Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 128 Song-Liao War [Chapter 18]

Chapter 128 Song-Liao War (26) [Chapter 18]

The Liao army turned the organs on the catapult and the crossbow, and huge stones and tall sharp arrows were equipped on the catapult and the crossbow respectively.

Just waiting for Yelu Jackie Chan's order, he slammed down on Yanmen Pass like a dense rain.

Lin Chong, Qin Ming and Lu Zhishen retreated quickly.

Wu Tian and others on the city tower were also shocked, the whole Yanmen Pass seemed to be enveloped by a powerful aura, and the person who controlled this result was Yelu Chenglong.

"Liangshan Bandits, today is your death day. Remember, I, Yelv Jackie Chan, killed you. Don't say the wrong name when you go to the King of Hades!"

Yelu Jackie shouted angrily, waved his hand, and the Liao soldiers, who were close to the catapult and crossbow, pressed their hands on the mechanism, and when they were about to turn the mechanism, they suddenly lost all strength.

Immediately, a large number of Liao soldiers began to fall down, groaning in pain.

Wu Tian was overjoyed when he saw this scene, and shouted to the leader of Liangshan behind him: "The opportunity has come, pass the order, and all the horses and horses will be dispatched!"

Except for Chai Jin and An Daoquan who were civil servants in Liangshan, the other 100 heroes led Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu with their own weapons and rushed out to the Liao Army's position.

Yelu Jackie's face was ashen, and he was very confused.

Brother Yeluxiu and his 3 men were not poisoned because they were stationed separately from Yelv Jackie Chan.

Seeing that the general situation was over, he hurriedly protected Yelv Jackie Chan and fled.

Liangshan heroes poured into the Liao army's position like a tide, and beheading the Liao army was like cutting melons and vegetables.

After seizing the position, the Qinglong troops continued to pursue Brother Yeluxiu and Yelu Chenglong, and the other three teams took over all the catapults and crossbows left by the Liao army.

Brother Yeluxiu and Yelu Jackie ran like scattered dogs, they fled for fifty miles in one go before stopping.

Yelu Jackie sat slumped on the ground, his eyes were empty.

When he left the Liao Kingdom, he once laughed at Brother Yeluxiu's incompetence, and boasted that he wanted to destroy the Song Dynasty and seize the Central Plains.

Now, he is worse than Brother Yeluxiu. Not only did he leave behind 40 troops, but he also threw away all the trebuchets and crossbows that he had spent ten years building, which made Wu Tian cheaper!
"Brother Yeluxiu, go back and convey a word to my father for me, Yeluu Jackie is ashamed of him."

Leaving these words behind, Yelu Jackie pulled out the long sword from his waist and committed suicide on the spot.

Brother Yeluxiu wanted to stop it but it was too late, he could only let out a long sigh, ordered Yelu Chenglong's body to be collected, and withdrew to Liao Kingdom overnight.

In this battle, 30 Liao troops were directly killed, [-] to [-] fled in the chaos, more than [-] were arrested, and the rest were missing.

According to the old rules in Shen County, Wu Tian didn't kill any of the captured Liao soldiers, he cured them and released them.

So far, the Song and Liao battles have been decisively won by the Song Dynasty.

Wu Tian held a three-day banquet at Yanmenguan, and everyone drank to their heart's content.

Wu Yong took the opportunity to say, "Brother, now that we have made such great achievements, the imperial court will definitely favor me. I wonder when we will be able to return to the imperial court as teachers?"

The eyes of the rest of the leaders were all focused on Wu Tian at this time, and they had followed Wu Tian for more than a year.

Now nearly 80 Liao troops have been wiped out, and the Liao country has been hit hard. There will be no absolute rest for ten years, and it will never recover.

Wu Tian picked up the glass of wine in his hand, stood up, looked around everyone and said: "Brothers, Wu Tian knows that you all want to go home early, to be rewarded by the imperial court, to earn a title, and to return to your hometown.

There's nothing wrong with that, but it's not over yet.

Liao's military strength has been greatly damaged, and there may be no action within ten years. This is a good time for us to recover the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun. "

(End of this chapter)

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