Chapter 165 Megatron Japan
"Oh?" Okamura Ichiro smiled slightly, and looked at Yamamoto Kazuma, "Tell me about it."

Kazushin Yamamoto said: "The emperors of the Song Dynasty have always been very careful about generals. This time when Long Zejun and Wutian competed, Wutian originally didn't want to sign the certificate of life and death. It was the emperor of the Song Dynasty who pressured him and finally had to sign. Later Wu Tian won and asked the treacherous official Taishi to fulfill his promise to give money, but the emperor of Song Dynasty defended the traitor and wanted to give money for him. It can be seen that the emperor of Song Dynasty was on guard against Wu Tian in his heart. , the heart is not at peace, once there is a chance to get rid of Wu Tian, ​​the Emperor of Song Dynasty will definitely not show mercy."

Ichiro Okamura laughed and patted Kazuma Yamamoto on the shoulder.

"Yamamoto-kun, you did a good job. This is important information. However, how should we take advantage of their feud?"

Kazuma Yamamoto clasped his hands and said: "About this, I have already thought about it on the way back. Long Zejun is dead, his senior brother Miyamoto Shinzo will definitely not let it go, and will definitely challenge Wu Tianxia. , we can use this to make a big fuss. First of all, His Majesty the Emperor wrote to the Emperor of Song Dynasty, requesting that Wu Tian must come to Japan for a competition. In the letter, some ironic words can be written to stimulate Song Emperor. Once Wu Tian comes, Then our next step is to set up an ambush in the country of Wa. If Miyamoto Shinzo kills Wutian, then there is no need to say anything. If Miyamoto Shinzo fails, then we will gather all the forces of the country of Wa to kill Wuten. die."

"Once Wu Tian dies, the great general who protects the country of the Great Song Dynasty will be gone, so we can secretly train our troops and prepare to invade the Central Plains and seize the great Song dynasty."

When Ichiro Okamura heard this, he was very happy, and laughed and said: "Okay, I will leave everything to you, Yamamoto-kun. After capturing the Central Plains in the future, I will never forget the contribution Yamamoto-kun has made to the country of Japan. There is a reward!"


Kazuma Yamamoto bowed and shouted.

Ever since his younger brother Ryuze Yimu left, Miyamoto Shinzo has been sitting in the backyard all day learning the way of swordsmanship.

A disciple came in and cupped his hands at Miyamoto Shinzo: "Master, the Minister of Defense has returned and brought a coffin."

Miyamoto Shinzo opened his eyes, frowned, and an ominous premonition hit his heart.

He got up and hurried out to meet Kazuma Yamamoto.

When Yamamoto Kazushin saw Miyamoto Shinzo, he knelt down on his knees.

Miyamoto Shinzo was surprised. Although he was a master of swordsmanship, he was still just an ordinary citizen of the Wa Kingdom.

Kazuma Yamamoto is the Minister of Defense of the Wa Kingdom, equivalent to a first-rank official in the Central Plains.

"Minister of Defense, what does this mean?"

Miyamoto Shinzo quickly helped Kazuma Yamamoto up.

Kazuma Yamamoto pointed to the coffin and said: "Miyamoto-kun, I'm sorry, Longze-kun was killed by a Wutian in Song Dynasty..."

Miyamoto Shinzo was shocked.

"Since Wu Tian defeated the 80 army of the Liao Kingdom, he thought he was invincible in the world. He looked down on us Japanese people very much, saying that our small Japanese country is not as big as their state and county in the Song Dynasty. He was very angry when he insulted the Wa country like this, so he signed a life-and-death certificate with Wu Tian to compete in martial arts."

"Originally, Long Zejun was sure of winning, but Wu Tian actually attacked Long Zejun in a sneak attack. Long Zejun was unprepared for a moment, and he was successfully attacked by him and was killed in the end!"

Hearing that his junior brother was killed by a sneak attack in order to protect the dignity of the Japanese kingdom, Miyamoto Shinzo was furious, smashed the table beside him with his palm, and shouted: "Wu Tian bullies people too much!"

(End of this chapter)

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