Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 124 Song-Liao War [Chapter 14]

Chapter 124 Song-Liao War (22) [Chapter 14]

Brother Yeluxiu said: "I followed Emperor Taizong to fight north and south, and I have almost never been defeated. Unexpectedly, I lost to a little thief today. What face do I have to face my family in Liao Kingdom? I think I should die Yes, so as not to go back to embarrassment."

As he said that, when Brother Yeluxiu was about to commit suicide, a Liao soldier hurried over and saluted him: "Marshal, King Liang heard that the Marshal was defeated, so he led 40 troops to help."

Brother Yeluxiu was very surprised when he heard this.

Yang Lingnan said: "Now that the reinforcements have arrived, the Marshal temporarily endured today's humiliation and served under King Liang in order to make a comeback."

Brother Yeluxiu remained silent.

After a long time, he sighed slightly: "This is the only way now."

He got up, and Yang Lingnan went to meet Liang Wang's troops.

Liang Wang, Yelu Hongtian, the fourth son of Liao Taizong.

I think that I am superior to my elder brother Yelu Jackie in both martial arts and talent.

But Yelu Jackie was supported by Liao generals such as Yelu Xiu, so he was very annoyed that he had been deprived of his seat in such a way.

This time, Brother Yeluxiu was defeated, and he immediately played the role of Emperor Liao, willing to lead troops to the Great Song Dynasty, first to rescue Brother Yeluxiu, and second, to invade Song State again to avenge the tragic death of the Liao army.

"Brother Yeluxiu, Yang Lingnan pays his respects to His Royal Highness King Liang!"

Brother Yeluxiu and Yang Lingnan's paparazzi Yelu Jackie Chan were dismounted, with an extremely humble attitude.

Yelu Chenglong glanced at them immediately, waved his hand and said, "Get up, and follow me back to the barracks."

Inside Yanmen Pass, Wutian and Liangshan brothers were having fun. Dai Zong came in, cupped his hands at Wutian and said, "Brother, the latest news is that the Liao Kingdom sent four princes, and King Yelu Chenglong of Liang led 40 troops to rescue Brother Yeluxiu."

Wu Tian, ​​who was enjoying himself, waved his hand when he heard this, and said: "The military situation is urgent, brothers, the banquet is over here, let's discuss how to deal with the invading enemy."

The leaders nodded, put down the wine glasses in their hands, and gathered together.

"Brother Dai Zong, how is this Yelu Jackie Chan?"

Wu Tian asked.

Dai Zongdao: "Although Yelu Jackie Chan is the fourth prince, he is determined to seize the position of the eldest prince, but the eldest prince has the support of Yeluxiu and other generals, so it has been difficult for him to do so.

This time, when he heard that Brother Yeluxiu was defeated, he immediately went up to the emperor of Liao and led the troops. His intention was to make meritorious service and establish prestige. its use.

If you don't submit to him, you can also take this opportunity to kill him. "

Wu Tian pondered for a while, and said: "If that's the case, it's just right. Discord between generals and commanders has always been the biggest taboo of soldiers. We can make a fuss from it."

Wu Yong looked at Wu Tian: "Brother said so, but what good plan do you have?"

Wu Tian smiled: "It's not a good strategy, I just have a simple idea.

In the future, whenever Brother Yeluxiu comes to challenge, we will give way, but if Yelv Jackie Chan wants to challenge, we will deal with him severely, so that Yelv Jackie Chan will hate Brother Yeluxiu even more, and without us doing anything, they will be chaotic.

But before that, we must straighten out our forces. "

"I've always had an idea that although we have more than 30 men under the leadership of brothers, the advancement and retreat and functions are still a bit messy. In order to adapt to the upcoming war with the Liao army, I decided to divide the 30 men into five teams. "

"These five teams are the main attacking Qinglong team, with 23 troops.

The white tiger team, which mainly interferes, has 3 horses.

The Suzaku team, which mainly collects intelligence, has 3000 people.

The defensive Xuanwu team has 3 horses.

The Qilin team, which is the main treatment, has 7000 people. "

(End of this chapter)

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