Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 160 If you can catch it, I will commit seppuku on the spot

Chapter 160 If you can catch it, I will commit seppuku on the spot
"God bless, it's great that brother Wutian is not dead!"

The heroes of Liangshan were overjoyed, hugged each other and shouted.

Song Emperor also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, Da Song's face is still there.

Cai Jing's face turned gloomy, he looked at Long Ze and motioned for him to make a quick move.

Long Zeyi wanted to make a move, but his physical strength was too great, and he couldn't use the same move in a short time.

When the smoke dissipated, Wu Tian stood in front of Longze Yijing with a broken golden knife in his hand, with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth: "Mr. Longze, how are you, are you surprised?"

Long Ze looked at Wu Tian, ​​except for the broken golden knife, the rest was unscathed.

"Impossible, even if you can resist my tricks, you can't be unscathed. What's going on here?"

Wu Tian shook his head repeatedly as he watched the scene of Long Ze who looked like a lunatic.

"Your move is very powerful, but at the moment you make the move, you concentrate all your strength on the knife, and the air pressure will dissipate. At that moment, my body regained its freedom, so I avoided it. Your attack."

Long Ze was stunned.

Wu Tian's words are exactly the same as what he said when he used this move to his senior sword master.

"Impossible, I don't believe it!"

Long Ze couldn't believe it, but Wu Tian saw through the flaws in his moves the first time he saw them!

Wu Tian shrugged helplessly.

"Mr. Longze, whether you believe it or not, the fact is right in front of you. I have indeed broken your trick. Now you have one last trick. You can choose to use it to fight me desperately, or you can choose to reconcile."

"Your cultivation in the way of the sword is actually very high, but you are deluded by worldly fame and fortune, and cannot reach the realm of harmony between man and nature. If you can let go of these things, your way of swordsmanship will go to a higher level."

Wu Tian persuaded Long Ze with good words. Until now, he has not done any heinous things, and there is no need to kill them all.

Long Ze was silent for a long time, then he laughed out loud, his voice seemed to be insane.

"Wu Tian, ​​don't think it's a big deal for you to escape my trick."

"Don't tell me here, why do I need you to teach me the way of swordsmanship in the scene of Longze.

Now that we are in this arena, only one of us can survive.

Are you ready for my last move.

This move is the strongest move I have researched. If you can catch it, I will commit seppuku on the spot and make atonement to you! "

Seeing that Long Ze went crazy, Wu Tian heaved a long sigh.

"Mr. Longze, why are you doing this? You can't do everything too much, and the fate must be exhausted early."

Long Ze held the Japanese sword tightly in both hands, and glanced at Wu Tian: "Don't talk about these things, just take my last move!"

Seeing that Wu Tian has decided to kill him, it is useless to say more.

In the scene of Longze holding the knife in one hand and stepping on both legs, he could see clearly at first, but then it got faster and faster, and then he saw only shadows but not his feet.

"Wu Tian, ​​take my last move, 'Quick Cut'!"

As soon as the words fell, Long Ze disappeared!

Wu Tian was surprised, the next second he felt a strong murderous aura on his back, and subconsciously avoided it.

But it was still a bit late. When dodging, his right arm was scratched by the sharp Japanese sword, and blood flowed.

"so fast!"

Wu Tian couldn't help shouting in his heart.

As soon as he landed, a sharp knife stabbed his face.

Wu Tian didn't have time to think, and resisted with the incomplete golden knife.

The knife suddenly disappeared, and appeared on his left in the next second.

Before Wu Tian had time to turn around, he was stabbed again on his left arm, blood spurted out, turned into bloody flowers, and sprinkled on the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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