Chapter 166 Another Trick
"Minister of Defense, Miyamoto Shinzo has something to ask, please help me send a letter of war to the territory of Song Dynasty. I, Miyamoto Shinzo, want to challenge Wutian, and I will kill him personally to avenge my junior brother !"

Miyamoto Shinzo has lost his mind.

Yamamoto smiled secretly, this Miyamoto Shinzo finally took the bait, and immediately patted his chest and said: "Miyamoto-kun, don't worry, you just write the letter, and I will send someone to send it to the territory of Song Dynasty!"

Miyamoto Shinzo turned around and sat down at the table, picked up a pen and wrote a letter and handed it to Kazuma Yamamoto.

Yamamoto hid it well, said goodbye and left.

Ten days later, two letters were sent to the Song Palace.

Emperor Song took a look at it, and Longyan was furious, and slapped the letter on the table with a "slap".

Zuo Xiang and Grand Master Cai Jing standing under the hall were surprised.

The left minister cupped his hands: "Your Majesty, what did you say in the letter from the country of Wa?"

Emperor Song handed over the letter to Zuo Xiang.

Prime Minister Zuo glanced at it, and said angrily: "This Japanese is too presumptuous. It is obvious that Long Ze was killed because his skills were not as good as others, and he also said that our Da Song used a despicable method of sneak attacking hidden weapons to win!"

"It's not over yet. The senior brother Miyamoto Shinzo in the scene of Longze even sent a letter of war to Wu Tianxia, ​​saying that our Great Song Dynasty is a group of people who make wine and rice bags. If there is a sense, send Wu Tian alone to Japan to fight with him. Let's try!"

Emperor Song answered.

When Cai Jing heard this, he was overjoyed, took a step forward, and bowed his hands to Emperor Song: "Your Majesty, since this Japanese is so arrogant, we will send Wu Tian there to teach them a good lesson!"

Emperor Song fell silent.

Zuo Xiang saw Cai Jing's thoughts, he was going to put Wu Tian in a dangerous situation.

"Your Majesty, I feel that the Japanese's war letter can be ignored. Our dynasty is a kingdom of heaven, so why should we have the same experience as a small Japanese kingdom in the East China Sea. What's more, we are facing the battle this time. If the Japanese are defeated again, they will definitely fight back. Send me a letter of challenge. If this goes on and on again, isn’t my Da Song being led by the nose by the Japanese?”

Emperor Song nodded slightly after listening to Prime Minister Zuo's words.

Cai Jing became anxious, and interjected: "The Zuo Prime Minister's remarks are absurd. It is precisely because we are a country in the heavenly court that we cannot be looked down upon by a small Japanese country in the East China Sea. If we do not fight this time, the Japanese people will think that we are afraid of them In the future, the rest of the tribes will definitely follow the example of the Wa Kingdom, so how can my Song Dynasty let Wanbang come to the court?"

Zuo Xiang was also anxious, and shouted: "If according to what the grand master said, Wu Tian will go to the country of Japan to fight alone. Even if he wins, will the Japanese allow him to leave smoothly and safely? The reason why the Japanese set up the competition place in the country of Japan is to I want to gather all the power of the whole country to strangle Wu Tian after losing. Once Wu Tian dies, Liangshan will surely be riddled with dragons, and at that time, if the Japanese or even the Liao Kingdom invade again, what will our Song Dynasty rely on to resist?"

Cai Jing was speechless.

Song Emperor listened to Zuo Xiang's words, but he had some thoughts, and said: "Even if Wu Tian is gone, there is still Zhen! The heroes of Liangshan and the others are loyal to Zhen, the Great Song Dynasty, not Wu Tian alone!"

Zuo Xiang was shocked, from Emperor Song's words, it could be heard that he had long wanted to attack Wu Tianxia.

Cai Jing was overjoyed, and his tone became stronger.

"Left Prime Minister, you heard it too. Your Majesty is right. The hero of Liangshan owes his allegiance to His Majesty, the Song Dynasty, not Wu Tian alone. You repeatedly prevented His Majesty from sending Wu Tian to the country of Wa. Do you have something to do with Wu Tian? Collusion?"

(End of this chapter)

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