Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 127 Song-Liao War [Chapter 17]

Chapter 127 Song-Liao War (25) [Chapter 17]

Wu Yongdao: "The result will appear around noon...Brother Wutian, do you mean to delay?"

Wu Tiandao: "This is just one way, there is another way, that is to capture the thief first and capture the king first. If we can capture Yelu Chenglong, then the catapult and giant crossbow machine will be useless."

Wu Yong and Dai Zong nodded.

The next day, Yelu Chenglong led an army of 20, pushed [-] trebuchets and hundreds of meters of giant crossbows, and went straight to Yanmen Pass.

"Listen to me, the people above. This king is Yelu Chenglong, the fourth prince of the Liao Kingdom. You should go down to the city and surrender now. Otherwise, the king's catapults and crossbows will be launched. When the time comes, none of you will die!" Can't escape!"

Yelu Jackie pointed at Wu Tian and other leaders watching from the city, and shouted arrogantly.

Hearing this, Lin Chong was furious, and raised his Zhangba Snake Spear and handed over to Wu Tian: "Brother, this Yelu Jackie Chan is really too arrogant, brother please order, go down and arrest him!"

"Okay, I will send Qin Ming and Master Lu to help you, and I must capture this Yelu Jackie alive."

Qin Ming and Lu Zhishen stood up, followed Lin Chong down the city, and switched to battle.

Seeing someone coming out, Yelu Chenglong rode forward, held a long gun in his hand, pointed at Lin Chong and shouted: "Who is coming, tell me your name, this king will not kill unknown juniors!"

"I am Lin Chong, the general under the command of General Wutian! Yelu Jackie Chan, if you have the ability, don't use the crossbow and catapult, fight Lin Chong with your real ability!"

Lin Chong roared.

Yelu Jackie snorted coldly, he was proud of his martial arts skills, and it would not be a problem to deal with a small Liangshan thief.

Brother Yeluxiu saw what Yeluu Chenglong was thinking, and rode up to him, cupped his hands and said, "His Royal Highness Liang, don't fall into Lin Chong's scheme. Liangshan is afraid of our crossbows and catapults, so they proposed Go it alone.

We should play to our strengths instead of being led by the nose by the enemy. "

Brother Yeluxiu had good intentions, but in Yeluchenglong's view, it was an intention to show off and belittle him.

"Oh?" Yelu Jackie sneered, "Brother Yeluxiu, do you mean that you are questioning the king's ability to command troops?"

"King Liang, don't get me wrong, Brother Yeluxiu dares to question you..."

Yelu Jackie couldn't listen to Brother Yeluxiu's words, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

Brother Yeluxiu quickly shut up and stepped aside.

Lin Chong smiled secretly, and continued to stimulate Yelu Jackie Chan.

"Since you want to fight alone, then act quickly, dawdle, like a little girl."

Yelu Jackie's face turned cold, and he shot at Lin Chong with a spear.

Lin Chong was not in a hurry, he used the Zhangba Snake Spear to set up the spear, and swept across it.

Yelu Jackie was surprised, and quickly lowered his head, but it was too late, his shoulder was cut by the snake spear, and he turned his horse's head and fled to the position.

Lin Chong hurriedly gave chase, followed closely by Qin Ming and Lu Zhishen.

Brother Yeluxiu saw that Yelu Jackie Chan was defeated, he quickly raised his machete and urged him to sit down on his horse to rescue him.

"Yelu Jackie, you can't escape!"

Lin Chong swung the snake spear and hit Yelu Jackie Chan on the back.

Yelu Jackie vomited blood and fell off the horse.

When Qin Ming and Lu Zhishen got off their horses and wanted to arrest them, Brother Yeluxiu arrived and stopped them, and Yelu Chenglong was able to escape back to the Liao army camp.

"Come on, get ready the catapult and crossbow, hit me hard, and kill them all!"

Yelu Jackie shouted hysterically.

This time he was ashamed. If it wasn't for Brother Yeluxiu's action, he might have died already!
(End of this chapter)

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