Chapter 159 Believe Wrong Wu Tian

"This time, no matter what Wu Tian says, he can't escape Mr. Long Ze's hand. The outcome will be decided soon."

"Oh, I thought I could watch it for a while, but I didn't expect the winner to be decided so soon. It's really not fun."

Hearing what these Japanese people said, the Liangshan hero and Zuo Xiang were very angry. Lin Chong and Wu Song all stood up, gearing up to teach those Japanese people a lesson.

Song Emperor's face also became very ugly, only Cai Jing was secretly happy in his heart.

The sooner Long Zeyi kills Wu Tian, ​​the sooner he can make a fortune with peace of mind!

On the stage, Wu Tian felt that the acupoints were sealed by this qi, and even the blood qi couldn't get through completely.

If this continues, there is really only a dead end waiting for him.

"Wu Tian, ​​do you know how powerful I am now?" Longze Yijing's Japanese sword has gathered a lot of power, emitting a dazzling white light, "You should feel honored to be able to see my second greatest trick."

"Go to hell!"

Long Ze slashed at Wu Tian with one blow.

This knife gathered most of his body's strength, and it was so powerful that every stone brick on the ground of the ring was crushed and turned into powder when it touched this knife.

"What a powerful knife!"

Yamamoto couldn't help but admire.

The strength of Longze Yijing has far exceeded the scope of his cognition.

The heroes of Liangshan all stood up, the saber in the scene of Longze just now can be said to have surpassed the fortune of the world, even if they used this move together, they would definitely not be able to stop it.

"Big brother!"

The Liangshan hero couldn't help shouting.

They clenched their hands into fists, but there was nothing they could do.

Emperor Song's face turned pale, he never thought that the scene of Longze was stronger than he imagined!

This strength is simply terrifying!
This time, the prestige of the Song Dynasty was lost, and this time he, the emperor of the Song Dynasty, would become the laughing stock of the Wa Kingdom.

This time, the general he relied on to protect the country was personally sent to the guillotine by him.

This time, the hearts of Liangshan heroes were all chilled by him.

Emperor Song regretted it and wished he could find a place to bury himself.

Cai Jing, on the other hand, looked joyful. If it wasn't for his status, he would have jumped up and applauded.

As expected, Long Ze's scene did not disappoint his expectations, the move just now, not to mention Wu Tian, ​​even Liangshan heroes would surely die!

The people in the audience were also in a mess at this time.

"If I had known that this Longze scene was so powerful, I would have bought him and won. Now it's all right, the money lost, and our Great Song Dynasty's face is also lost!"

"That's right, I thought that Wu Tian bought himself 10 taels of gold to win, so he was very sure. I didn't expect this guy to be so vulnerable today, and he was instantly killed in one round!"

"I'm so pissed off, this time I really believed in Wu Tian wrongly!"

Those people who bought Wutian to win shouted and scolded one after another.

On the stage, the power of Long Zeyi's blade gradually dissipated, and his forehead was covered with sweat.The move just now exhausted more than half of his strength, he was a little tired, but he was confident that Wu Tian would be dead this time!

But in the next second, he was stunned.

After the smoke dissipated, Long Ze saw a figure.


Long Ze couldn't believe it for a moment, the person who got hit by his trick was able to survive!
The Liangshan hero on the viewing platform also saw a figure standing there and not falling down.

"Look, brother Wutian doesn't seem to be dead!"

"It's Brother Wutian, I knew he wouldn't be defeated so easily by Longze!"

(End of this chapter)

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