Chapter 162 The Power of Bonds

"Brother, you can't just leave us alone."

"Brother, Liangshan cannot do without you!"

"Brother, get up and beat him!"

Wu Tian came back to his senses, and quickly turned over to avoid the Japanese sword in Long Zeyi's scene.

"Hey, you still have the strength to avoid my knife!"

Long Ze was surprised, Wu Tian was exhausted, logically speaking, it was impossible for him to dodge the knife just now!
Wu Tian stood firm, calm and happy, and said to the hidden Longze scene: "You are right, I didn't have the strength to avoid your knife at first, but there is a kind of strength that can surpass the limit of the body."

"What power?"

【Ding!All the shock value is converted into force value completed! 】

[The host's current force value: 160000 (Grandmaster [-]th stage)]

"That's the bond. The bond between brothers, the bond between lovers!"

Wu Tian said solemnly.

The next moment, all the strength in his body radiated out, and a strong wind suddenly blew up the arena, and even the hidden scene of Longze was forced to show its original shape.


Long Ze's eyes became extremely cold in a scene, "Ba Ga! You mean you can beat me by relying on bonds?

Don't make me laugh, just now was just a flashback before your dying struggle. There is only one end for you in the end, and that is death! "

After finishing speaking, Long Ze disappeared again, only the sound of fast-moving footsteps and the sound of wind continuously entered Wu Tian's ears.

Since the speed is so fast that he can't see it with his eyes, then he listens and feels it with his heart.

He closed his eyes, calmed all the muscles in his body, and listened quietly to the sounds on the ring.

The voice starts off as a single point, slowly turns into a human shape, and ends up being an exact person.

"At this!"

Wu Tian felt the figure of Long Ze Yi Mo, turned around and successfully avoided Long Ze Yi Mo's Japanese sword.

The scene of Longze cut empty again, he was shocked, the next second Wu Tian was already close to him, just as he was about to raise the knife, Wu Tian wiped his neck.

Blood spurted out and splashed all over the ground.

"Mr. Longze!"

Kazuma Yamamoto stood up and cried out.

The rest of the Japanese were dumbfounded, watching all this in disbelief.

Long Zeyi scene actually lost!
Wu Tian gently pushed Long Zeyi's corpse, and he fell to the ground with a bang, kicking up a cloud of dust.

"we won!"

The Liangshan heroes who hesitated for a while stood up one after another and cheered loudly!
The people in the audience who bought Wu Tianying also cheered.

"Wu Tian won!"

"Now we're making a fortune!"

"Win! Win!"

Emperor Song also smiled, and Da Song's dignity was preserved.

Cai Jing, on the other hand, was pale and slumped on the chair without saying a word.

Longze lost in Yijing, which meant that he had to pay a huge sum of money.

He looked at the butler who was waiting on him.

The housekeeper understood what Cai Jing meant, and said in a low voice, "This time, I lost a total of 20 taels of gold."

Hearing this number, Cai Jingdun felt his viscera surging, and he spit out a mouthful of blood in the next second.


Emperor Song shouted in surprise.

The housekeeper hurriedly stepped forward to comfort Cai Jing, and it took a long time for Cai Jing to wake up, tears streaming down his face.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"


Cai Jing was speechless.

Emperor Song didn't ask any more questions, and said to the eunuch, "Send the grand master back to the mansion, and let the imperial doctor go to the grand master's mansion to see a doctor for him."

The servant eunuch and the butler helped Cai Jing up from left to right. Just as he was about to leave, Wu Tian came down from the ring, caught up and shouted: "Wait a minute!"

(End of this chapter)

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