Chapter 149
Wu Tian was scolded by Prime Minister Zuo, and he was stunned.

It took a long time for Wu Tian to come back to his senses, and he cupped his hands towards Zuo Xiang: "Wu Tian remembers Zuo's great love for Wu Tian.

But since Wu Tian has agreed to the scene of Longze, if he does not go to the battle in three days, he will still have the face to stay in Tokyo City in the future, and what face will he have to lead the army when there is something going on in the future? "

Left phase: "..."

Wu Tian continued: "Besides, I have also fought against Longze Yixie. Wu is confident that in terms of overall strength, Wu will definitely be able to defeat Longze Yixie."

Looking at the confident Wu Tian, ​​Prime Minister Zuo knew that he couldn't convince him anymore, so he shook his head and left helplessly.

As soon as Prime Minister Zuo left, Dai Zong came over and asked in a low voice: "Brother, are you really sure that you can win Longze?"

Wu Tian glanced at Dai Zong, dissatisfied: "Why, do you think your elder brother can't win?"


Dai Zong backed away in embarrassment.

A young servant in the distance watched all this secretly, turned around and quietly left Guoshifu, crossed two streets, and went straight to a luxurious mansion. There was a plaque on the mansion, which read "Taishifu" three Character.

Grand Master Cai Jing is drinking tea in the back hall.

The young man hurried in, knelt down in front of Cai Jing and kowtowed.

"Get up, what's the inside story?"

The boy went to Cai Jing's ear and told Cai Jing what Zuo Xiangwu said.

Cai Jing nodded and waved his hand to signal the servant to leave.

The young man withdrew, Cai Jing said to a guard: "Go, call the old man to Staff Officer Gao."

The guards retreated, and after a while, a man in his thirties, wearing Confucian attire, came in and bowed his hands to Cai Jing: "Gao Jinru sees the Grand Master!"

"Senior Gao, you don't need to be polite, the old man came to you to discuss something important."

Cai Jing said straight to the point.

Gao Jinru said: "The Grand Master is doing this for Wu Tian and Longze, right?"

Cai Jing smiled: "As expected of being the Chief Staff Officer of the Grand Master, I guessed what I was thinking so quickly. Yes, I came to you just for their affairs. Wu Tian and Liang Shan are now popular people around His Majesty. We As for this group of veterans, they were marginalized instead. The far right minister was killed, and the near one, Gao Taiwei fled. Next, I am afraid it will be the old man."

Gao Jin looked at Cai Jing in puzzlement.

Cai Jing continued: "The old man is also dissatisfied with you. When the old man and the right minister did not make a fortune, they used to be sworn brothers. They made an appointment to share the blessings and share the difficulties. The right minister is trying to change the dynasty. I know it and I support it. It's just that the old man was not in good health at the time. , You cannot act together with Prime Minister Right. By the time the old man recovered, Prime Minister Right had already been killed. Fortunately, Prime Minister Right was a brother, and he did not confess to this old man until he died."

"After the right minister died, the left minister came to power. But this old man secretly tracked down the right minister all the way to see if he had any accomplices. If this continues, the old man will be found out one day..."

After hearing what Cai Jing meant, Gao Jinru clasped his hands and said: "Gao Jinru understands, the grand master asked me to come here because he wanted to eradicate Zuo Xiang's right-hand assistant Wu Tian and his Liangshan heroes first, cut off Zuo Xiang's strength, and then Look for an opportunity to clean up the left side."

Cai Jing nodded, and patted Gao Jinru on the shoulder: "That's what this old man means. Tell me, do you have a good idea?"

Gao Jinru pondered for a while, then said: "Since the two of them are competing, why don't we use this opportunity to make a fortune?"

"How to make money?"

"The grand master set up a gamble, and sent people to spread the news around the city of Tokyo. Long Ze Yi Mo is better than Wu Tian. At that time, many people will buy Long Ze Yi Mo. In this way, there are two situations. One, Wu Tian wins." Second, if Wu Tian loses, the grand master loses money, but if Wu Tian loses, he will have no face to stay in this Tokyo city anymore. The grand master took the opportunity to play His Majesty, in order to calm public opinion, let Wu Tian and his Liangshan heroes leave Tokyo City. Once they leave Tokyo City, Prime Minister Zuo will cut off his own arm, why don’t you let the grand master decide?”

(End of this chapter)

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