back, it will definitely cause a lot of influence in the Liao Army. Using his name, I declare that our Song army is benevolent and disintegrate the Liao army psychologically. .”

Hearing this, Lu Zhishen nodded and stepped aside.

"The order will be passed down, the dead Liao soldiers will be buried on the spot, and those who are alive will be treated for injuries, and then all of them will be sent away."

(End of this chapter)

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