Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 147 Battle against Longze 1 scene [-]

Chapter 147 The scene of the battle against Longze

Long Ze made another slash, this slash was unpredictable and full of phantoms.

This is the Clone Blade Shadow among the three great tricks of Long Ze Yi Scene.

When it is cast, it is like a thousand knives killing the opponent at the same time.

Wu Song was surrounded by the shadows of knives in the Longze scene, and couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north.

A trace of despair floated in his heart.

When he was about to die, Long Ze changed his mind in a flash, put away his tricks, and put the Japanese sword on Wu Song's neck.

Wu Song was surprised, at this time Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen also rushed in, and seeing Wu Song being held hostage, they pointed at Longze and shouted: "You boy, let go of my brother, otherwise don't blame us for cutting your body into pieces!"

Longze Yijing was not afraid of Lu Zhishen and Lin Chong at all, and took Wu Song's knife one step closer.


Lin Chong and Lu Zhi were deeply annoyed. They wanted to make a move, but they were afraid of hurting Wu Song.

"If you want to save Wu Song's life, go find Wu Tian immediately."

Long Ze's attitude was firm.

Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen looked at each other, turned and left helplessly.

Wu Tian is eating grapes in the National Teacher's Mansion, enjoying the service of Pan Jinlian, Sun Erniang and Shanyun, and he is very happy.

Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen broke in without notification, panting to Wu Tian and said: "Brother is not good, Wu Song was caught by Long Ze, and now the situation is at stake!"

Wu Tian was surprised.

Lin Chong briefly informed Wu Tian of the incident.

Wu Tian's expression suddenly became serious, he got up and left.

Not long after, he came to Zuixiang Tower, and Wang Ying, who was waiting here, hurried forward to greet him.

"elder brother……"

"Needless to say, I already know everything, take me to see Long Ze soon!"

Wang Ying hurriedly led the way and came to the wing room of Longze Yijing.

Seeing Wu Tian coming, Long Zeyi sneered: "Wu Tian, ​​you are finally here, Long Ze Yijing has been waiting for you here for a long time."

Wu Tian said with a cold face: "Long Zeyi scene, you are going to deal with me, don't hurt my brother. Let him go, I will fight with you."

Long Ze nodded, and took back the knife on Wu Song's neck.

Wu Song escaped from danger, walked to Wu Tian, ​​and said in a low voice: "Brother, this Japanese man is very powerful, you have to be careful."

Wu Tian nodded, and said to Wang Ying: "Help Wu Song out, let me handle it here."

Wang Yi helped Wu Song go down.

"You go out too, this time is a duel between me and Wu Tian."

Long Ze gave orders to the wounded Japanese people standing behind him.

Those Japanese people did not dare to disobey Longze Yimu's order and helped each other out.

In the entire wing room, only the scene of Wu Tian and Long Ze remained.

Long Ze pointed the Japanese sword at Wu Tian: "Wu Tian, ​​show your weapon."

Wu Tian spread his hands: "No need, just do it like this."

Long Ze's face darkened.

"Since you are so confident that you can defeat me empty-handed, then I don't have to be polite to you, just die!"

As soon as Long Ze came up, he used his clone sword shadow, and immediately there were countless Japanese sword shadows surrounding Wu Tian from all directions.

Wu Tian smiled slightly, raised his right foot, and used all the feet of the 72 kidnappers, breaking all the sword shadows in all directions.

Long Ze was slightly surprised, staring at Wu Tian in disbelief.

This Clone Blade Shadow, in Wa Kingdom, apart from his senior brother, Wu Tian was the second person who cracked it by the way after he made a move.

Seeing Long Ze stop, Wu Tian smiled and said, "Why, after I cracked the trick, you want to admit defeat?"

Longze laughed in a scene, raised the Japanese sword again, and said, "Wu Tian, ​​don't think it's powerful enough to break my first move. Now I'm going to make a second move. If you can catch this move, then I will Even if you are great."

"and many more!"

(End of this chapter)

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