Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 148 National Teacher, You Should Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 148 National Teacher, You Should Take Care of Yourself

Just as Long Zeyi was about to make a move, Wu Tian suddenly yelled to stop.

"Why, are you afraid?"

The Japanese sword in Longze's scene stopped in mid-air, staring at Wu Tian and mockingly.

"How could Wu be afraid of you, I just feel that this place is small and inconvenient to display my martial arts.

What's more, there are other people downstairs. If we start our actions, it will inevitably hurt others. This is what Wu doesn't want to see. "

"Oh?" Long Ze thought for a moment, it was indeed inconvenient for him to display his stunts in this small place, "Since this is the case, how about we have a showdown in the arena outside the city in three days' time?"

"Okay, Wu will arrive on time in three days."

Wu Tian agreed.

Long Zeyi put away the Japanese sword and left.

Soon, news of the duel between Wutian and Longze spread throughout Tokyo.

When Prime Minister Zuo heard the news, he was very surprised and hurried to the National Teacher's Mansion.

At the gate of the National Teacher's Mansion, Prime Minister Zuo met Dai Zong.

"Left Prime Minister..."

"Dai Zong, what are you doing here?"

Seeing that Dai Zong was out of breath, Prime Minister Zuo frowned and asked.

Dai Zongdao: "Brother Wutian sent me to investigate the scene in Longze. I made a special trip to Japan and just came back."

"I already know the identity of Longzeyixiu. I came to Wutian for this matter. Let's go in and meet him together."

Prime Minister Zuo led Dai Zong into the Imperial Teacher's Mansion.

At this time, Wu Tian was healing with Wu Song.

"Brother, tell me honestly, did you tell me that I could beat Longze?

The younger brother thinks that his martial arts are not weak, but I know that when he fought me, he didn't use his full strength at all.

If the elder brother fights with him, I'm afraid it will be more dangerous than good, but the younger brother boldly advises the elder brother not to fight. "

Wu Song's face was pale, and he persuaded Wu Tian in a low voice.

Wu Tiandao: "I have already promised him, so I can't change it. Don't worry, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. There are still three days left, and I will find a way to defeat him."

Just as he was talking, Dai Zong and Prime Minister Zuo came in.

Wu Tian ordered someone to help Wu Song go down to rest, and got up to greet him.

"Master Zuo came to see Wu Tian, ​​he must have something important to do?"

Zuo Xiang said: "The old man's visit this time is for the sake of the national teacher, you and Longze.

I heard that the national teacher sent Brother Dai Zong to the country of Wa to investigate the scene of Longze. It just so happened that the old man knew something about the scene of Longze, so he came here to inform. "

Wu Tian smiled, and cupped his hands towards Prime Minister Zuo: "For Prime Minister Zuo's kindness, Wu Tian is very grateful."

"You're welcome, the old man is just doing his best."

Zuo Xiang sorted out his thoughts, "Long Ze Yi Mo is the younger brother of the first master swordsman in the Japanese country, Liu Sheng Sword Soul.

In addition, it is rumored that he also realized three extremely powerful moves. Once the three moves are used, the world will change color. "

Dai Zong answered: "That's right, brother. When I went to Japan to inquire, I heard their local kendo masters talk about the three moves in the scene of Longze, and all of them showed fear."

Zuo Xiang and Dai Zong thought that Wu Tian would think carefully after hearing this, and would not fight Long Ze again.

But Wu Tian ignited his fighting spirit, and said with a smile: "It turns out that this kid in Longzeyimu is so powerful, that's even better, and I won't be so boring when fighting."

When Prime Minister Zuo heard this, he became impatient.

"National teacher, the truth is that I hope you will be cautious and don't make unnecessary choices out of momentary anger. Why don't you listen?"

"Although the Liao Kingdom was severely injured, the rest of the tribes did not dare to take action, it is because they are afraid of you, the national teacher, and the heroes of Liangshan under your command.

If you make a mistake in this competition, then my Da Song will be in jeopardy.

For the sake of the country of the Great Song Dynasty, and for the sake of the people of the Great Song Dynasty, you should take good care of yourself and not try to be brave! "

(End of this chapter)

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