Chapter 150
After listening to Gao Jinru's suggestion, Cai Jing nodded again and again, very happy.

"That's a good idea. No matter what the result is, the old man will reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

Cai Jing ordered people to spread the news and the gambling market that night.

The next day, news spread throughout the city of Tokyo that there was a competition between Tianqiang and Longze.

Common people in the market, whoever has two coins, will go to the gambling market set up on the side of the road to buy a scene of Longze to win!

In the National Teacher's Mansion, Wu Tian has been thinking in the mansion for the past two days how to decipher the sword technique in Longze's scene.

Just as he was thinking, Dai Zong hurried in and handed over to Wutian; "Brother, it's bad, I don't know who set up the betting table, and rumors spread that Longze was better than you, which made those ordinary people pay for it." When the money comes out, buy Longze and win."

As soon as Dai Zong finished speaking, Lin Chong and Guan Sheng led more than a dozen leaders in, and handed over to Wu Tian: "Brother, I'll wait for a discussion, and I dare to come here, please don't compete with Longze."

Wu Tian waved his hand to signal to the leaders to avoid the ceremony, and said with a slight smile: "Brothers must have heard the rumors outside that Longze Yishuang is better than me, are you afraid that I will lose?"

The leaders were silent.

"Longze Yixie is very strong. I don't deny this, but I am confident that my martial arts are not inferior to Longze Yixie. The person who released this news and set up the gambling table has sinister intentions. He wants to use this method to bring me down. There is no door!" Wu Tian shouted angrily, "Dai Zong, you take 10 taels of gold from the mansion, and you can buy me to win wherever you set up a gamble! I want to see if the other party dares to accept it!"

Dai Zong hesitated.


Wu Tian roared.

Dai Zong just went to do it.

Wu Tianxia bought him 10 taels of gold to win, which frightened the man in charge of the gambling table.

"Brother, are you joking, 10 taels of gold bet Wu Tian to win?"

Dai Zong darkened his face, stared at the guy and shouted: "I've already said it three times, this 10 taels of gold will buy my elder brother Wu Tian to win! If you dare not accept it, then don't set up a gamble here, get out as soon as possible!" "

Seeing that Dai Zong didn't look like he was joking, the man hesitated for a while, then cupped his hands and said, "Brother, 10 taels of gold is not a small amount after all. I can't decide this matter. Otherwise, just wait here for a while, and I will give you a lot of money." Go and report to my master now and let him decide."

Dai Zong nodded.

The clerk asked his companions to guard the gambling table, took a small path and entered the Grand Master's Mansion through the back door, and reported the matter to Cai Jing.

Cai Jing and Gao Jinru were listening to the betting situation at various gambling markets, when they suddenly heard that Wu Tian asked Dai Zong to take 10 taels of gold to buy him to win, they looked surprised.

Cai Jing stared at the guy: "You read it right, right?"

The clerk said: "Grand Master, I'm not mistaken, Dai Zong ordered someone to carry 10 taels of gold, and now the gold is still at the intersection. If you don't believe it, Grand Master, you can send someone to look there."

Cai Jing frowned slightly, and waved for the man to go down.

As soon as the buddy left, Gao Jinru said: "Teacher, it looks like this Wutian is going to fight you to the end. Buy yourself to win with 10 taels of gold. It's because he thought of this trick that he can spread the news about us." It was disintegrated, and secondly, if he wins, the Grand Master will suffer heavy losses..."

As soon as he said this, Cai Jing raised his hand and slapped Gao Jinru hard.

Gao Jinru's right cheek swelled up like a pig's head.

Cai Jing pointed at Gao Jinru and scolded: "It's all you idiot, the old man is really blind. I listened to you and set up this gamble. Now not only the matter has not been done, but I have caused myself a lot of trouble! Think about it for the old man! If you can't think of a good way, I will kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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