Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 123 Song-Liao War [Chapter 13]

Chapter 123 Song-Liao War (21) [Chapter 13]

Except for the 20 Liao soldiers who were dead and buried on the spot, the rest except for the 1 horses who fled, [-] were disabled, and [-] soldiers were surrendered.

The [-] surrendered troops left Shen County that night, and the disabled [-] stayed in the army to heal their wounds.

But they had no fighting spirit, and they didn't want to go back to the Liao Kingdom, and stayed alone in Shen County.

After dealing with the affairs of the Liao soldiers, Wu Tian ordered a banquet to be held in the school grounds, and at the same time ordered Yang Chun and Zheng Tianshou to escort Wang Yi to the school grounds.

"You guys are committing a crime. I'm a supervisor sent by the imperial court. You can't treat me like this!"

Wang Yi struggled and shouted.

Yang Chun and Zheng Tianshou ignored him and threw him at Wu Tian's feet.

Wu Tian stared at Wang Yi condescendingly, his eyes were cold and heartless.

"Wang Jianjun, you should also know what Wu wanted to arrest you here, right? Are you pleading guilty yourself, or do you want me to do it?"

Wang Yi broke out in cold sweat behind his back, but he refused to admit it!
"Wu Tian, ​​what is the crime of this prison army? You humiliate this prison army like this, this prison army refuses to accept it!"

Wang Yi roared.

Wu Tian shook his head and sighed.

"I know, people like you don't shed tears when they see the coffin. Do you think that Wu will have nothing to do with you if you refuse to admit it to death?"

Wu Tian clapped his hands, and An Daoquan came out with the thin monkey.

Thin Monkey knew from the surrendered Liao army that Wu Tian not only did not abuse them, but also healed their wounds and let them go home.

When Wang Yi saw the thin monkey, his face turned pale immediately, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.


Wu Tian pointed to Wang Yi and asked Shouhou: "Did he give you the deployment map of Shen County's soldiers and horses?"

The thin monkey nodded.

Wang Yi scrambled: "General... Lord Wu, I was just forced. They put a knife on my neck. I had no choice but to take out the map..."

Wu Tian nodded slightly: "Even if you were forced to be helpless, why didn't you tell the general afterwards?"


Wang Yi was at a loss for words.

"It's not that you can't say that you just want to wait for the victory of the Liao Kingdom so that you can get more officials and ranks.

A traitor like you who betrays Da Song's interests will only harm my Da Song country if you keep it.

Today, the Japanese general will punish you and tell those half-hearted people what will happen to you! "

Wu Tian was angry, and with a wave of his hand, Li Kui stepped forward, swung the ax without any explanation, and chopped off Wang Yi's head.

All will be happy.

At this time Chai Jin and Dai Zong also came back, Wu Tian greeted them personally, held their hands and said: "You two virtuous brothers, seeing that you have come back safe and sound, I feel relieved as a brother.

Let's go, Brother Wei has ordered someone to set up a banquet, let's all celebrate. "

Chai Jin cupped his hands and said, "Brother Wutian, it's not time to drink now, the Liao army is seriously injured, we should take advantage of this opportunity to recover Dongguan, Jiameng Pass and Yanmen Pass, and drive the Liao army out of the Great Song Dynasty in one fell swoop. "

Wu Tian nodded, thinking it made sense, and immediately ordered Guan Sheng, Li Kui, Lin Chong, Hua Rong, Qin Ming and Dong Ping to lead [-] troops to the expedition.

Brother Yeluxiu was defeated all the way, and Dongguan Pass, Jiameng Pass and Yanmen Pass were all recovered.

Wu Tian held a banquet at Yanmen Pass, and all the generals reveled.

Brother Yeluxiu was defeated all the way to the outside of the pass, counting the number of people, except for the military adviser, the civil and military officials who followed him either died or fled, or disappeared without a trace.

When the 40 troops retreated outside the pass, only [-] were intact and [-] were disabled, which can be described as a major defeat.

Seeing such a disastrous scene, Brother Yeluxiu was stunned and sat on the rock for a long time without saying a word.

Yang Lingnan came over and comforted Brother Yeluxiu: "Marshal, victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists, why are you doing this?"

(End of this chapter)

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