Dressed as Wu Dalang, Jinlian please respect yourself

Chapter 163 Doesn't Wu Aiqing even give me face?

Chapter 163 Doesn't Wu Aiqing even give me face?
Emperor Song looked displeased and stared at Wu Tian: "Wu Aiqing, Grand Master is not feeling well, what's your matter, it won't be too late to talk about it after he recovers."

Wu Tianchao Emperor Song handed over his hand: "Your Majesty didn't know something. When the Grand Master learned about the competition between the subject and Longze, he placed a bet. At that time, the subject bet 10 taels of gold and bought himself to win. Fortunately, the subject did not disgrace his life and killed him by chance." The scene of Longze died, according to our agreement, the grand master should lose 10 taels of gold to me. I just want to ask, when will the grand master give this money to the minister, so that the brother can come to pick it up."

When Cai Jing heard this, he turned around, looked pitifully at Emperor Song, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I did lose 10 taels of gold to the national teacher, and it was my greed that caused this sadness. It is only natural for the national teacher to ask the minister for this money now. Don't worry, your majesty, I will go back and sell all my mansion, wife and children, and I will definitely collect the 10 taels of gold to the national teacher."

Seeing Cai Jing's desolate look, Emperor Song really couldn't bear it.

He looked at Wu Tian and said: "Wu Aiqing, the grand master's behavior this time is a bit inappropriate, can you take it for my sake, let's forget about it."

Wu Tian shook his head.

"Wu Aiqing doesn't even give me face?"

Wu Tiandao: "Your Majesty, this is the grand master's own bet with the humble minister, and the humble minister did not force the grand master. What's more, the money was won by the humble minister at the risk of his life, how can it be so easy?"

Wu Tian is not stupid, if Cai Jing is let go this time, he will definitely design to frame him.

The heroes of Liangshan also stood up at this time and bowed their hands to Emperor Song.

"Your Majesty, as the saying goes, it is fair to pay off debts. If the grand master wins the bet, he must plan to bear the loss. This time, fortunately, my elder brother won. If my elder brother loses, will the grand master know?" My elder brother's 10 taels of gold?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, you can't favor the Grand Master, the common people are still watching."

"Your Majesty, please make the decision and let the Grand Master return my elder brother's 10 taels of gold!"

Emperor Song looked at the aggressive Liangshan heroes, and felt angry in his heart, but he couldn't express it.

The common people in the audience also gathered under the viewing platform at this time, staring at Emperor Song.

At this moment, Emperor Song was unable to get off the tiger.

Zuo Xiang took the opportunity to whisper to Emperor Song: "Your Majesty, looking at the situation, let the grand master fulfill his promise. The grand master is a high-ranking member of the court, and his every move represents the image of the court. If the promise can not be fulfilled, the people will lose confidence in the court in the future. If it goes on for a long time, it will be detrimental to His Majesty and the great Song Dynasty."

Emperor Song pondered for a moment, nodded, looked at Wu Tian and said, "Wu Aiqing, since you insist on asking for the 10 taels of gold, I have nothing to say. In this way, I will return the 10 taels of gold for the Grand Master. You should be satisfied, right?"

Wu Tian saw Song Emperor forcefully stand out, thought for a moment, cupped his hands and said: "Since Your Majesty has said so, I can only agree, I have thanked Your Majesty for your kindness."

After all, Wu Tian knelt down and kowtowed to Emperor Song.

The rest of the Liangshan heroes also knelt down and kowtowed to Emperor Song.

Emperor Song stared at Wu Tian condescendingly, his eyes were full of resentment and murderous intent, but the time did not come.

"Wu Tian, ​​I hope you will take care of yourself."

Leaving these words behind, Emperor Song flung his sleeves and left.

The next day, 20 taels of gold together with Wu Tian's previous capital was sent to the National Teacher's Mansion.

Looking at the gleaming gold, Wu Tian accepted 15 taels of gold and distributed the remaining 5 taels of gold to the Liangshan brothers.

【Ding!The host obtained 10086 points of Luck in Longze's scene]

[The host's current luck value: 369996 (daily consumption of 30 points, the source of consumption is the Lord of Liangshan, the Great Master of the Song Dynasty)]

(End of this chapter)

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